
Li Jinglong turned on the amplification.

After dialing a few times, the other party finally connected.

Just the first sentence scared him that he couldn't even grasp his mobile phone.

"Hey, talk, who are you!"

"If you don't say, I'll hang up the phone?"

"Don't pay attention to this call, explain it above, this matter needs to be put in order!"



After the last word came from the other side, he hung up the phone.

But at this time, the two suddenly softened and sat directly on the chair.

"Beast, that's what you told me is okay?"

No wonder Lin Tongfu didn't give himself face at all at that time, it turned out that it was really his son who made things.

Now that people have been caught, it is certainly not a trivial matter.

"From now on, you keep me at home.

Let me see you go out to make trouble, what happened, don't say I don't help.

The Li family is not, only you, your cousins and cousins are still there, and there is a monthly pocket money cancellation! After

Li Hongxin said this, he threw his hands and walked out, and he still had to explain to Lin Tongfu.

"Go to the county yard!"

As for how he discussed with Lin Tongfu, only the two of them knew.

In the following time, no one in the construction site came to make trouble.


After the Spring Festival.

"What do you say, you haven't done it yet, Xinxin transfer procedures?"

Wang Lanhui pointed at the old man and said.

"Didn't my son let you go through it a long time ago, why didn't you say it until now!"

On the day before the start of school, Qin Anguo took Xinxin to sign up.

I was told that our school did not receive your granddaughter's transfer procedures.

"Comrade, I'm sorry, please check again!"

Wang Lanhui did not walk away, but asked the staff to look again.

"Qin Xinxin, it's all said no, hurry up and go away, don't block our work!"

Hearing Wang Lanhui ask again, a staff member walked out impatiently.

"Wait, how do you know my granddaughter's name, I don't seem to have told you?"

Wang Lanhui looked at the staff who had just walked over, and she pushed herself out.

"Hurry up, can't I just see?"

This staff member was asked by Wang Lanhui like this, and almost couldn't answer.

"What the hell is this old man doing to eat, such a simple thing, can't do it!"

The more she thought about it, the more angry she became, Wang Lanhui took out her mobile phone and made a call back.

"I didn't expect him to break his word!"

Hearing Wang Lanhui accusing himself, Qin Anguo did not refute.

It is true that this matter has not been done well by himself.

"Who the hell are you asking for help?"

She remembered the attitude of the staff just now, and Wang Lanhui felt that there must be something greasy inside.

"Old Zhou!"

"Zhou Wenguang?"

"Yes, that's him!"

Now the school that Qin Xinxin wants to transfer to is Shuijiang County Experimental Primary School.

Qin Anguo retired from this school, so he said before that there was no problem.

"Have you been teaching books for so many years, and people have become stupid.

Don't you know that Zhou Wenguang and Liang Caizhe are wearing the same pants?

"I didn't think of this at the time!"

"I didn't expect it, it must be Liang Caizhe who got it, you didn't send it to the muzzle."

No wonder the staff just now, with such an attitude, it seems that the experimental primary school is hopeless!

"How about I tell my son that he knows the big leader, and this matter is also a matter of one sentence?"

"Don't bother my son, I'll figure it out myself!

Since Liang Caizhe has a first time, there will be a second time.

I don't worry about Xinxin going to the experimental primary school, such a little thing, I have hated for many years! "

In the early years, Liang Caizhe and Qin Anguo were colleagues.

At that time, because of a small matter, there was a conflict between the two.

Wang Lanhui couldn't have imagined that until now he had always remembered this matter.

"Can you handle it?"

"I don't get it, is it up to you, the experimental primary school definitely can't go, you can only go to my sister!"

Wang Lanhui also didn't want to trouble her friends, if she didn't look for it, it was her son who came forward.

At that time, things will be big, even if you go to school, it will not have a good impact on Shin Shin in school in the future.

"That's it!"

Wang Lanhui's friend Huang Shanfang is the principal of Chengbei Primary School, and the two have a good relationship.

This kind of thing can be done with a phone call.

However, Wang Lanhui feels that people are in love and must still be in place.

"Exactly, I haven't looked for her for so long, now go over and nag!"

Watching Wang Lanhui walk away, the staff member just now couldn't help but snort coldly.

"What kind of person, offended Director Liang, and still wants to transfer schools!"

"Sister Juan, if we do this, there will be no problem, right?"

"What are you afraid of, even if there is anything, there is Director Liang on top.

Besides, this is also within the normal range, what can she do?

Go to the leader above, if you know, you also need to run it yourself.

Rest assured, this matter will end here, not even the waves! "

Such a simple thing, Liang Caizhe admitted his own favor.

"You continue to work, I'll give Director Liang a call first!"

The staff member twisted his waist and walked out.

"What a!"

Grunt, and then continued to get busy, and there were many people behind him.

"Director Liang!"

Walking inside the office, she took out her cell phone and skillfully dialed a number to go out.

"Little goblin, the voice is still so sweet, what's the matter, are you coming out to eat tonight?"

"Hate, Director Liang forgets a lot, what he just said to himself, I don't remember it so soon!"

Fortunately, there was no one else around, otherwise if you heard the voice of the two, you would definitely get goosebumps!

"Blame me, just thinking about you and forgetting about this, you did it?"

"It's done, the man slipped away, think about it, just feel relieved!"

"Really, hahaha, you Qin Anguo also planted it in my hands one day, he didn't say anything, right?"

"What else can I say, be kicked out by me!"

"Okay, see you at the old place tonight, remember to bring those with you!"

"Nasty, got it!"

This staff member is new to the company, not long after the divorce.

"Bah, if it weren't for the sake of turning positive, the old lady would find such an old thing as you, and she should be bitten by a mosquito!"

"After turning right, the old lady will not serve!"

"It's better to finish these jobs first, and finish work early today!"

After thinking about this, she walked out with a smile on her face.

"Sister Juan, it's all done, and did Director Liang say anything?"

"Yes, Director Liang said that you are good, and you will be able to turn positive soon!"

"Hehe, this is not your care Sister Juan, it really happens, I will go to Sister Juan to eat at the Shangdai Hotel!"

This staff member did not know that this matter was from beginning to end, and Liang Caizhe did not know him.

So the benefits are not his share at all, and he is played by the so-called Sister Juan.

"Silly, these men, really can't change the dog to eat shit!

Staring at the old lady one by one, selling you guys, and happily helping me count the money, this feeling of playing with others is so good! Looking

at her colleague next to her, a disdainful smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

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