"Son, tell you one thing, Xinxin went to the experimental primary school, and now he can only go to the north of the city!"

"What's going on, didn't you say it before?"

In the minds of the citizens of Shuijiang County, the experimental primary school is the best.

Even Qin Mo thought so.

"There was a little accident, but it was all done."

"Okay, it's the same everywhere Xinxin goes anyway!"

Seeing that his parents didn't want to say, Qin Mo didn't ask again.

"Son, don't worry, the principal of Chengbei Primary School is a good friend of my mother for many years, and I will definitely take care of Xinxin!"

"You guys look at it, next time there is something, remember to talk to me!"

The wood is ready, and the transfer procedures for her daughter have been completed.

Qin Mo also didn't want to trouble Lin Tongfu again, so this matter was over!


A month later.

"Boss, do you have time to come over this time?"

On this day, Qin Mo received a call from Gu Qingyi.

Without this call, Qin Mo almost forgot that he still had a music studio.

"I'll try to arrange the time to pass!"

"Okay, I'll say yes to you, and we'll meet when the time comes!"

Before Qin Mo could say the next word, Gu Qing also hung up the phone.

"Forget it, you still have to go over at that time, no matter how you say it, you are also the boss!"

The grand finals of Bright Moon Star officially began three days later.

A hundred players gathered in the magic capital.

The first day happened to be Saturday, and when the time came, Shin Shin could also go out with her.

After a month of development, the five stores managed by Ye Yin have stabilized customers.

Small counties really can't be compared with big cities.

In big cities, the net profit of the bun shop at that time was more than 10,000 a day.

The small county seat is only about four thousand.

However, the main store, which is still okay, can guarantee more than 10,000 a day.

Mainly rely on lamb to enhance profits.

"It's a bit far apart!"

Ye Yin looked at the report in his hand, compared to Qin Mo's before, it was not a grade at all.

"Take your time, now five stores, excluding other expenses, to your hands, it is 30,000 a day, which is big news in a small county!"

Seeing Ye Yin's somewhat lonely expression, Qin Mo comforted.

"Also, you are almost five months pregnant now, and you can still focus on your body.

After that, the matter is still handed over to Wu Yueyi, and she can't be left idle!

"This is not urgent, in the next three months, it is still okay, I know my physical condition."

"Okay, you will see to it, and there is a branch business, when do you plan to start?"

It turned out that after more than a month, every night, Qin Mo continued to train.

The previous thirty apprentices have all been discharged.

A group of apprentices was later signed, and now there are sixty in total.

They are no longer apprentices, they are already cooks, because they have all become masters!

Fifty of these chefs are no longer learning to make buns.

If you want to expand your business, you can't rely on breakfast restaurants alone, you have to open restaurants.

These are the bulk of the income, and they are also their next step and chips to enter the city!

"It's already ready, but it will take a little time and the shop needs to be simply decorated."

A bun shop only needs one chef and five shops in one county.

These cooks happened to be distributed to ten counties, and as for the urban area, Ye Yin had not yet planned it.

As for the construction site, it is very smooth, day and night construction, according to this progress, it can really be completed in three months.

Finally, he bought the land and used it by Qin Mo to build a playground.

He directly smashed down 500 million and handed it over to Kong Yuanhang to be responsible.

The progress is almost the same, and there are not many playground buildings.

As long as it is the purchase of equipment, it takes a little time.

Qin Mo's movement in Shuijiang County not only the citizens of the county were alarmed, but even the leaders of the urban area came down to inspect twice in a month.

All the deployment was proceeding smoothly according to what Qin Mo had in mind.

In this month, the happiest is Lin Tongfu.

Seeing the changes in his own Shuijiang County, he is getting closer and closer to his goal.

The leaders who came down from the city praised him by name on both occasions.

"Haha, Brother Qin, how hard you work!"

Previously, in the communication with Qin Mo, he got it completely.

His company would hire a thousand employees, which would solve the local employment problem all at once.

But it's still a bit far away to think about it, and it's still a few months away.

What you have to do is make sure that nothing else will happen in the next time.

"Hehe, it's not hard, but it's troublesome to Brother Lin."

"Haha, the two of us, don't praise each other, I still have a meeting today, let's go back first!"

Lin Tongfu came over to see the progress on the construction site, and then left with confidence!

"I'll send Brother Lin!"

"No need to send it, the car is at the door!"

Qin Mo still followed at the gate, and when he saw Lin Tongfu's vehicle driving away, he turned around and went back.

"Manager Ding, things over here will trouble you, and I won't have time for the next few days."

"Is it going out again and not taking me out every time!"

Ding suggested asking with an unhappy look.

"Take you out?"

Qin Mo smiled mysteriously and continued.


"Then you go to the titanium country, and I will definitely take you with me when I go out in the future!"

Hearing the boss say this, Ding suggested quickly shaking his hand.

"Forget it, I'm still guarding the base camp!"

"Do you want to ask later?"

"Don't ask, I'll go see what those brats are doing first!"

Being stared at by Qin Mo, Ding Jianyi quickly ran away.

"Boss, don't look at me, I'll stay at home and don't go out!"

"If you don't go out, who will drive me then!"

It was Ding Zhengqi who spoke now, and among the four people, he couldn't imagine that he would be Qin Mo's driver.

This is a good job, always follow the boss, general benefits and the like, you are given priority.

These are not Ding Zhengqi's optimism, he can't think of the treatment given to him by the boss, which is higher than the three companions.

The three of them were with a group of security guards and trained every day.

The salary base salary is only five thousand, which is good compared to the local income.

In the words of the three of them, this is exercising with a salary.

Ding Zhengqi didn't know if he was suffering or not, because his treatment was also five thousand.

The difference is that the prize money is different, and the three companions are only two thousand.

As for his fixed five thousand per month, that is to say, his income is ten thousand.

has exceeded the income of the local unit, no wonder everyone knew before and asked him if he had the opportunity to enter.

I just entered, how could I agree to this request, I can only resign.

"And you go out too!"

Qin Mo looked at Si Haosi beside him and thought for a while before saying.

Now Si Haosi almost serves as his personal bodyguard.

In terms of personal ability, there is still a bit of a gap from a real professional bodyguard.

However, Qin Mo gave him the opportunity to strengthen his exercise at ordinary times.

When he has time, he also trains against Si Haosi.

In Jeet Kune Do and Taijiquan, in today's world, Qin Mo can't find an opponent.

With his high finger point, Si Haosi's personal ability improved rapidly.

In just one month, you can completely fight against each other, and the two of you before you.

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