"Okay, you guys are waiting by the side. "

Next, Qin Mo's performance began

, ten dishes were cooked at the same time, and there was a stove next to it that was stewing soup!"

"This..." Hua

Yongnian seemed to see ten masters stir-frying at the same time!

The time in the middle of each dish was controlled to within one second.

"It's just terrible!" "

Why are you still stunned, this dish is quickly cooked for me." "

The first dish is green vegetables, so, a few minutes later, Qin Mo ordered the chef who was guarding the side, and he Qin Mo was too late to start the pot, so let others do it.

The heat and taste of the dish have been controlled by yourself, and you only need to do what you order, which is not much worse.

Just smell the first greens.

Hua Yongnian finally understood why people didn't invite his master over this time, this is because I don't know where to find a big god!

In terms of Cantonese cuisine, if it was before, his master thought he was the second, and absolutely no one dared to be the first.

And from beginning to end, he has been staring at Qin Mo and found that the whole process steps are the same as his master, but the dishes he makes are surpassed!

Not to mention the young people in front of you.

When he discovers the difference between the two, he will be able to surpass the master.

Five minutes later, the second course was ready.

With two less dishes, Qin Mo became more and more relaxed.

Ten minutes later, both dishes are cooked at the same time!


Every time a dish is prepared, the more inspired everyone is.

After thirty minutes, only four dishes remained, including the stewed soup.

At this time, Qin Mo asked them to serve all the prepared dishes without everyone's help.

As for the taste of the dish when it cools, Qin Mo also thought of a way to solve it, the principle the chefs couldn't understand!

After five minutes, there was only one soup left.

Originally, the soup was served first, but it was a matter of time and could only be put last.

For a full hour, Hua Yongnian stayed by Qin Mo's side without leaving a step.

As for the other chefs, after watching for a while and not seeing anything famous, they were approved by Qin Mo and had already gathered to the side to rest.

Of course, the topic on their lips now must not be able to bypass Qin Mo.

"Master Qin, all right!" Seeing

Qin Mo turn off the last stove, Hua Yongnian couldn't help but ask.

"Almost, you look at the time now, just get up in three minutes."

Qin Mo looked at the time, plus the time behind, it was exactly seven o'clock.

I hope everyone is not in a hurry to eat the dishes, wait for his pot of soup first, otherwise the enjoyment will be greatly discounted

!" "I'll go out and walk around first!" There

is no longer my own business here, and I have completed what Xu Xingguo ordered


Seeing that there was time now, just to see what the world of rich people would be like, when

he came, he only cared about doing the work first,

and Qin Mo had not yet had time to observe the surroundings.

Now that there is no pressure, I find that rich people really enjoy it.

Just the air here, halfway up the mountain, is so fresh.

And every arrangement of the villa is just right, after you have the skills to draw, there is nothing redundant.

Just casually strolling around, Qin Mo felt that this was a place for leisure.

Unconsciously, Qin Mo walked to a hall, and at this time the dinner party had already begun.

Inside the hall, the guest of honor was speaking, and the guests below all stopped their chopsticks.

Qin Mo didn't come closer, so he couldn't hear what was being said earlier.

He had good eyesight and saw Xu Xingguo sitting at the main table.

Sure enough, his identity is not simple, there are gathered dignitaries in the deep market, and he can still sit at the main table.

At this time, it was an old man in the main seat, who was about eighty years old and in very good health.

After the host finished speaking, the solemn atmosphere just now immediately became active, and the dinner party officially began.

Qin Mo was ready to leave because he found that the clothes on his body were out of place here, and even the attendants were dressed in straight work clothes.

He was wearing a chef's uniform smelling of fumes, and while everyone hadn't noticed, he withdrew first.

Anyway, what he promised Xu Xingguo, he has already done it.

"I'm so hungry!" Qin

Mo only found out at this time that he hadn't eaten yet.

At first, he did not expect that this party was so grand.

I also want to take advantage of the dinner party to mix in and eat something by myself.

Every seat is full, and there is an empty seat except for the main table.

If I am not mistaken, the big man in the city who he often sees on TV is not even qualified for the main table.

He Qin Mo is now, just a cook invited by others to help

!" "Wait, don't go!"

Qin Mo, who had already stepped out on his front foot, stopped him.

"It's really haunted, this is all mixed in for you, do you see that you are out of place here, ashamed to escape." It

was Yang Wei who spoke, and Qin Mo's brows couldn't help but frown when he saw this situation.

"Yang Shao, do you know him?" As

soon as this person spoke, Qin Mo felt that the voice was a little familiar, and after taking a closer look, he really went out today without looking at Huang Li.

These people are all gathered at the same table, and they all let themselves meet.

This person is exactly what he has seen before, and his ex-wife's suitor, Song Yiming.

"What's wrong, mixed in, I want to run, I have long told you what place is here, it seems that if you don't suffer a little, you won't have a long memory, serve the students, how did this person mix in." Speaking

of this, Yang Wei beckoned a waiter over.

"Yang Shao, you don't need to make a move, let me come. "

Recently, Song Yiming happened to have a business and was looking for a partner.

And Yang Wei's father is the best choice.

Now that this opportunity arises, how could he miss it.

In the eyes of the real upper class, they are just small people.

It can be seen from the dining table placed on the scene that their table and the table next to them are more than five meters away from the table in front.

These are added later, and are not included in the list of invitations this time.

It can be seen from the fact that the two tables are afraid to come forward and greet the guests at the other tables.

So as long as it is not a big fuss, what happens here, the people in front will not pay attention.

The first time Qin Mo saw a dinner party of this scale, he didn't know the Dao inside at all.

"It seems that the last time we met, the lesson for you was not enough!" Song

Yiming directly revealed that he did the last thing by himself.

Not afraid of retaliation at all, a small person like Qin Mo has nothing to do except look handsome.

"It turned out to be picking up torn shoes!" Originally

, I didn't intend to think about him, but now someone brought his face together.

If he Qin Mo didn't make a move, it would really be too much to say.

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