"You..." Seeing

the expression on Song Yiming's face, Qin Mo knew that he had not succeeded at all.

How could someone like his ex-wife take a fancy to him.

Apart from a little money, no other advantages can be found.

"It seems that I took back what I just said, and you are not even qualified to pick up broken shoes. When

Song Yiming heard Qin Mo say this, he still blushed sharply just now.

As if thinking of something, his face smiled again.

"Broken shoes, haha, you think too highly of yourself, aren't you a loser, and you really put gold on your face!" Hearing

Song Yiming say this, Qin Mo's face showed a pitiful look.

"It seems that you still don't know, she is my ex-wife!"


The smile on Song Yiming's face suddenly froze, and he also saw the guests around him.

Looking at myself at this time, I feel strange.

This is, he became the biggest joke on the field.

"Serve the student, why are you still standing, this kind of person should not let him stay here and drive him out of the villa." Seeing

himself being insulted like this, Song Yiming even forgot his demeanor.

The attendant looked at both sides a little embarrassed.

Qin Mo really shouldn't have appeared here in the hall, but to drive out of the villa, it would be difficult.

Looking at the chef's uniform on his body, he knew that he came to help, and his status may still be on himself.

"Little brother, don't be afraid, he is a poor ghost, cooking, I have not known with him in the same college for so many years, the clothes on his body are props mixed in."

Yang Wei took a look at the dilemma of the waiter, and immediately knew the reason, and came over to help Song Yiming add a fire

, "Big brother, are you..." Even

if Qin Mo is now wearing a chef's uniform,

the waiter is standing in front of him.

Only one meter seven tall, like a child facing an adult.

He could only weaken his tone, for fear of provoking Qin Mo, he started to move, and it was himself who suffered.

"Good!" He

wanted to leave, and he didn't want to serve the embarrassing people.

"That's right, the poor ghost should go back to his kennel."

Qin Mo ignored the two forced goods and turned around to prepare to go out.

"Master Qin!" the

call behind him made Qin Mo's footsteps stop.

At the same time, it also attracts the attention of the surrounding guests.

In everyone's eyes, Xu Xingguo was striding forward and walking towards a chef.

In the hearts of some people, seeing the clothes on Qin Mo's body, they have already guessed the approximate.

Only the guests at the back two tables had doubts in their eyes.

I don't understand how a big man at the main table can know a chef with such a low status.

From the title just now, it is still used as an honorific.

If no one is panicking, it's fake.

Yang Wei and Song Yiming's faces turned pale all of a sudden.

"Impossible..." mumbled in his mouth.

Guests who just stood by, leave a few steps away from them.

Which one who can mix up to this point is not a shrewd person.

Only some pretend people will continue to walk to the brink of death.

"Elder Xu!"

Qin Mo responded with this voice, directly knocking the two of them into the abyss.

"Master Qin I'm sorry, this time I was rude, I just asked you to go to you, but I didn't think that I was coming, please come over, and I snubbed you, but don't let my guys know, especially Wang Dehai..." Xu

Xingguo walked to Qin Mo and held his hand and said: "Go, leave a seat for you!"

The vacated place in the main seat was actually reserved for this young man, what a treatment!

I didn't see that even the second in command of the city had to sit at the next table.

At this time, the people present carefully looked at Qin Mo's appearance, which was deeply engraved in their minds.

"By the way, who was unkind to my guests just now, and I don't want to see them in the villa anymore. Xu

Xingguo, who grabbed Qin Mo's hand, didn't even turn his head.

Yang Wei and Song Yiming were as if they had been struck by lightning under these words

! It was really ironic to see that the attendant who had just called himself was now driving himself!

The two tables behind just have a little money, and they can't enter the eyes of the bigwigs.

Now what is interested is the focus of everyone.

Qin Mo!

are all guessing the identity of this person.

Although now Qin Mo is wearing a chef's outfit.

But the temperament on his body already shows that his origin is extraordinary.

In his mind, he searched carefully and carefully, and he couldn't find a person with the surname Qin at all.

"Come, let me introduce you, this is a little friend I just met, Qin Mo!" Hearing

Xu Xingguo speak, all the guests immediately stopped their chopsticks and looked at the main table.

"Now on everyone's table, there is a Cantonese dish made by Chef Qin. Qin

Mo made a total of ten dishes, exactly ten tables with one dish per table.

Hearing Xu Xingguo say this, they only found out at this time that there was a table of delicacies.

There is indeed one dish that is different.

Food, for them, is already secondary.

Reaching this position, there is nothing that has not been tasted.

Now that I heard Xu Xingguo say it, I immediately realized that something was wrong.

From his level of respect for Qin Mo, the table top must be exquisite.

Everyone agreed and picked up their chopsticks.

Only the two tables at the back, there is no such treatment.


Every guest who tasted it had a look of disbelief on their faces.

Just like Xu Xingguo at the beginning.

The higher the status of the elite, the more obvious the shock.

This cooking skill is already surpassed, which master is now in the state banquet.

Although the status of the chef is not very good, if it reaches the point of the current young man.

That is, the powerful want to intersect with it.

"Why, I'm not exaggerating!" Looking

at the expressions on everyone's faces, he finally understood why Wang Dehai felt at that time.

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