"Boss, you finally came, I thought you would release my pigeons!"

After Qin Mo and the others arrived at their destination, they walked to the door.

I saw a beautiful woman walking over, needless to say, the one who dared to speak like this must be Gu Qingyi.

"Hmph, eating what is in the bowl, and thinking about the outside!"

"It hurts, it's enough to have you!"

Every time he saw Gu Qingyi, Ye Yin had a feeling that he couldn't speak.

"This Gu Qingyi definitely likes Big Brother Qin too, but she hides it in her heart!"

"Forget it, if I didn't see one and thought so, wouldn't I have been sour by it?"

After getting along for a while, Ye Yin figured it out a little.

Qin Mo is so good, if those single women don't like it when they see him.

Doesn't that mean that there is a problem with your vision?

As long as Big Brother Qin has me in his heart!"

This was Ye Yin's idea after figuring it out.

And Qin Mo's performance, she was very relieved, with so many beautiful women around her, she still only liked her alone.

Even Gu Qing in front of him was the same.

In appearance, compared with yourself, but not the difference.

"It's the ticket, let's go in, the game is a few minutes away.

Xinxin come over, sister hugging you, long time no see, Shinshin is even more beautiful! "

When I was in the deep market, Gu Qing often came over to rub rice, so she had a good relationship with Xinxin.

"Sister Gu, you are too, as beautiful as Aunt Ye!"

Hearing Qin Xinxin's praise, the two looked at each other and smiled.

Ye Yin laughed from the heart, while Gu Qing smiled bitterly.

He didn't have a chance anymore, looking at Ye Yin's belly that had obviously bulged.

"Okay, you can work seriously!"

When holding Xinxin, Gu Qing also exhaled deeply.

"Xinxin, do you want to care about sister!"

Kissing Qin Xinxin's little face, Gu Qing touched her hair again.

"Think about it, you don't know how much Shin Shin thinks!"

"Haha, don't waste my sister's pain before!"

"Then it's not fun in your hometown during the New Year!"

"Hee-hee, this is fun."

"Then next time welcome Sister Gu over and see Xinxin's hometown?"

"Okay, if Sister Gu comes over, Xinxin will take you out to eat delicious!"

Under the leadership of Gu Qingyi, after checking the ticket, he walked in.

"There are a lot of people!"

Qin Mo glanced around, there were at least six hundred people.

"It's less, the organizers have issued 200 tickets to the players."

"Also, all of them are one-third!"

"Okay, our seats are over there, the game is about to start!"

After Qin Mo sat down, he asked suspiciously.

"Didn't Guo Lao come with you?"

"Elder Guo said, there are many acquaintances here, so I can't come here and come back on the last day!"

"On the last day, it really wasn't ginger!"

Hearing Gu Qingyi say this, Qin Mo immediately understood what calculations Guo Hexuan had in his heart.

"Good morning, all the guests present, as well as all the audience friends at the scene!"

"I'm host Zhao Danyi!"

"I am host Zheng Liqiang!"

At this time, handsome and beautiful men dressed in gorgeous clothes came out from the backstage, and they were the hosts of this final.

"This is the scene of the Bright Moon Star competition, before the competition, please allow us to thank all the guests here, as well as all the audience friends, thank you for your strong support and active participation, thank you!"

As soon as the beautiful host's voice fell, the handsome host continued.

"Okay, now let me introduce to the judges who participated this time..." Ten

minutes later, these introductions were completed.

"Now everyone must be very anxious in their hearts, and they all want to see the competition of this player.

Well, I won't say much nonsense, let's invite the first group of contestants to the field with warm applause! "



The final rule of Bright Moon Star is, one-on-one PK.

In groups of two, each sings a song.

The judges will be composed of the audience and the judges.

The audience score is only 30%, and the rest will be scored by professional judges.

The winner stays, the loser leaves early!

As the host retreats backstage, the accompaniment on stage sounds.

The first contestant walked up from the audience, a young girl who was only eighteen years old.

She exudes confidence inside and out.

"Dear judges, audience friends, I am the number one player, my name is Yu Ziqian, I am eighteen years old this year, I am a freshman in XX Conservatory of Music, and I will sing a song next..."

After the music started, Qin Yanxiu shook his head along with the music.

This was the first time she had watched the game up close.

From the atmosphere, it is far from the music you listen to on your mobile phone!

"It's okay!"

When others thought it was good, Qin Mo only felt that it was okay.

This is the difference between professional and amateur, otherwise the judges would not have invited seniors in the music industry.

"As far as you're concerned, it's good to be able to have this level at the age of 18."

Ye Yin heard Qin Mo say this and responded.

"Okay, what you say is what you say, but when the four of Xia Yunxin come to power, you will know what kind of thing is good!"

A good song not only has good lyrics, but also has to be able to resonate with the listener.

The contestant in front of him really sings well, but unfortunately there is something missing.

"By the way, it's less emotional investment!"

The time required for a group of players is about ten minutes.

In the first group, the winner was the number one, who defeated her opponent with her good voice.

"Look at it, win!"

Ye Yin was proud at this time, and Qin Mo also looked away, and the player he fancy won.

"Yes, you won!"

On this issue, Qin Mo did not want to argue.

"Gu Qingyi, the four of them, they should compete in the morning, right?"

"Yes, it's Dong Yuanyu!"

"According to the rules of the game, no one will touch each other?"

Qin Mo asked his doubts, if this is really the case, wouldn't it be his own people killing their own people and letting others pick up the cheap for nothing.

"In fact, the competitions of these players have been arranged in order, and one hundred players are divided into five large groups.

It just so happened that the four of Xia Yunxin were all in different groups, and I think it should be the organizer, taking these factors into account. Hearing

Gu Qingyi's analysis, Qin Mo was finally relieved.

If it were not for this arrangement, all four would have met in the final final.

In the last ten winners, there is only one on their side, and when the time comes, what they have to do will not work well.

"Boss, do you really want to do that?"

"This music studio was founded with this goal."

"You are not afraid of this, it will offend the organizers, but people are big guys in the entertainment industry?"

"What do I Qin Mo do, I also need to take into account their feelings!"

"I really don't understand, Elder Guo also agrees with your idea!"

"Haha, you don't know, the first to agree is Guo Lao."

Before, I was worried that Guo Hexuan would object, but I didn't think that he would agree without even thinking about it.

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