"Dong Yuanyu!"

"Dong Yuanyu!"

"Dong Yuanyu!"


At this moment, the audience below was organized, shouting a person's name.

"Haha, it's up to our people!"

Seeing Dong Yuanyu on the stage, Gu Qing also excitedly grabbed Qin Mo's arm and shook it.

Qin Mo looked at her excitedly and didn't want to interrupt.

Fortunately, at this time, everyone's attention was attracted by Dong Yuanyu on stage.

"This is the boss's employee?"

Ding Zhengqi looked at Dong Yuanyu, who walked on the stage, and it would be his colleague.

In the previous competition, I also supported it online.

"Hehe, can't think of me Ding Zhengqi, and the star is a colleague?"

In his opinion, working for the same boss is a colleague relationship.

"Dear judges, those present, audience friends in front of the TV, I am the No. 10 player Dong Yuanyu, and the song I sing below is..."

As soon as Dong Yuanyu's words fell, the audience who had just sat together shouted again.

"Dong Yuanyu, victory!"

"Dong Yuanyu, victory!"

"Dong Yuanyu, victory!"

"It's popular!"

Qin Mo looked at the more than six hundred spectators at the scene, and there were dozens of people, spontaneously organizing support for Dong Yuanyu.

"Of course, if it weren't for the lack of tickets, there would have been more people coming in."

You, the boss, are really qualified to shake the palm cabinet.

I didn't know about the situation of my own employees, so I was busy with Guo Lao.

"Ahem, you are capable of working more, go back and give you more bonuses!"

Hearing Gu Qing also complaining to himself, Qin Mo could only take out a killer weapon.

"Haha, this is what the boss said yourself, I didn't force you, I have to tell Guo Lao the good news when I go back!"


At this time, Gu Qingyi's face was still depressed, and what he saw was a treacherous appearance.

"What a change!"

Ye Yin looked at Dong Yuanyu on the stage, compared to the last time he was in Shenda, watching her performance, it was simply heaven and earth.

At this time, Dong Yuanyu's performance typhoon gradually matured.

I believe that after experiencing some singing, it can be comparable to a first-line star.

"Don't even talk, listen carefully to Dong Yuanyu singing!"

The accompaniment also sounded at this time.

"Alone, looking out at the blue sea and blue sky.

In the heart, the plaster is lighter.

Dolphins fly in front of their eyes.

I saw the sunniest smile..." Dong

Yuanyu's voice was sweet in itself.

Sing this song now and immediately put the audience in it.

The audience in the audience, who was still talking, immediately quieted down.

One by one, they shook their heads to the rhythm of the music.

The mouth also hummed.

"Don't plan too much, but take risks.

Live each day richly and look at each day happily, Wooh~

The first time you meet a cloudy day covering your side face.

What stories do you want to know..."

Ye Yin listened with squinted eyes, she was not like the others.

Halfway through the song, he opened his eyes and looked at Qin Mo.

"Brother Qin, I finally understand what you just said."

The singing is not good, but it also resonates with the listener's heart.

"Well, I'm not wrong!"

"Praise you, but scream you! But Guo Lao, they really have skills.

After more than two months of training, it turned out to be such an effect, and he really deserved to be a former boss. "

Except for Guo Hexuan and Xia Yunxin, the others don't know that the credit for all this is Qin Mo alone.

Everyone thought it was the reason for the studio, which made Qin Mo a lot less troublesome.

"Haha, it's good to have Guo Lao's help, otherwise there would be no now."

Seeing Qin Mo suddenly laughing, Ye Yin looked at him suspiciously.

"Brother Qin, am I wrong?"

"No, you are right, I just thought that when the time comes, there will be ten contestants in the final, and four of them will be my employees, so I am happy to think about it!"

"Okay, the Dongyuanyu competition has come to an end!"

At this time, almost half of the audience in the audience hummed the lyrics quietly.

"Open the window and you'll see the sadness melt.

You will smell the fragrance of happiness and sunshine. The

last lyric fell, and the surroundings suddenly fell into silence.

This scene lasted for more than ten seconds, and I don't know who applauded first, which broke the silence.



"Dong Yuanyu, full score!"

"Dong Yuanyu, full score!"

"Dong Yuanyu, full score!"

The applause was followed by cheers from the audience.

Compared with Dongyuan Yu, those players before were not a grade at all.

"Please be quiet, pick up the scoring instrument in your hand, and score the Dong Yuanyu contestant!"

The organizer gave everyone an instrument according to the audience entering the venue.

At the end of each contestant's performance, everyone can rate that contestant.

"Full score, a few of you, you must give me a full score!"

Gu Qing also began to wave his fists and said to the people around him.

"Must be full marks, otherwise how can it be worthy of Dong Yuanyu's wonderful singing."

"Yes, it must be full marks, Sister Yu sings so well!"

Qin Xinxin saw the scoring instrument in the adult's hand, and said with a bitter face: "Xinxin has no instrument, so he can't score." "

It turns out that not the people who come in are eligible for the rating.

The exception is for small children, and the scoring machine is given according to the ticket.

"Xinxin, sister's for you!"

Qin Wanxiu handed her scoring instrument to Qin Xinxin.

"Sister Xiu, if you give Xinxin, then you won't have it!"

"No, sister just listen to the song."

"Shin Shin, can you operate?"

"Yes, Shin Shin is very smart."

Qin Mo and the others, when scoring some of the players in front, Qin Xinxin was next to him and could see clearly.

So these operations, she has learned, and besides, it is not a difficult thing.

"Xinxin, you have to see clearly, don't score the wrong score, otherwise when the time comes, Sister Yu won't sing to you!"

"Hmph, Xinxin is not an idiot, how can it be wrong to score!"

The audience only scores for one minute, and the first to score is the referee.

"Sure enough, it is a seeded player, scored by seven judges.

After removing the highest and lowest scores, the final score of the Fuyumoto Jade contestant is 95 points. "

This score has already killed the opponent, fortunately Dong Yuanyu appeared last, otherwise the other party will be hit without confidence.

"Oh my God, the audience score is out, am I wrong!"

The beautiful host exclaimed at this time, pulling everyone's attention to the stage.

"I still don't report it, let's look at the screen!"

As the beautiful host's voice fell, a number appeared on the screen on the stage.

The score of "99"

is a new record.

In the past, the highest audience score was only 94 points, but now it is 4 points higher.

You must know that the audience in the audience supports different contestants.

Give your opponent a high score, and then you will bring a threat to your favorite player.

Now such a high score shows that Dong Yuanyu has convinced the audience in the audience.

"The final score of the Dong Yuan Yu contestant is 96.2 points, let us applaud her warmly!"

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