"Crazy, are they crazy, or am I crazy!"

Xia Yunxin, who appeared on stage for the second time, was still an original song when the host reported.

The audience below cheered, and the guests on the rostrum were shocked.

And the incredible expressions of the seven judges!

In today's music scene, a good song is not a short time.

Sometimes I haven't seen a single song for a month.

However, in the competition of Bright Moon Star, within two hours, five high-quality songs appeared in a row.

"If I'm not mistaken, the remaining three should also be original songs.

In this way, it is eight originals!

This is still an Asian wireless entertainment company, in the selection of new people, sure that it is not the big guys of all parties fighting? "

I don't know when it started, originally it was full underneath.

At this time, more than a dozen seats were vacated.

Now it is so hot, and the singing voice of the contestants is exciting.

There were also people leaving, which made the people sitting next to them feel puzzled.

"Boss, good news..." Outside

the arena, there were more than a dozen people standing, each of them tapping his mobile phone.

This number of people just matches the number of departures in the field.

"Okay, I know, I'll arrange someone to go over now, no, I'll run it myself!"

Everyone who calls starts with a serious expression.

After hanging up, exhale deeply.

And each of them glanced at everyone, showed a meaningful smile, and then returned to the venue.

"Haha, spring, summer, autumn and winter, four seasons band, this name is good!"

Feng Shaomei couldn't help but laugh as she looked at the information sent by the secretary.

At this time, she didn't need to take care of Du Xinghai's feelings next to her.

She felt that as long as she signed, these four people did not need to say anything more.

As long as the four of them go up to the stage and sing a song to the directors, everything can be solved.

"Four Seasons Band, it's you!"

The doubts in Du Xinghai's heart were solved at this moment.

"It seems that Feng Shaomei is going to sign the four of them!"

Du Xinghai was not worried about the four and posed a threat to himself.

He has been famous for so long, and the four are not even newcomers now.

Even if he enters the company, he has the support of Feng Shaomei.

I can't turn over the wind and waves, and it's the people on the board who speak.

"As long as I have a good relationship with the people on the board, Asia Wireless Entertainment Company, the first brother is still me Du Xinghai!"

"Feng Shaomei, you think I don't know what you're thinking, you don't like me, from the moment I saw you, I didn't feel good at you."

The game doesn't stop because of someone's machinations.

Among the fifteen players, the first to fight against the opponent was still Xia Yunxin.

She was the first to come out!

"Everyone, friends of the audience in front of the TV.

After more than two months of bright moon star, until this moment.

Among the top ten players, the first player was finally produced, she was Xia Yunxin player.

Listen to the enthusiastic applause and the shouts of the audience, she is expected by everyone!

At this time, the two hosts were even more excited than Xia Yunxin.

This is the most exciting competition they have ever hosted.

"Let's congratulate this contestant with warm applause!"



Two hours later.

It was also around three o'clock in the afternoon.

In this round of the Bright Moon Star competition, the last contestant on the stage took the stage.

She is Qiu Xianshan!

The accompaniment on the field has already sounded.

With the foreshadowing before, at the moment when the music starts.

The audience squinted, shook their heads, and listened to Qiu Xianshan singing.

Every time she sang, the audience felt that the autumn breeze passed over their faces.



The warm applause on the final stage represented the end of the bright moon star.

At this time, the ten contestants who were selected stood side by side on the stage.

Next, they will receive awards from the guests of the rostrum.

At the same time, this scene is also broadcast live on the Internet.

[Yes, this time the bright moon star did not disappoint us!] [

Four dark horses successfully counterattacked!] [

Dude, you're wrong, the four of them are the top few to advance from beginning to end, not the dark horse you say]

[The others are not important, this time there is no insider, the last ten players, almost the same as everyone predicted! ] [

If the four of them form a band, I will be the most loyal fan!] [

It seems that the upstairs is a fake fan, and the Four Seasons Band is their predecessor, and if they really form a band again, I think it will be the most likely name.] [

Four Seasons Band, I remembered!] [

Finally at the last moment, I want to go on stage to present the award, it should be Du Xinghai and the president of their company!]

Looking back on the stage, ten hostesses walked up to the stage in a line, each holding a tray in his hand.

Finally, the hostesses stood next to a contestant, and they knew at a glance that it was for the convenience of presenting the award.

"Below there is our Feng Shaomei, President Feng!"

After the residents finished speaking, they took the lead in applauding.

"Finally, there is our Du Juxing, Du Xinghai!"

This time, the applause was even louder than before, and Feng Shaomei's face changed.

The two stood at each end and began to present prizes to the ten contestants.

"Now the two of them will award the Bright Moon Star and ten contestants this time!"

"Come on, I'm optimistic about you!"

Feng Shaomei picked up the medal, put it on Qiu Xianshan, and shook her hand.

"Thank you!"

Qiu Xianshan just smiled in response, compared to the others, she looked calm.

"Du Juxing, you are my idol, can you sign my name later!"

Du Xinghai gave the first contestant to present the award, and he couldn't imagine that it was his own fans.

"Of course!"

He flashed a self-righteous smile and presented the athlete with a medal.

"Haha, I finally hugged Du Juxing!"

"Let go!"

Du Xinghai was taken aback by this player's behavior.

If it weren't for the fact that it was a public place now, he would definitely be angry.

"This player, pay attention to the occasion!"

A staff member quickly ran up.

Fortunately, this player did not make excessive moves, just hugged for a while and let go.

"As far as you are a manager, this is compared to me!"

Du Xinghai glanced at Feng Shaomei with disdain, and then continued to present the award.

This time, the contestant who presented the award was Xia Yunxin.

When he presented the award, he always prevented the other party from pounce.

"Thank you!"

After the other party just said a word, he didn't even look at it, which made Du Xinghai embarrassed all of a sudden.

[Haha, have you seen that Du Xinghai's expression is like eating a piece of! ] [

Saw it, I thought that he was handsome, others liked him, no, just rush this, and in the future, Xia Yunxin will turn iron fans from this passerby! ] [

Me too, this is my favorite singer!] Du

Xinghai's wave of operations did not know that he was harvesting a batch of iron powder for Xia Yunxin.

"Damn it, don't they all know!"

When the award was presented to Dong Yuanyu again, the other party just smiled inexplicably this time.

He didn't even shake his hand, leaving his hand frozen in midair.

"Dong Yuanyu is so cold!"

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