[This Dong Yuanyu did it on purpose, he actually snubbed Du Juxing! ] [

No, dare to embarrass my idol, I will be her black fan in the future.] This

wave of operations of Dong Yuanyu, while harvesting a group of fans, also offended Du Xinghai's fans.

But even if she knew, she didn't care.

They didn't know until yesterday that they were participating in the Bright Moon Star.

After Guo Hexuan relayed Qin Mo's meaning, the four agreed without the slightest hesitation.

[It's so cool, I have long seen that this Du Xinghai is not pleasing to the eye, people are famous, but what are the songs sung in the past year, even second-tier stars sing better than him. ] [

Empathy, especially compared with the previous song, is not better, one is more than scared! ] [

That's an appreciation you don't understand, my idol Du Juxing, is still as good as ever!] [

What to pretend, so high and cold, don't sing!] A

struggle triggered by Dong Yuanyu unknowingly unfolded on the Internet.

This also makes more people know about her, but they are all bittersweet!

"Okay, the task of the two of us is about to be completed, and the next work will be handed over to President Feng!"

"Do you really want to broadcast this live?"

At this time, a staff member walked up to Feng Shaomei and asked in a low voice.

So many bright moon stars before, it was the company that found the contestants afterwards.

Like today, President Feng personally came forward and signed a contestant in the live broadcast, which is the first case.

"Needless to say, I've already decided."

In the company, signing new people, but they all have the final say, otherwise being this CEO is a decoration?

"Okay then!"

Looking at Feng Shaomei's appearance, she has already made a decision, she is just a secretary, or do her job.

"It's not over, why are you still live broadcasting?"

The audience was about to leave, but found that the cameras were still watching.

"It's really still live broadcasting, you look on the Internet!"

Some spectators who had not yet left the venue took out their mobile phones to look at it, and then sat down.

"Haha, there are melons to eat!"

"Looks like this is about to sign a new person!"

"It's good that I didn't leave the scene early, otherwise I could only watch the playback!"

"Feng Shaomei really has a big heart, isn't she afraid of the rejection of newcomers?"

"What do you know, she is now the first to strike, just look around and you will know!"

At this time, the dozen or so people who went out before had a bit ugly faces.

People from their own company haven't arrived yet.

"I didn't expect Feng Shaomei to be so insidious, and she actually came up with this trick!"

They could already imagine the angry expressions on the faces of the company people when they came over.

After Feng Shaomei's engagement, as long as the newcomer on the stage is her fancy, she will definitely not be able to escape her palm.

Those she didn't want were not enough for herself and others.

There are more than a dozen companies here!

"TMD, if she really wants to do this, isn't she looking for death?"

Du Xinghai saw the camera and was still facing himself and others.

There are also the members of the Four Seasons Band just now, can't Feng Shaomei see their attitude towards themselves.

If she wants to sign four, the difficulty is not small.

"You are looking for death yourself, don't drag me into the water!"

At this time, it was too late for Du Xinghai to want to step down, because Feng Shaomei had already spoken.

"Congratulations to the ten, this time we at Asia Wireless Entertainment attach great importance to this competition.

So at the end of the game, you'll be given a chance to choose.

That's about thinking about whether or not to be one of us.

The strength of our company can be seen by everyone.

A competition lasted more than two months, and the whole process was operated by our company.

And the superstar around him also walked out from here.

Now we have asked our staff to send the contract, and everyone wants to see the content of the contract.

However, I remind everyone that the content of the contract is confidential, as far as you and our company know! "

To be able to become the CEO of an international company, Feng Shaomei is not a wasted name.

If you can't do anything as simple as the content of the contract, you really lift a stone and shoot yourself in the foot.

[What is this situation?] [

The game is over, come to a live signing, really thanks to Feng Shaomei to think of it!] [

Let's see, are there two types of contracts?]

A netizen, the observation is still good.

After seeing the staff on stage, the ten contestants were divided into two groups.

He could see that the most optimistic members of the Four Seasons Band were all together.

There is another one, throughout the game, the strength is close to the four.

If it weren't for this time, there would be original songs one after another, I believe the most outstanding would be her, Yu Ziqian.

[People are divided into two batches, and the contract must be the same!] [

In this way, Feng Shaomei is fancying these five players.] [

Really, haha, it seems that we have a good eye!] [

If all four are signed by Feng Shaomei, everyone says, will the Four Seasons band be rebuilt again?] [

If we set up the Four Seasons Band, wouldn't that be our gospel!] Whether

it is the audience at the scene or on the Internet, everyone is very much looking forward to the results.

"Everyone wants to see, if you have any questions, you can ask us!"

When Feng Shaomei said this, she was facing Xia Yunxin's five people.

As for the other five, you guys are only in passing.

If you love to sign or not, it is impossible to talk about conditions.

To be able to sign you, you are lucky to catch this bus!

"The four of you, why don't you look at the contract?"

After the ten contestants got the contract, the other six immediately flipped through it.

Since Feng Shaomei said before that these contracts are confidential, the direction of the camera has been adjusted, and no one can see the content.

Now the four players he is most optimistic about are just holding contracts and have no idea of flipping through them.

"Don't you think it's inappropriate here, and if that's the case, we'll go down the same way?"

In order to be able to sign the four of them, I just said that I would sign before the live broadcast.

Now she has changed her mind again, this is a live broadcast, isn't she afraid to hit her face?

"No thanks, we don't want to sign a contract?"

Xia Yunxin's words made Feng Shaomei not know how to answer for a while.


At this time, she can only bite the bullet, how is it completely opposite to what she imagined, they participated in this competition, is it not to be famous and sign a contract with their own company?

"Why, President Feng, do you know why our band disbanded?"

At this time, Dong Yuanyu said a word, which made Du Xinghai's eyelids next to him jump.

"Is it related to this, can you say it?"

"President Feng, are you sure you want us to say it here?"

When Qiu Xianshan spoke, her eyes glanced at Du Xinghai.

"Say, there should always be a reason for refusal!"

"Since President Feng wants to know, let me say it!"

Xia Yunxin felt that this evil person should still be his own.

"I'm listening!"

Feng Shaomei guessed that it should be related to the negative impact of her company.

"Before the Four Seasons Band disbanded, we received a threat from Du Xinghai's team!"

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