
Xia Yunxin's news is no less than dropping a nuclear bomb on the surface of a calm lake!

The following words were not said, and Feng Shaomei also knew what happened next.

Just an amateur band, their boss, threatened by Du Xinghai's team, I believe everyone knows what to do, no wonder the Four Seasons band will disband.

But an amateur band, how can it be related to Du Xinghai.

The relationship between this affects everyone.

"Is it an unspoken rule?"

The four of Xia Yunxin are all beautiful women, or they have four characteristics.

[Haha... Now there are melons to eat! [

Yes, this melon is also very large and sweet!]

Look at Du Xinghai's face, and it turned dark all of a sudden.

And he didn't even refute it, was it really as the four of them said.

Or just like all of us, thinking in our hearts, we want to subtly rule people.

If you can't see it, you threaten to break up the band! [

Pay attention to the words upstairs, we are Du Xinghai's legal team, what you just said, we have preserved the evidence! ] [

Afraid of a hammer, you dare to threaten labor and management, originally just wanted to be a melon-eating audience, very good, you successfully provoked me, I will go and gather water friends! ] [

Wow, this person is a fool, read a book and read a fool.] Unexpectedly provoked the [Afraid of Things and on the Bird Network] blogger, this time there is a lively watch! [

Now that the melon is already available, it is still ripe, hurry up and move the stool to watch the play!] [

Leave me a spot!] Feng

Shaomei couldn't believe looking at the four people, to be precise, now her eyes were staring at Du Xinghai.

If you see the newcomer you like, you can sign it.

But because of Du Xinghai's previous affairs, people refused to sign the contract.

"You guys have such a good talent, what you lack now is a powerful platform.

And our company is strong, I promise that as long as you come in, focus on training you, the contract is signed according to the highest specifications? "

She doesn't want such a good newcomer to enter the opponent's company, otherwise, this time the competition is a dowry for others!"

"No need, but we still, thank you President Feng for your kindness, we already have a team!"

Hearing Xia Yunxin's words, Feng Shaomei thought in her heart that this was indeed the case!

There are people behind them who are supporting, otherwise how could it be possible, and they could get eight fine songs, but she still didn't give up.

"What kind of team, the strength can be compared to us, Asia Wireless!"

"The strength is indeed not comparable, but we are confident that we will do better than you."

Because with us, it is guaranteed that there will be no occurrence, what unspoken rules and other things will happen! At

this moment, in the direction of the audience below, there was a breathy male voice.

"It's you, Guo Hexuan!"

It turned out that I didn't know that when Guo Hexuan had already walked to the aisle.

The reason why he did this was that he didn't want Qin Mo and the others to be exposed in front of everyone.

I remember clearly that the boss said to keep a low profile.

"It's me, it seems that everyone still remembers me!"

"You still dare to come back?"

Feng Shaomei didn't think it would be him, and this was trouble.

"Why can't I come back, besides, it's not because of me, after resting for so long, it's time to come out and exercise!"

At this time, the momentum exuding from Guo Hexuan's body was two extremes from before.

Before he was an ordinary old man who was thrown into the crowd.

"Since they have all withdrawn for so many years, what are they coming back to do, now it's a world of young people, it's not good to enjoy their old age, come out to make some trouble!"

"Hehe, young man, I'm also now, you see how good my health is, this doesn't need President Feng to worry about!"

The two went head-to-head, making the surrounding environment suddenly become depressed.

Most importantly, the camera is pointed at the two at this time.

The argument between the two just now was broadcast live to the audience who ate melons.

"The four of them are such a good talent, to your hands, only bury it!"

"Bury it, I don't think so, their eight golden songs, what do you think?"

"Very good, really good, wait what did you just say, Golden Song?"

Feng Shaomei seemed to be stimulated by something, and her voice suddenly became sharp.

"The eight capitals are golden songs?"

"It seems that President Feng still has a bit of an eye!"

Guo Hexuan's words were obviously sarcastic to her.

Between fine products and golden songs, there is an insurmountable deep gap!

Now Guo Hexuan is telling himself that the fine songs that he and others think are golden songs in the mouths of others.

"Impossible, how can you take out so many golden songs, or a whole eight!"

Feng Shaomei's first thought was that she was bluffed by Guo Hexuan.

You know, this is a golden song, not a road product.

It's hard to even see fine songs, let alone golden songs.

I haven't seen a single song for half a year, and now in a competition, I actually saw eight, this is not bragging leather, what is that!

"Oh, I didn't say I wrote it myself!

And what you can't do, don't doubt other people, just like you, there are many superior people in this world!

Suddenly, Guo Hexuan looked towards the camera and laughed mysteriously.

"You must have lied to me, in the entertainment industry today, it is impossible for anyone to do it!"

"That's because you can't meet it, but next, some of you are shocked, Xia Yunxin, let's go!"

"Even if you Guo Hexuan has high-ranking people here, without financial support, they want to be famous, I think it is very hanging!"

"This doesn't bother President Feng worried, our Yinqin studio, there is no money and no money, you are still optimistic about someone, save trouble everywhere!"

Guo Hexuan took a look at the position of Qin Mo and the others just now.

Everyone has gone out, and they know that it is time for them to quit next.

This wave can save a lot of advertising costs, after him before the live broadcast, so to speak.

I believe that next, the name of the music organ will appear in front of the public.

"What do you mean?"

Hearing Guo Hexuan's last words, he actually pulled on himself.

Du Xinghai couldn't bear it anymore, the previous Four Seasons Band matter, there was indeed a come, he didn't dare to refute it.

Because once refuted, when the time comes, the matter will be turned over, and then there will be no mouth to tell.

It's better not to say anything yourself, these naturally have the relevant personnel of the company to deal with.

Originally, there was a stomach of anger, and finally it was broken by Guo Hexuan's words.

"I didn't say anything, Du Juxing, did you react so much?"

At this time, Guo Hexuan looked at Du Xinghai with an innocent face.

And his sentence Du Juxing, but extremely ironic!

Who doesn't know that he Guo Hexuan is among the composers, that is a big guy, but now he calls the other party a superstar.


Du Xinghai still wanted to continue, but was immediately stopped by the people around him, and the camera that had been facing everyone had already been put away.

[NND, what do you mean, just when I was watching it cool, I suddenly disconnected the Internet! ] [

There was no network disconnection, it was cut off by the other party to broadcast live.] [

Lying groove, really, this time Du Xinghai can make headlines again!] ]

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