Three months later.

At this time, it was already May.

At the scene of the bright moon star, Guo Hexuan's last words directly pushed Du Xinghai on the hot headlines.

At the same time, he also handed over Qin Mo to himself to be in charge of the studio and officially showed it in front of everyone.

"If you mess with yourself, go back and explain to the board, I won't wipe your ass!"

Feng Shaomei glared at Du Xinghai fiercely before turning to leave.

She is going back to the company, ready to see Du Xinghai in front of the director.

"You..." The

grudge between the two is not a matter of a day or two.

"Xinghai, let's go!"

What happened here, after the agent Leng Chengan learned about it, he rushed over as soon as possible.

He couldn't have imagined that a small incident before would erupt on this occasion, and even worse was the live broadcast.

When the company learned about this, the first to be attacked was the logistics team.

In his own home turf, this kind of thing happened.

If you cut off the anchor in the first time, there will be no follow-up.

"I'm not convinced, why can she point fingers at me!"

How much profit I have created for the company over the years!

"Let's talk about these later!"

Leng Cheng'an pulled Du Xinghai away, but there were other people here.

If the scene just now is filmed and transmitted to the Internet, even if he can't receive it.

"Don't worry, the board is on our side!"

In order to comfort Du Xinghai, Leng Chengan had to say something against his will.

Even he found that since last year's incident, Du Xinghai's temper has undergone earth-shaking changes.

A series of pushing off the company's arrangement to give him a large order was all on the grounds of physical discomfort.

"Okay, then trouble Brother Leng!"

Seeing that Du Xinghai finally left, Leng Chengan let out a deep breath.

"Hey, what excuse should I come up with and report to the company.

This time the trouble is big, and the directors of the company are interested in their interests.

They don't care how much you made before, they can't make money now, they beat you the same.

At this time, he provoked Feng Shaomei, a crazy woman!

At this time, Leng Chengan grabbed his hair and tried to come up with an excuse in these few hours.

If you wait for the board of directors to convene and think about it temporarily, it will be too late.

For the next two days, Leng Chengan did not receive any notice from the company.

Just when he thought that this matter, like before, was put to rest by the company's public relations.

The directors of the company also no longer count the time.

On the third day, he sent out the previously arranged itinerary, and canceled several times on this day.

"Brother Chen, what's going on?"

Leng Chengan quickly contacted a colleague of the company by phone.

"You received the news, this was decided by the director's side!"

"Why, doesn't this require me to go to a meeting to decide?"

He hurriedly asked, this cancellation is the most important item.

Leng Chengan remembered that the contract said that Du Xinghai's interests were involved, and he or his agent must be present.

But now he actually knew it afterwards, and as for Du Xinghai himself, he didn't know even more.

"The board of directors was held yesterday, seeing the past friendship, I can only say this, for my job, I can't talk about anything else, and please forgive Brother Leng!"

"Thank you Brother Chen!"

When the other party said this, Leng Chengan did not continue to ask.

There is only one thing that does not require the consent of the parties, and that is the company's meeting of the board of directors.

"NND, these unprofitable directors must have found a successor!"

As early as the end of last year, he heard the wind and said that the director was very dissatisfied with Du Xinghai.

If he finds the right person, he will definitely regret it.

"It turns out that this matter is true!"

"Do you want to tell Du Xinghai?"

"Forget it, or don't tell him, just think of it as a vacation, let him know, don't know what will happen?"

Leng Chengan thought for a while, and finally made a choice to hide this matter.

He felt that anyway, now Du Xinghai did not want to take over the work arranged by the company, and there was just an excuse.

"As for those things on the Internet, naturally there are people from the company to deal with them."



——, beep!

"The boss is out of money!"

As soon as Qin Mo connected the phone, Gu Qingyi's voice came from the other side.

"Agent Gu, in the past three months, the first thing you have said is to ask for money, can you say some good news!"

"No, boss, you said this yourself, call you if you don't have money!"

Since three months ago, Qin Mo said a word, the studio has no money to call him, boldly spend money, don't save money for him.

Qin Mo quickly paid for his actions, and once Gu Qing finished spending the money, the first thing he asked him for money was the first time.

He also didn't expect that once the studio was launched, it would cost money like flowing water, and this was what he said.

"Fortunately, it's me, if it's someone else, I really can't stand you spending money like this!"

"You also said, it's just a handshake cabinet!

Leave me and Guo Lao outside, and run back to my hometown to enjoy the blessings.

And this early stage, it is simply a bottomless pit!

I want to run the horse, but I don't want to feed the grass, how can there be such a good thing! Every

time he asked for money, Gu Qing would definitely complain for a while.

"Good, good, know that you have worked hard, what you want to buy, eat and drink well, and reimburse together at the end of the month!"

"Heehee, even if you have a conscience, don't waste us fighting and dying outside, remember, this time 10 million!"

"Ten million, really when I opened a bank, last time 10 million, less than a month will be gone!"

"I don't want to, now that the company has expanded, there are more employees below, and the previous office space will be replaced!"

"Okay, I know, this time I will give you 30 million, and every time the province says that I exploit you!"

"Thank you boss, love you to death!"

Hearing Gu Qingyi's words, Qin Mo was so frightened that he quickly hung up the phone.

"Haha, the more money you spend, the better!"

Qin Mo didn't mean to blame just now, Gu Qingyi and they spent a lot of money, which means that they are working.

Instead, he laughed, as long as he can spend money, it means that the company is going well.

Now it is no longer a studio, but in the name of Ye Yin, an entertainment company has been established, and the name is still the same as before.

For three months, I was preparing for a new company and preparing to enter the entertainment industry.

The hole card in Guo Hexuan's hand is Xia Yunxin's Four Seasons Band.

After the Bright Moon Star competition, Guo Hexuan also invited water friends and has been dealing with each other on the Internet.

It had been brewing for more than a month before the news was released, and the Four Seasons Band was officially established.

When he arrived here, Guo Hexuan began to remain silent again.

Let everyone guess outside, what is Guo Hexuan doing?

He didn't do anything, just waited!

Waiting for the best time, he wants the band to not come out, and it will definitely soar into the sky!

"Guo Lao, wait like this, the company is spending money every day, for more than two months, there is no profit, the boss really has no opinion?"

This is the finance after the establishment of the company, other companies dug up with high salaries.

"Don't worry about that."


"Our boss is not bad for money!"

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