"Elder Guo, you tell us how rich the boss is!"

Hearing everyone talking about the boss, other employees quickly ran over.

These employees were all recruited from behind, and they had never even seen Qin Momian before.

I only know that the boss behind him is Qin Mo, and if there is no money, Gu Qing will also call and ask for money.

After more than two months, the finance carefully calculated an account, and I was shocked.

"Just now the boss transferred another 50 million, plus the previous 30 million, we are really a loser!"

The finance found out that he told Gu Qingyi that there was no money, and in less than ten minutes, the company's account received 50 million.

"I heard you right, fifty million?"

Guo Hexuan remembered that he only said that 10 million was enough, after all, he spent 30 million in more than two months, and he couldn't care about it.

"The boss said, save us from calling often to ask for money, this time give a little more!"

Gu Qing also said proudly, this money can be more than her credit.

"Did the boss say how long this money will take?"

"This boss didn't say anything!"

After asking this sentence, Guo Hexuan touched his chin and thought.

"Are you sure?"

"This can be 100% sure!"

"It's great that I figured out how to spend the money."

"Elder Guo, shouldn't you think that you can spend this money all at once?"

Gu Qing also saw Guo Hexuan's expression, and quickly asked nervously.

"Agent Gu is right, Guo Lao, you can't do this idea, spend this money at once, then everyone this month, and next month's salary, how to pay?"

The finance next to him also hurriedly persuaded, and neither of them waited for Guo Hexuan to finish speaking, so they guessed by themselves.

"I said you two, am I like this kind of person?"

"Guo Lao, what you said is not right, it is at all, otherwise I almost didn't have a salary to pay everyone last month, who caused this, so I tried to explain to the boss, so I had to pay everyone's salary!"

"Ahem, you two are really, which pot does not open which pot, that time was just an accident, this time it will definitely not be like this!"

"Okay, this time we believe you, Guo Lao, what are you going to do?"

The development of the company is mainly based on Guo Hexuan, assisted by Gu Qing.

"What do you two think of the office we went to see the other day?"

"It's okay, at least it's better than here now!"

Since the new Times Square moved out, they have rented a temporary office building.

After some haggling, the other party agreed to rent one and pay three.

The three-month deadline is approaching, and the company must find new office space or rent it for another three months.

The place here is cluttered, and the rent is still deadly expensive, which is why Guo Hexuan wants to rent the office space again.

"The previous plan was 10 million, but now the boss gives 50 million, if you want to rent, rent the best, this is what the boss often says!"

Guo Hexuan believed that when he said this, the two of them would definitely understand it.

"Elder Guo, shouldn't you think that renting the office building we looked at before and renting two floors directly?"

Gu Qing was also reminded by Guo Hexuan, and immediately understood what he was going to do next!

"It's so smart, it's a good partner!"

"In this case, a year's rent plus a deposit, but it costs 40 million!"

"Listen to you two say this, we haven't made money yet, we have spent almost 100 million yuan by ourselves, when can we make money, as a finance, I am embarrassed, this money can only come in and out!"

The finance also understood what the two were going to say, because the company's office space, but the three went to see it together.

As a finance, it is necessary to come up with the most cost-effective and cost-effective plan for the company.

"We rent the best, make sure there is no problem with the boss, if it is true, I will take out this money?"

Finance to confirm again, after all, I have not contacted the boss, I don't know how he is?

As long as you really tell the two of them, this money will definitely be spent.

"Elder Guo is right, since there is a choice, then we can just do what he says, and the boss will be said by me."

"Okay, if you both say so, then I'll have no problem!"

The other employees next to him heard the results discussed by the three.

Roar out with excitement!

"Yes, great, you can go shopping after work in the future!"

It turned out that the office space that was originally decided to be located was a little far from the city, but it was considered farther away because of the cost problem.

Now Guo Hexuan's re-chosen office space is the city center, surrounded by shopping malls and entertainment venues.

However, rent is three times more expensive than remote ones.

At the beginning, Guo Hexuan and Gu Qingyi chose the city center.

However, after hearing about the rent, he did not continue to ask.

"Since you have all made a decision, it is better to go through the formalities now, so that others do not get ahead."

Gu Qing also proposed a sentence, and immediately got everyone's consent!

"Those of you who stay, contact the removal company now, and pack up the company's things first, and tomorrow morning, we will report to the new company."

"Elder Guo, and Agent Gu, please rest assured that you two will complete the task!"

This is about your own interests, how can you not be diligent.

Now this office space, but not the village, not the store!

In order to save money, the place I chose was very remote, and it took several hours to go out.

"Let's go, don't worry about this, they are more anxious than us!"

These newly recruited employees, if not for better salaries, would have run away.

It's all young people, and you can let them stay for a week or two.

But once the time passed, everyone panicked.

After a day's work, I want to find a place to relax after work, but I can't find it, how can this work!

There are already several employees who have approached Guo Hexuan and want to resign.

Guo Hexuan said that everyone can work normally.

Just persuade a few people to work hard for a while, and soon report to a new place, which dispels everyone's thoughts, lets them see hope, and wait quietly.

"Everyone hurried over to work, and if they wanted to move to a new place early, they all moved me."

Today, the company has more than 50 employees.

Compared to before, it has doubled several times!

"Where can I move, I'm ready to quit, these remote places, I can't stay, the money I earn has nowhere to spend!"

Employees who have not just come over, do not know the office space, have been re-selected.

"Good news for you, this time the company's office is downtown!"

Several weak employees immediately straightened their bodies after hearing this sentence.

He asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"You're not going to be kidding us, are you?"

"This kind of thing, how can you joke casually, if it is fake, when Guo Lao comes back, he won't pick my skin!"

"Did he just mean it?"

Several people still didn't believe it, and quickly asked several people.

"Elder Guo and Agent Gu, they have already gone out to go through the formalities, do you say that this is still fake?"

"NND, if it's true, let's quit a hammer, no, I have to quickly pack my things!"

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