"How much longer?"

"It's almost finished, just take care of some of the hand-to-hand work."

"This four months, really trouble everyone!"

"Boss Qin, you are laughing at this, these are all things we should do!"

They and others earn half more money, where there is any hard saying, even if there is, after seeing the income, there is no more.

"Don't bother you, I'll see for myself!"

If there are people who have not returned for more than half a year, pass through the area north of the city.

They will be surprised to find out when new buildings are erected here, which can only be seen in big cities.

"Boss, are you ready to start work?"

After Ding Jianyi approached, he always felt that he was still dreaming.

More than four months ago, the area was vacant.

Now it is like a combination of industrial park and community.

This was designed by the previous designer according to Qin Mo's ideas.

More than 50 acres of land, of which 20 acres are used for new companies, and the rest are employee accommodation and activity venues.

The employee's residence is mainly built according to the two-person one-bedroom building.

Of course, there are a small number of single rooms, which are for single management.

In addition to the above two, there are also suites.

There are two bedrooms, three bedrooms, these are equally management benefits.

However, after starting a family, family members can come with them to live in.

"Such a good environment, I want to move in!"

Ding Jianyi and the others accompanied Qin Mo and walked around the employee's residence area.

"Manager Ding's idea is good, I will arrange it later, and find the best suite for everyone!"

"No need, the boss is still left to the people below, I won't fight with everyone!"

He quickly waved his hand and said, this place is good, but how can it be compared with the residence that Qin Mo arranged for himself and others.

It was a small courtyard and a small two-story Western-style building.

"I thought that Manager Ding really wanted to break into the employees and live with everyone, it seems that I thought too much!"

"Hehe, I think we better not live in it, otherwise these employees will be restrained by then!"

"Yes, Manager Ding is right, we still have less involvement in the affairs of employees."

Kong Yuanhang also added next to explain that if he really lived in, there would be constant trouble.

Where is it comfortable to live by yourself, when you have nothing to do, make a pot of tea in the yard at night, this life is comfortable to think about!

"Make sure to think about it, don't say it then, I didn't take care of everyone!"

Qin Mo was in a very good mood now, and finally took the first step.

"Hehe, no, we have absolutely no opinion!"

"Manager Ding is right, we won't blame your Big Brother Qin."

Wu Yueyi couldn't imagine that she would complete her life goal so quickly and have a car and a house.

This time, Qin Mo arranged a small western-style building for some of the people around him, all built side by side.

In order to take care of everyone, he spent a lot of money.

If nothing else, the money for buying land is 30% higher than the market price.

Ding Jianyi, Kong Yuanhang, Wu Yueyi, Fu Hetai, Zhuo Wenshu and the five of them in a small western-style building.

As for others, there should not be too many requirements, it is good to have a place to live.

Liu Tianrui, Ou Xiaofan, Zhuo Hanzhi and others all chose to move into the staff dormitory.

Even Yunlin has a suite, and finally does not have to live with her parents, suffering from the white eyes of outsiders.

"Not bad, it's still an old classmate!"

"I know what you are thinking in your hearts, and you also want to own a small western-style building, you don't need me in the future, you can build it yourself!"

"Boss, the villa between you and Professor Lin will take several months to build!"

"It's okay, it's not that there is no place to live, if it weren't for every gathering, there was no place to set the table, and I wouldn't have built a villa!"

"Okay, it's time to get down to business, Manager Ding, when do you plan to recruit employees, if Professor Lin and their research results come out, then they will start construction?"

Qin Mo's expression became serious.

"We're already getting started!"

"Since you have arranged everything, then I can rest assured that this will be my Qin Mo's new starting point!"

Leading everyone to the front of the company building, Qin Mo said heroically.

This is a ten-story building with an area of more than two thousand square meters.

Time is urgent, the height of ten floors, Qin Mo feels that it is enough.

Qin Mo referred to the company building for the first time, and he had previously told Liu Tianrui that they were responsible.

As soon as I came in, I saw the workers cleaning, and at this pace, I could move in in at most a week.

"Boss Qin, are you coming to see the decoration effect and see if you are satisfied?"

"Not bad, it's still that sentence, I don't worry if you do things!"

"Haha, thank you Boss Qin for your praise, I will always urge everyone to deliver the work in the shortest possible time!"

"No hurry, quality is the most important!"

"Quality is a lever, our company motto!"

"Your construction schedule is indeed OK, most of the electrical appliances are installed, well, I won't bother everyone to work!"

After Qin Mo turned around, he left satisfied.

"After reading here, where are we going next?"

"Let's go to the playground, it will be used in two days!"

Kong Yuanhang spoke at this time, and he was always in charge over there.

"Didn't you wait until the summer vacation and finish it so soon?"

"Brother Mo, I think the same way, but the effect of this group of workers is too high!"

"Completed more than a month ahead of schedule, there is no problem with the quality of the project, right?"

"This Brother Mo, please rest assured, we will contact the relevant testing department, and the results will come out in these few days!"

Professional things have to be done by professional people.

In this regard, Qin Mo did not intervene, and everything was handed over to Kong Yuanhang to be responsible.

In the past three months, the company's construction and the playground side, he did not pay attention, what is Qin Mo doing?

"Boss, in the next time, your energy must be focused on the company, otherwise I can't be busy alone."

Ding Jianyi began to complain, and he thought it was the same as before.

After knowing what Qin Mo was going to do, he found that he was only unfamiliar with this industry.

This is a big girl, the first time to get on the sedan car.

"Don't worry, the things I want to do are almost done, see if you haven't even started!"

In three months, Qin Mo used these months to cultivate a group of cooks.

So far, there are already fifty chefs!

Compared with the chefs trained before, the level this time is far beyond.

Three months of uninterrupted, wholehearted personal guidance.

These fifty chefs, just pull one out, will be blushed by the eyes of five-star hotels.

Except for not having chef certifications, they are all better than those chefs.

"You are still powerful, in three months, you will help the boss lady and win ten counties!"

Now in the ten counties around the city, there are five shops under Ye Yinpan, and the business is as hot as in Shuijiang County.

"Boss, there is something that I am curious about, when will your marriage take place, should it be after the birth of the child?"

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