"Ahem, this!"

Qin Mo was almost choked by Ding Jianyi's question!

"I knew you would be like this, and you can forget the big things in life!"

This time was said by Ding Jianyi, Qin Mo rarely did not refute it.

"The child will be born in half a month at most, I think it is not responsible for the hostess to hurry up and do the wedding quickly, and then drag it down!"

Hearing Ding Jianyi's words, others seconded one after another.

"Hey, now, it's too late, I planned it before, and I forgot about it when I was busy!"

After being reminded by Ding Jianyi, Qin Mo remembered that Ye Yin seemed to have something to say to himself recently.

"This boss, don't worry, we just want an accurate word now, do you want to have a wedding now!"

"If it's in time, it's definitely going to happen!"

"Okay, boss, the next thing will be left to us!"

"You guys planned ahead?"

Qin Mo glanced at everyone in disbelief.

"As an employee, the first thing to do is to solve problems for the boss!"

"This marriage, you can't just choose a time!"

At this time, Qin Mo remembered the local customs.

Getting married is a life event, and you have to choose an auspicious one.

"The boss waits for you to react, it's late, we have already told our uncles and aunts in advance, the time is good, Friday is the best!"

"It seems that everyone knows that as far as the two of us are concerned, I don't know!"


, I don't blame everyone, it's a hassle in terms of venues!"

Qin Mo quickly thought of the key to the matter, but he was going to hold a prosperous wedding for Ye Yin.

The thought of the conditions here discouraged him.

These must be arranged in advance!

"Boss, you two don't need to worry about anything else, just wait, the wedding day is coming!"

"Okay, then all this will trouble you, since everyone gave me a surprise, then I will also give you a surprise afterwards!"

"Haha, I just said, the boss won't blame me, look at what I said before, there are surprises waiting for us!"

As soon as Qin Mo finished speaking, Wu Yueyi jumped up excitedly.

"You brought this up?"

"Yes, otherwise you think that relying on a few of them, you are still the same as Brother Qin.

Looking at it day by day, Miss Ye's belly is bigger, you are not in a hurry, I am in a hurry!

When Wu Yueyi spoke, she looked at everyone with a smug expression.

"Take the money!"

"Why do you want money?"

"Weddings, it's all money!

There is also the one who should be contacted, we are all in touch, and the money is almost in place.

And you two, you don't have to do anything these days.

Wedding photos, rings, etc. should be prepared.

Luckily, I arranged it all in advance, and you two just need to fly over!

"Thank you all!"

"Boss, these are all arranged by Manager Wu, we dare not invite credit!"

"Hmph, after I saw you, I said that you would eat and sleep, and you wouldn't do anything!"

Seeing Qin Mo looking at him gratefully, Wu Yueyi quickly raised her head and said with her nostrils towards Qin Mo.

"Also, about the wedding, we won't tell Miss Ye, it's only appropriate for you to say it yourself!"

Qin Mo knew the truth of Wu Yueyi's words, and the meaning of saying it himself was different!

"You guys are busy first!"

Everyone has done so much for themselves, and if they don't act quickly, they can't say it.

"Now the company is not yet established, and when everything is ready, there will be no time."

Qin Mo started the vehicle and went straight to the house.

Ye Yin is currently not going anywhere, with a big belly, she can only raise a baby at home.

"Hurry up and pack a few clothes, and Shin Shin's!"

Back home, Qin Mo began to pack his luggage.

"Brother Qin, what are you doing here?"

Ye Yin stroked her big belly and walked out of the house.

"You didn't always want to take wedding photos, now let's go!"

"Take wedding photos, now?"

Ye Yin couldn't believe looking at Qin Mo, he had wanted to say this for a long time.

But I kept seeing Qin Mo busy and busy, and even the rest time was saved.

"Yes, you still sit, call your mother to bring Xinxin back, and I will pack my luggage!"

"Okay, I'll fight now!"

After confirming again, Ye Yin became ecstatic.

"Pay attention, you can't get too emotional right now!"

"Well, Brother Qin, I see!"


Beep ——, vibrate!

At this time, Qin Mo's mobile phone rang.

"What's going on?"

The call was from Wu Yueyi.

"Brother Qin, I just forgot to give you the appointments, I sent them all to your WeChat, and the final payment and the like you pay by yourself, remember to reimburse me for the money I paid before!"

"Don't worry, I will give you several times more when I come back!"

"Whose phone should be work again?"

What Ye Yin was most afraid of now was that Qin Mo answered the phone, and every time he needed to deal with it in the past.

"Don't worry, it's not a matter of work, in the next period, there will be no phone, they gave me a week off!"

Soon Wang Lanhui returned with Xinxin, saw Qin Mo packing his luggage, and quickly asked.

"What's so urgent, what are you going to do?"

"Brother Qin said that he would go with me to take wedding photos!"

Ye Yin always had a smile on her face, and today was her happiest day.

"Wedding dress, good thing!"

Hearing Ye Yin's words, Wang Lanhui slapped her palm excitedly.

The two elders had been looking forward to this day for a long time, but they did not dare to interfere too much.

Now seeing the two of them bring it up by themselves, they were so excited that they couldn't speak.

"Son, what do you mean, do you go ahead?"

"Mom, please ask you for things at home, and the Ye family, I also bother you to notify!"

"Okay, these are small things, hand them over to your mother, and promise to give you the beautiful bleaching you have done!"

Taking wedding photos and getting married are two different things.

What he meant just now, I didn't think that my son understood.

Although it was a little late, I finally agreed.

"What are you two talking about?"

Seeing Ye Yin's expression, Wang Lanhui shook her head with a smile, and now only she was kept in the dark.

"Nothing, you guys remember to shoot better, come back and show us!"

"Mom, rest assured, these big brothers Qin have all arranged!"


"Your things are packed, but you're going out for a few days?"

This time out, Qin Mo did not plan to bring many people.

There are only two drivers, Ding Zhengqi, and bodyguard Si Haosi.

"Packed up, all these luggage?"

Ding Zhengqi pointed to the two suitcases and said.

"Yes, bring it with you!"

"Dad, are we going out again?"

"Not for hanging out!"

"No, that Xinxin doesn't want to go out!"

"Xinxin is sure not to go out, Aunt Ye is going out to take wedding photos."

"Aunt Ye, take wedding photos?"

Qin Xinxin asked Ye Yin suspiciously.

"Yes, doesn't Shin Shin go out to accompany her sisters and take pictures together?"

Ye Yin stroked her stomach and smiled.

"Go, Shin Shin is definitely going!"

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