"Are you okay?"

A day and a half down.

The next afternoon, Qin Mo and the two finished taking the last one.

"Fortunately, I now find that getting married is really not a human thing, just a wedding photo, and it costs half a life!"

"You two are villains, trick Xinxin out, and it's not fun to take wedding photos at all."

At this time, Qin Xinxin was angry and could hang a milk bottle with a pout.

In addition to the beginning, it is also interesting to take pictures.

The monotonous action has been repeated in the back, and I can't go out yet.

This can hold Qin Xinxin down.

"It's already good, I'll take Xinxin to eat delicious food later!"

"Really, don't you lie to Xinxin?"

"Really, Dad won't lie to Xinxin!"

Qin Mo smiled and sorted out Xinxin's messy hair.

"Just finished deceiving people, and said no, I don't believe you, Xinxin went to find Aunt Ye."

Seeing Xin Xin go to find Ye Yin, Qin Mo went to find the staff.

The wedding was three days away, so he had to get it as fast as he could.

"What do you say, you want to get it in two days?"

The staff looked at Qin Mo and wondered if he was laughing.

"I can add money!"

"Handsome man, don't you know that post-processing of wedding photos is very cumbersome.

This is not something that can be solved with money, it involves film selection, film editing, and product production, which all take time.

If you encounter a busy schedule, the time will be extended, and it will take more than a month at the earliest.

"It's been so long!"

Hearing the staff say this, Qin Mo knew that people were not embarrassing themselves, but that they really did not understand.

"Wouldn't it be necessary to hold a wedding without wedding photos..." At

the thought of this, Qin Mo's head grew bigger.

Seeing that Qin Mo had not come out for a long time, Ding Zhengqi walked back.

"Boss, let's go!"

But Qin Mo didn't respond to him at all, still lowering his head in deep thought.

"Boss, the time is almost up!"

"Well, I know, you still have that business card!"

He thought for a while, but still couldn't think of a way, because this was already a dead end.

No matter what he thinks of it, time cannot be avoided.

"Still there, wait!"

Ding Zhengqi didn't know why the boss wanted a business card, but it seemed to be in a hurry.

"Boss, here you go!"

"I'll make a call first."

Seeing Qin Mo take out his mobile phone, Ding Zhengqi knew what he was going to do.

"Boss, you want to find Zeng Yongyi, let me call this call!"

He reached over and tried to get his business card back.

"No, I'll play better."

Now if you want to find someone to help, you have to lower your body.

You can't put up a shelf!


As soon as the phone was connected, Zeng Yongyi's voice was heard.

"It's me Qin Mo, the one at the airport."

The other party was just stunned for a while, and then became excited.

"Brother Qin, it's you, what's the matter with me, do you want me to be your tour guide?"

Zeng Yongyi could not have imagined that the business card he gave had only passed a day.

People called back, or the family was rich.

"Manager Zeng, we do have something and need your help!"

Qin Mo didn't know if this call could help him.

Because Zeng Yongyi happens to be the general manager of the wedding photo shooting company.

"Don't say anything about the general manager, this is just me hanging for fun

If Brother Qin doesn't mind, just call me Brother Zeng.

Anything to say, as long as I can help.

Zeng Yongyi responded by patting his chest.

"We have a wedding in a few days, and we have just taken wedding photos now, I don't know how long it will take in the later stage, so I want to ask, can you help Brother Zeng?"

If even he can't help, then it's really okay!

"This matter..."

The opposite side was silent for a while, and just when Qin Mojue had no chance, Zeng Yongyi responded.

"Brother Qin, when do you want it?"

"Before noon on Friday."

"If you calculate it this way, there is only more than three days left, so it is really urgent, and the effect may not be good in the later stage!"

"It's okay, we're not demanding!"

"By the way, there is also the problem of film selection, which also takes time.

I think Brother Qin should have other things, forget it, I know what to do.

I'll leave the rest to me, you guys go about other things, and I'll contact you when I have something. Halfway

through, Zeng Yongyi seemed to want to say something, but finally agreed to help.

"Thank you really, Brother Zeng!"

Qin Mo couldn't imagine that a business card would have such a big effect, otherwise his trip would have been for nothing.

"It's okay, this is all a trifle for me, when the time comes, the brother will ask for a glass of happy wine!"

"Haha, there is no problem with this, we will be warmly welcomed when the time comes!"

"This is the best, there is no need to send someone over at that time, I will personally bring things over!"

"Then it's decided, we still have to catch a plane to the magic capital!"

"Good journey!"

"Thank you!"

After Ding Zhengqi watched the boss hang up the phone, the sadness on his previous face was no longer visible.

"Boss, got it?"

"Well, this is still a lot of credit, you take this business card, the bonus will not be less than yours when you go back!"

"Hehe, how can the boss be willing to give this!"

"I know what you're thinking, and when I go back, I won't let you down."

In Qin Mo's view, Ding Zhengqi played a key role.

"Let's hurry, or the plane really won't catch up!"

When Qin Mo and the others got into the car and went straight to the airport.

Zeng Yongyi hurriedly said goodbye to a few friends!

"Zeng Shao, why are you going, saying that you won't get drunk today!"

In a private room, there are more than a dozen handsome guys and beauties.

On the table, they are all famous wines.

"I'm really sorry, guys, I didn't expect this.

This time it was really urgent, and I promised people that it had to be done.

Otherwise, I would have a name that I had less, and it would not be a joke to say it.

Rest assured, everyone said that you are invited to drink, that is a must.

I pay for all consumption today, and next time I will personally make amends to everyone! After

Zeng Yongyi made amends with everyone, he quickly left.

"What is this Shao doing, and there are still people who need him to stammer?"

"How do I know this, but Zeng Shao is different from other family sons, and while losing the family, he can also bring income to the family."

After this man finished speaking, he looked at the table of food and wine.

Today's consumption in this box is initially estimated to be around one million.

"Come on, Zeng Shao is not free now, we can't live up to his kindness, everyone drink, don't get drunk today!"

After Zeng Yongyi left, the box became lively again.

"General manager, why are you free to come to the company today?"

Let the people in the company not think that Zeng Yongyi, who usually just hangs a name.

He hadn't seen him once in a year and a half, but today he came to the company.

"Quickly call the company's senior management to the conference room."

Zeng Yongyi went to the company and went directly to the secretary.

"General manager, the company's top management is still holding other meetings!"

"What meeting is important to me!"

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