"General Manager, please stop being angry!"

The beautiful secretary couldn't imagine that Zeng Yongyi, who usually smiled, said that if he changed his face, he would change his face!

"I'm waiting for them in the conference room!"

After speaking, Zeng Yongyi turned and left, not saying a second word to you at all.

Knock knock!

"Secretary Wang, don't you know we're in a meeting?"

The high-level who was in the meeting saw that it was Wang Lanna who came in, and his brows couldn't help but wrinkle.

If the best idle person in the company is Zeng Yongyi, then as his secretary, he ranks second.

As long as Zeng Yongyi did not come to the company, Wang Lanna could go to and from work on time every day.

Inside the company, drink tea, look in the mirror, and put on makeup!

The salary is not bad, so some people must be burning.

"The general manager is here, let you go over and find him now."

Wang Lanna did not, and retreated timidly because of the expressions on everyone's faces.

In the company, the one who can say his own is Zeng Yongyi.

"Zeng Shao came, we know, and we will pass when this meeting is over."

The other meanings that did not get up seemed to be taking what Wang Lanna said as air.

"The word has already arrived, the general manager said, must pass now, not then conceited!"



After Wang Lanna said this, she twisted her waist and left.

The sound of high heels touching the ground constantly knocked on everyone's hearts.

The latter sentence was added by Wang Lanna herself.

"Look at me is not happy, this girl also looks at you unhappy, and the salary is not paid by you!"

She also knew that when the time came, these people would not dare to ask.

"Why, is this meeting still open?"

"What else to drive, Zeng Shao has come over, we don't go over, we don't know how to torture us."

Although Zeng rarely pays attention to the company's affairs, every quarter, he checks the company's finances.

And he is not the waste of the second ancestor, but has real materials.

He just didn't want to be constrained and stay in the company every day.

"Hurry up, no matter how you say that the company is all people's!"

The first person got up from their seat, and the others had to follow.

"It's all here, just sit down!"

Seeing that the company's senior management came over on time, Zeng Yongyi smiled.

"General manager, this is the information you want."

While waiting, he had already instructed the company people to bring the information he needed.

"This time, it's my personal business, but I want you to get it done for me as quickly as possible."

Within three days, no matter what method you use, I just want to see the results.

If you can't complete it, then it's embarrassing, and for the next half year, the bonus will be deducted.

If it's done, the bonus will be doubled! Secretary Wang, send the information. As

soon as Zeng Yongyi finished speaking, the high-level below was coaxed.

The bonus is the bulk of their income.

It doesn't matter if you earn a month's income or not.

But the bonus can't be less!

However, as the general manager of the company, this bonus cannot be paid, and it is not his words.

However, when I think about the next half a year, the bonus will be paid in the form of double.

These high-level officials could no longer sit still, and took the information and carefully examined it.

"Zeng Shao, that's it?"

"Yes, that's it, it's not difficult to say, isn't it difficult, it's hard again!"

"You guys discussed, the end time is, Friday noon, I will see the finished product, and then I will not disturb everyone's work, I have other things."

Zeng Yongyi finished explaining some things before leaving.

"What do you think?"

"This is indeed a bit tricky!"

After several high-level executives read the materials, this matter is all in their own company, which is very easy!

The trouble is the latter process.

"Okay, you guys are in charge of the front, I'll contact the people over there now, there is nothing that can't be solved at the dinner table!"

The first person to leave was the company's deputy general manager.

He is most concerned about this matter, and he has the most bonuses every month.

The bonus of 100,000 yuan a month is now eight months away from the end of the year.

If this can't be done, there is no 800,000 bonus.

But once it is done, the things that have been less responsible for are close to two million.

"Now the villa I fancy can make up enough for the down payment!"

"Mr. Xu, don't worry, these are all left to us!

Big deal, tonight, we accompany everyone to work overtime.

Guaranteed to be all done by 8 o'clock tomorrow morning!

"The employees below handed it to me, and Zeng Shao was willing to pay twice the bonus.

Tonight's overtime employees, give everyone a bonus of 500 yuan, what do you think? "

The man who is speaking now is the head of the company's finances.

"We all have no problem with this!"

Compared with the hundreds of thousands of bonuses of himself and others, what is this little money!

"Since everyone has no opinion, then put down the other things at hand according to the division of labor now."

Under Zeng Yongyi's words, the company where Qin Mo took wedding photos began to operate rapidly.

"Brother Qin, I just checked the webpage and found that what we thought was too simple!"

On the plane, Ye Yin had a worried expression on his face.

"What's wrong?"

"It is said on the Internet that it is best to take wedding photos a few months in advance, otherwise you can't get it, the fastest month, the slow even more than half a year!"

"If that's the case, wouldn't our wedding be..."

she didn't finish, but the meaning was already clear.

"Hehe, you're worried about this!"

"Aren't you worried, it's all to blame you, I didn't remind me to understand, this is good, on the wedding day, there are no wedding photos, I feel like I have less soul!"

Ye Yin's mouth pouted at this time, and she did not directly accuse Qin Mo.

However, the expression on her face already shows that she is very unhappy now.

The most important thing a woman can do in her life is to get married.

If you can't leave a good memory for yourself on this day, it will be imperfect.

"Don't worry, I have asked others, there should be no problem."

"Can you still ask someone for this?"

Ye Yin thought of himself and the others, it was the first time to come to Sanya.

Here, and there is no one I know, how can I handle this.

"Wait, Brother Qin, shouldn't you be looking for that young man who met us at the airport?"

Qin Mo did not speak at this time, but laughed.

"Really look for him, then there should be no problem!"

Thinking of Zeng Yongyi's identity, the depression in Ye Yin's heart finally dissipated at this time.

"Heehee, it's still Brother Qin who is reliable, such a tricky thing can be done!"

"This credit, I dare not hold it, this is the credit of Ding Zhengqi and the people Zeng Yongyi, I am just a phone call!"

"Yes, but that Zeng Yongyi looks back now, it's really cute!"

As soon as Ye Yin thought of the scene at that time, he couldn't help but cover his mouth and laugh.

"Brother Qin, then you must thank people well!"

"Don't worry, I'll invite him over on the wedding day!"

"That's a good idea, thank you again that day!"

"But Ding Zhengqi, this time he made meritorious achievements, how should he be rewarded?"

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