What happened on Qin Mo's side has long attracted the attention of the citizens of Shuijiang County!

"Brother Wen, you said that when the time comes, we will go over and make trouble, will Young Master Li be very happy!"

Among the onlookers outside, several men with cigarettes gathered together.

"Do you want to go in here and make trouble, or do you want to enter the cell for three packs!"

"Smelly boy let me be clear, what do you mean just now?"

One of the men couldn't imagine that he was kind enough to be treated as a donkey's lung!

"What do I say, it's not clear enough, and before you make trouble, it's best to tell me, I don't want to be implicated by my pig teammates!"

After the man finished speaking, he didn't wait for the other party to speak, so he turned and left, as if staying for one more second, he would suffer!

"Brother Wen, you can hear it, this time it wasn't me who took the initiative to provoke trouble, he provoked me first!"

"What he said is right, people are stupid and don't have to make trouble everywhere, I also said so, you better tell me before you cause trouble, I can leave the relationship aside!"

Seeing everyone leaving, this person was directly stunned!

"What do you mean by that?"

"Such a stupid person, it's really the first time I've seen it!"

"No wonder I haven't seen Li Jinglong in the recent period, with such a subordinate, I don't know if I was killed by the pit."

"But I heard about the reason why Li Jinglong disappeared recently."

"You know, hurry up, we thought it was strange before."

"It was pit by subordinates, and now it is grounded, even the bank card has been confiscated, I don't know if it is true or not!"

"Do you know what happened?"

"I only know one thing, is it related to this one?"

The citizen said, pointing inside.

"There are lessons from predecessors, and this person really dares to think about it!"

"Forget it, these are none of our business, if you don't go in and take a look, maybe you can get a few good cigarettes to smoke!"

"Let's go, I just had this idea, since everyone thinks so, let's go in and take a look, just want to see what happened, so grand!"

"This is a good idea, better than us outside, silly looking!"

The fence blocks the sight of the citizens outside, only knowing that it is lively inside, what kind of activities are being carried out, you can only know when you go in and see.

Seven o'clock in the evening.

Some of the pre-wedding preparations are almost complete.

The custom of Qin Mo's hometown, the day before, was to invite everyone to eat a meal first.

"Old man, you are the biggest here today, and the grandson-in-law will toast you first."

Qin Mo filled himself with a cup and walked to Ye Yangxia's side.

During this period of recuperation, as well as Qin Mo's acupuncture treatment, the dark injuries on the old man's body have all healed.

"Xiao Qin, you can't say this right, tomorrow you will all get married, so you are the protagonist."

"Old man, you all said that it was tomorrow, so now it is still your eldest, and the grandson-in-law will do it first!"

Qin Mo directly snorted.

"Good, happy!"

Ye Yangxia also drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

"Old man, your body is just right, pay attention!"

"It's okay, you don't know Xiao Qin's magic, now my body knows it myself."

He felt that his body was even better now than when he was forty years younger.

This little bit of wine is really trivial.

"Why, I haven't been threatening for a while, I'm good at talking, right, now they all start to control me to drink!"

Ye Yangxia just had a serious face, and after saying a word, the juniors on the table did not dare to say a word.

"Don't worry, now the old man's health is very good, as long as it is not a long-term alcoholism, there will be no problem."

Seeing everyone's worried expressions, Qin Mo could only stand up and say two words.

"Have you heard it, speaking here, the most authoritative person is Xiao Qin!"

Hearing the two say this, everyone really had nothing to say

, the truth is true, the person was rescued by Qin Mo, so what he said,

it was what!


Even without Qin Mo's words, everyone did not dare to say anything, after all, everyone had lived under the majesty of the old man for a long time.

"You guys eat your own as you like, don't bother, we two old guys!"

After saying this, the old man and Lin Tianlu tasted the small wine.

"These two dishes made by Xiao Qin are hard enough!"

"Lao Ye, it's not right for you to say this, people are in line with this kid of Tai, and they are doing well!"

"I didn't say that this kid is bad, it's just a bit different from his master."

Ye Yangxia didn't dare to offend Tai, and what he ate during this period of time was made in line with Tai.

For example, the food on the main table today is all in line with Tai's one-person operation, except for the three dishes prepared by Qin Mo for the old man.

As for the rest, the fifty chefs are in charge, and so far, the hotel has not been renovated, so they have not come in handy.

"Old Ye, your Ye family is still blessed to be able to meet such a good grandson-in-law as Xiao Qin!"

In the past three months, Lin Tianlu found that he had underestimated Qin Mo before.

I can't imagine that this kid, with his achievements in the four university subjects, even he sighs that he is inferior!

Physics, chemistry, mathematics, materials science.

Every one that pulls out can be a big guy.

Lin Tianlu really couldn't understand how he did it, and the four areas were involved.

"Is this the so-called genius demon!"

In addition to this, Lin Tianlu could no longer think of any other explanation.

"How envious, it's a pity that you don't have a granddaughter, haha..." Seeing

Lin Tianlu's deflated appearance, Ye Yangxia was in a good mood.

"Telling you this is simply playing the piano to a cow!"

What Lin Tianlu himself said was the ability on Qin Mo's body.

But Ye Yangxia went elsewhere.

"Could it be that what I said is wrong, this Xiao Qin has great skills, and he is also my grandson-in-law of Ye Yangxia!"

"You're right, Ye Lao, do you know that if Xiao Qin can continue his research in the discipline, he will be able to win the Nobel Prize in less than ten years!"

As if he was afraid that Ye Yangxia would not know, Lin Tianlu deliberately accentuated his voice in the next few words.

"Although I Ye Yangxia haven't read it many times, but a matter of discipline, I still know, what you said should not be true, right?"

For the first time, this grandson-in-law was confronted.

The weight of the Nobel Prize is too heavy!

"It's a pity, people's energy is limited after all, since Xiao Qin is involved in the four science disciplines, if I meet him earlier, I won't waste his talent, so that it won't take ten years, five years, or three years at most to reach that level."

Three months later, before the lab was built.

Everyone began academic exchanges.

Fifteen college graduates, plus Lin Tianlu, and two apprentices.

They gathered together to discuss the scholarship proposed by Qin Mo.

Every time you encounter a bottleneck, as long as you hand it over to Qin Mo, it won't take ten minutes, and he will definitely come up with a solution for you.

In Lin Tianlu's view, these plans, even if they are handed over to an expert group composed of professionals, will not be able to come up with a solution in a few months, or even years.

But when it came to Qin Mo's hands, it was different.

"This kid is simply perverted and not human!"

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