
Early in the morning, firecrackers sounded all around.

It's still good to be a small place, firecrackers go off, no one pays attention.

As soon as the auspicious time arrived, Qin Mo went out to greet the bride.

The bride lives on the villa, and the customs of the hometown cannot be omitted.

The fortune teller had already calculated the time for Qin Mo, when he would go out, and how long he would arrive at the villa.

Qin Mo's wedding convoy taught the citizens of Shuijiang County a lesson.

The first car is Qin Mo's customized vehicle, tall and powerful shape, if the armored car is general, giving people a shocking vision.

Followed by Maybach, followed by Wu Yueyi's sports car.

The remaining vehicles are the vehicles that Qin Mo bought for everyone before.

He didn't expect it to come in handy at this time.

"Who is this married, the car in front, I don't even know!"

A citizen who thinks that he does not have a car, but he does not know, he can't believe it, and there is a vehicle that he does not know.

"Haha, the cowhide is blowing up!"

The companion couldn't help but laugh when he saw his expression.

"It turned out to be custom-made, no wonder I don't know, these rich people are really willing, a vehicle of more than three million."

"You look at the next two, the three cars add up, not less than six million, if you add the next twenty good cars, they are more than ten million."

"Really envious, these vehicles are not rented at a glance, this is the wedding of the century!"

In the eyes of small local citizens, a wedding like this cannot be done by themselves and others.

"Fifty yuan red envelope!"

Among them, the vehicles responsible for setting off firecrackers will light small firecrackers every other section of the road, and distribute red envelopes to the side of the road.

A citizen caught a red envelope, opened it, and said in disbelief.

"Mine is also fifty, so those red envelopes are fifty yuan?"

This distribution of red envelopes, as long as there is money in it, there is no requirement for much, some people are a few cents, few people put more than one piece, everyone is just a lucky picture, there is no need to waste this money.

But now the citizens on the roadside see that people don't care about this at all.

"If you don't follow along, maybe you can pick up a few more?"

Seeing such a large red envelope, ordinary citizens must be moved.

"I'll ride the little donkey, you will be responsible for picking it up, and then divide it when I come back!"

Qin Mo didn't know that his temporary increase in red envelopes would trigger citizens to follow behind and pick them up.

But even if he knew, he didn't care.

Solo fun is not as good as everyone's happiness!

"The groom has arrived!"

Before stepping into the villa, members of the best man group ran over and lit firecrackers hanging in the doorway.

This firecracker sounded to tell the bride to get ready and that the groom had come to pick up someone.

"It's time!"

The sound of firecrackers had just ended, and the time was just pointing to auspicious times.

According to custom, Qin Mo took the bride to her hometown.

After these customs and processes were completed, it was already nine o'clock in the morning.

They start at six in the morning, and a process takes three hours.

The wedding doesn't end there, the evening is the main thing.

After being busy with this, Qin Mo was not at ease and returned to the company.

Tonight's wedding is taking place inside.

With thousands of square meters of open space, there is no better place than here.


Beep ——, vibrate!

At this moment, Qin Mo's mobile phone rang.

He took it out and looked at it, and the caller ID was exactly the person he was waiting to contact, Zeng Yongyi.

"Brother Qin, this is your hometown?"

As he said, Zeng Yongyi delivered his things on Friday morning.

When he arrived near the location, he wondered if Qin Mo had given the wrong address.

If it weren't for the sharp eyes of his employees, who saw a newly built building not far away, the address was found, but he couldn't see anyone, he could only call Qin Mo.

"Yes, isn't it a little disappointing!"

Seeing Zeng Yongyi's expression, Qin Mo still didn't know what the problem was.

"A little indeed!"

In his opinion, the temperament exuding from Qin Mo must be the wealth of the big family.

But the gap between reality and imagination was a little big, but when he walked in through the gate, his mind changed again.

"Brother Qin, these are all yours?"

Looking at the dozens of acres of land in front of you, the buildings completed on it, these do not add up to tens of billions, don't want to build it.

"Yes, it's all mine, what do you think!"

It's all Qin Mo, the amount of information revealed by this sentence is enough to make up for Zeng Yongyi's brain.

"Fortunately, Brother Zeng came in time, otherwise today's wedding would have some regrets!"

"Let's go over first and give these things to the wedding company employees.

I don't have time to accompany you now, so we'll have a few more drinks later! "

People have helped themselves so much, they didn't come to accompany them, Qin Mo can only confess.

"Ding Zhengqi, you two know each other, accompany Brother Zeng first!"

In the end, Qin Mo still explained, and the employees accompanied Zeng Yongyi and his group.

You can't snub people!

"Boss, don't worry, I know what to do."

Watching the boss leave, Ding Zhengqi took Zeng Yongyi to stroll.

"Is your boss really not from a big city?"

"Manager Zeng, our boss is local."

"Call me Brother Yi, it's always the manager before the manager, you are not uncomfortable, I am uncomfortable!"

Seeing Ding Zhengqi calling him manager, Zeng Yongyi quickly corrected it.

"So, Big Brother Qin is the rich second generation!"

"No, our boss's parents are teachers."

Zeng Yongyi also thought that he guessed correctly, but hearing Ding Zhengqi say this startled him.

"It's impossible, how old is Big Brother Qin?"

Zeng Yongyi wondered if he had misheard, or if Ding Zhengqi deliberately teased himself.

"The boss is 31 years old!"

"If you say so, Brother Qin is self-made, if so, why haven't I heard of it?"

In Zeng Yongyi's opinion, being able to have such a net worth at the age of thirty must be a celebrity, but he has never heard of it.

"Brother Yi, how could you not have heard of it, Qin's Restaurant!"

Ding Zhengqi thought to himself, even he knew, how could Zeng Yongyi not have heard of it.

"Qin's Restaurant, do you mean Big Brother Qin, the Qin Mo mentioned on the Internet?"

Zeng Yongyi is now even more shocked than before, and he couldn't imagine that Qin Mo, who had been dull for half a year, would return to his hometown to develop his career.

There is also himself, and now he actually made friends with Qin Mo.

Thinking that in the circle, everyone broke their heads in order to be able to know Qin Mo, but in the end, no one succeeded.

He was just an unintentional help, and he hooked up with Qin Mo.

"Hahaha... Now go back, finally have a way to explain! "

The things that Zeng Yongyi helped Qin Mo look like a very common thing on the outside.

But in that last step, it took some connections to complete what Qin Mo asked him to do on time.

"Brother Yi, did I say the wrong thing?"

Seeing Zeng Yongyi, he suddenly laughed, and Ding Zhengqi quickly asked.

"It's okay, I'm just temporary, thinking of something happy!"

Getting to know Qin Mo was indeed something that excited him.

Thinking of the surprised expressions on the faces of his father and the others at that time, Zeng Yongyi couldn't help but laugh out loud.

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