"Nice weather today!"

It's not rainy, the lights are on at night and the banquet is set outside.

Just in combination with the customs of my hometown.

Thousands of square meters, put down a hundred tables, look at the past is spectacular!

"Finally it's all done!"

"This is Brother Mo's business!"

Ding Jianyi sailed with Kong Yuanhang and was responsible for the affairs on this side of the venue.

Even if there is a wedding company, it took two busy days to get it done.

"It's even more beautiful than on TV."

"Yes, I can't imagine that we still have this talent!"

The two looked at the arranged wedding venue, like a fairyland.

"It seems that I want to do this in the future, and I have to save money!"

There is no one who sees this scene who is not envious.

Those who are not married also hope that when the day comes, they will also have this scene.

"Manager Kong, you still have a chance, we can only think about it!"

A chef stood by and sighed.

"Five million, don't lift me, or float without waiting for the next walk."

"Okay, it's busy here, but you have to check it to see if there is anything missing, this is the boss's lifelong event, we can't help the rest, this must be perfect!"

"Manager Ding is right, otherwise how can it be worthy of the salary offered by the boss."

Thirty apprentices before, now a chef in a shop.

The salary also broke the local income, and now Ye Yin's salary to everyone is 10,000 basic salary plus bonus.

This time for the wedding, the shops in the ten counties were closed and came back to drink Qin Mo's happy wine.

"I heard that our store is going to launch new products again, so we will come back for training for a few days, right?"

"This is not true, it has been decided, there are not fifty colleagues on the boss's side who have not yet started work, and then they will come over and replace us for a few days!"

"Fortunately, I persevered at that time, otherwise my intestines would be repentant now!"

"When I talk about this, I think of the scene.

At that time, the boss sent people to find apprentices, and many people still disdained it now.

Say what we were deceived, haha, laugh when you think about it.

One of them couldn't help but laugh.

"Shouldn't you, until now, tell them about the situation here?"

"No, why should I tell them, think about the scene at that time, it is all vivid now!"

"Or you are ruthless enough, if you say, maybe the second batch, they will have a chance!"

"I was afraid of this and didn't say that such a good opportunity should be reserved for those who know how to seize it, not these picks."

"Okay, let's not just talk, hurry up and help greet the guests!"

Qin Mo and the others did not, and arranged for them to greet the guests, but it seems that the characters are good, and they can even think of this.

"I didn't read it wrong just now, isn't it Lin Tongfu who walks with the boss?"

Now the time is already around five o'clock in the afternoon.

When everyone was busy, they saw Qin Mo go out in person and bring a group of guests in, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"You just know now, I heard that the boss has a good relationship with him!"

"Doesn't that mean the boss is going to send it?"

"Sent it, your vision is still low, now the boss's net worth, do you still need to send it?"

After speaking, the man pointed to everything around him and said.

"Ahem, I said the wrong thing myself, wait for an extra drink!"

Looking at the backs of Qin Mo and the others who were far away, these people directly helped to take the guests to the designated table.

"Tell you all, don't come and pick me up in person, look at the people around me."

"Haha, Brother Lin, and the things you are afraid of, I am not afraid of heaven and earth!"

"In our position, which one is not afraid, one who does not pay attention will cause a commotion."

Okay, Brother Qin, today you are the protagonist, hurry up and get busy with you.

Let's do the rest ourselves, it's this table! After

Lin Tongfu sat down and a few others, he quickly asked Qin Mo to get busy.

"You come and see what this table needs, take care of it, you know?"

Hearing Lin Tongfu say this, he was sure that he couldn't always accompany him.

Qin Mo called an employee over and accompanied Lin Tongfu and the others.

"Brother Lin, then I want to be busy?"

"Hurry up, or Ye Yin will blame me!"

Now the two of them are standing at the door to greet the guests.

Unless it is accompanied by a guest like Lin Tongfu, it will not be carried often.

Only the best man group next to it is responsible, these are trifles.

"Haha, senior class leader, congratulations!"

At this time, more than twenty people walked at the door, and the team was very spectacular.

It was Lin Yonghao who led the team, and the other students followed.

This is the first time they have come here, and Yun Lin has not told everyone before.

I didn't tell everyone until this morning, and asked Lin Yonghao to lead the students over.

"The big class leader wears this outfit, he is really a talent, handsome and compelling, even if it is a handsome guy like me, he is ashamed of himself as much as that."

At this time, Lin Yonghao surrounded Qin Mo and fart.

"Okay, so many of us are stuck here, hurry in and don't block everyone."

Yun Lin was responsible for guiding the guests inside, and just happened to see the classmates at the gate, and quickly ran out.

"Okay, they all said that they came together, Yunlin big beauty, you actually came over first, followed Lin Yonghao and didn't even drink water!"

As soon as he saw Yun Lin, people with good relations began to sell miserable!

"Take care of everyone!"

Seeing Yun Lin come out, Qin Mo quickly said to her.

"Boss, don't worry, these are all left to me!"

"Everyone, Mari, follow me in!"

After that, she walked ahead.

The other students, seeing the guests who kept appearing, could only say goodbye to Qin Mo first.

"Yun Lin, are all the big class leaders here?"

A female classmate hurriedly caught up with Yun Lin, looking at everything around her with a look of disbelief.

"Yes, everything here is your senior class leader."

"I can't imagine that the big class leader, hidden so deeply, is this just rich?"

"Are rich people so low-key?"

"When I passed here before, I thought it was a big company outside, came to invest, I didn't think it would be our big squad leader, hiding us for so long, no, we must pour him wine tonight!"

"Drunk, Feng Xiangchen, if you are sure to do this, this task will be handed over to you!"

"This task is too arduous, or give it to Lin Yonghao, I didn't mean it just now."

Thinking of Qin Mo's amount of alcohol, the students did not dare to answer.

"I'll take you around while I have time now!"

Yun Lin led everyone to visit the company building!

"Can I ask a question."

Wait inside the company building and look at the decoration inside, which can only be seen in big city companies.

Finally, some students couldn't help but voice the doubts in their hearts.

"Hong Xiyu, what's your problem?"

This fellow scholar was in a bad situation, after seeing everything here.

She remembered what the squad leader had said before, and everyone didn't care at that time.

Now she doesn't think so, as for whether the other students are, Hong Xiyu doesn't know.

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