"What the senior class leader said before is true?"

Hong Xiyu looked at Yun Lin with an eager expression on her face.

"What do you mean?"

There have been too many things recently, and Yun Lin can't remember it all of a sudden.

"Classmate Hong Xiyu, it's about work!"

Finally, some classmates reacted.

At this time, life is not satisfactory, there are personal careful thoughts.

"Well, I almost forgot, this is true!"

"Great, such a good environment to work, then you can really consider it."

A classmate jumped up with excitement.

"Ahem, we can't get in here!"

Seeing this classmate's excited appearance, Yun Lin didn't want to hit her.

"Why, this is not the company of the big class leader, if he recruits people, then he doesn't come here to work?"

"As for why, it is still a company secret, in short, let us in, and we can't do the work here."

Yun Lin did not explain the specific reason to the students, but also said a little cryptically.

If you want to go in, you can, you have to be able to do the work here.

"The company of the big class leader does not recruit people, so how can it be true?"

Now the students are all confused!

"Wouldn't that be happy for nothing!"

The classmates who were still holding on to hope just now were suddenly deflated.

"Looking at the way you look, I don't even know if it's a good thing or a bad thing to tell you this!"

"Is there really a job?"

"When do we say no, these are all guesses by yourself."

"Hehe, that Yunlin big beauty, hurry up and talk, now the family is about to open the pot, if you really have a good income, talk to the class leader, let everyone go over and try!"

There are still students who are more eye-catching and react immediately.

"It seems that some students, just can't bear it, okay, I'll tell you the truth!"

Yun Lin said this, walked to an empty place, and waited for everyone to arrive before continuing.

"Our senior class leader used to start by eating!"

Seeing that everyone had arrived, Yun Lin continued.

"So now it's still a diet?"

"Wait, diet, should you say that the five most popular stores in our county are all big class leaders?"

Two classmates chimed in, and one of them seemed to think of something, looked at Yun Lin in shock and said.

"I can't think of Feng Xiangchen, you usually look very honest, this time the reaction is so fast!"

In some terms, honesty means alluding to someone being stupid.

"Hehe, people always change, so to speak, that's true!"

Some are unresponsive, at this time, if they haven't reacted yet.

Even if there was a vacant seat, Yun Lin did not dare to agree to help.

"Yes, the five stores are all big class leaders, not only our Shuijiang County, but also the other nine counties have branches."

"Lying groove, this is all true, there are ten counties, no wonder the big class leader is so rich."

Yun Lin looked at Lei Xiangming, really did not go out to wander, in terms of vision is still narrow, this is only how many shops, the boss at the peak of the more than two hundred.

"In this way, we really have a chance!"

Seeing everyone so happy, Yun Lin could only interrupt.

"There is a chance, but there is one thing, it is better to make it clear with you in advance."

"What's the matter, Yunlin big beauty, please say!"

"The work place mentioned before was in the city, and now all ten counties are saturated.

So the next step is out of town.

It's still that sentence, if you think about it clearly, tell me early, otherwise it will be the same as last time. Last

time, Yun Lin thought that after Qin Mo finished speaking, some classmates would come to the door.

At that time, there was not one, apparently everyone did not believe it.

It's a pity to miss such a good opportunity.

"Didn't you say the city before?"

Some people with ideas began to hesitate again when they heard Yun Lin say this.

"The opportunity is given to you, it depends on whether you can seize it!"

Yun Lin didn't explain too much, they were all adults, and they were responsible for their choices.

"Forget it, it's too far away, I'm not going!"

Soon someone made a choice, and Yun Lin showed a disappointed expression on her face when she saw this classmate.

This classmate is the most difficult in class life.

She couldn't have imagined such a choice, no wonder she was disappointed when she saw it.

Yun Lin was so enthusiastic about the work of her classmates, she just wanted to pull everyone in the early days of Qin Mo's business.

If you wait for someone's career to become bigger, you will come over, even if you are a classmate, you can only say sorry.

"Yunlin big beauty, next time there is a position, remember to leave me a position, no matter where it is work, since this is the case, I believe that with the big class leader, he will not treat us badly!"

In the end, three people made a choice and would not go outside.

Their living conditions are not good.

Seeing this situation, Yun Lin was also helpless.

There must be pity for the wretched man.

Want to work for Qin Mo, there are seven or eight people with this idea.

Those who have no ideas are still able to live and do not want to give up their families and go to work in other cities.

"Okay, let's go over too, the banquet is almost started, only the work matter, I will contact you then."

Yun Lin looked at the time, and it was only five minutes away from the banquet.

Wait for them to pass, just in time.

"Tong Shui Tao, why didn't you explain your income to everyone just now?"

"If you tell the truth, the three of them will definitely go!"

Two classmates who had a good relationship with Tong Shuitao pulled Tong Shuitao to walk behind.

"You think if I say it, they will believe it?"

"Some people take ownership of themselves no matter what you say.

When there was a location in the city before, I went to find three people on purpose.

It's a pity that people are kind enough to be donkey lungs, and now they work farther away, and they won't go out to work.

So I also advise you not to do such thankless things! Seeing

that several people wanted to go over and persuade the three again, Tong Shuitao kindly reminded.

"After all, classmates, you did your best.

I also want to go over and persuade, so that I can be careless in my heart!

"A few of you talk first, I'll go over and persuade!"

One of them quickened his pace and walked forward.

"Still more envious, Tong Shuitao you two couples, one down is about forty or fifty thousand, one comment has more than 20,000, my requirements are not high, as long as there is half of you!"

"There will be, I have understood, there are more than six thousand in Shuijiang County.

The lady said that there is a subsidy for locals to go out to work.

It also includes food and clothing, so that it is calculated that there are seven or eight thousand a month.

It's better than at home, fortunately, after working hard for a month, there are more than 3,000, excluding food, the rest is more than a thousand.

When the time comes, our children will go to school, we are more than a thousand, what else can we do, it is better to go out and fight.

Maybe there will be a chance to transfer back to the city in the future, and even Shuijiang County may not be able to say it! "

It's because I saw last time, so good opportunity was missed.

Tong Shui Tao only persuaded a few people.

If it weren't for her, these people would be the same as those three classmates.

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