"Distinguished guests, dear ones, hello!

I am the host Bao Siyuan, and a couple is about to enter this sacred wedding hall.

On behalf of the newcomers and their families, I would like to express my gratitude to all of you.

I would like to express my heartfelt thanks and warm welcome, and wish the guests present a smooth and prosperous work! "

The long-awaited wedding, after the host took the stage, officially began.

"I am very honored on X month X day of the X year AD!

I can witness the happy and romantic moments of Mr. Qin and Miss Ye with everyone here.

Now, this road to happiness and warmth has been paved.

The bride, groom, is about to embark on their romantic path.

Open the door to their happiness, let us applaud now, and invite the bride and groom to appear. "

The wedding march also sounded at this time.

At this time, it was getting late!

The surrounding area was still brightly lit, and at this moment, it suddenly darkened, leaving only a red carpet road leading to the stage, and the lights on both sides were still on.

At the same time, a chasing light shot down from above the stage.

The eyes of those present were also at this moment, looking at the beginning of the red carpet.

Under the chasing light, Ye Yin was wearing a red cheongsam with a charming smile on his face.

Standing next to her was Ye Ruifeng, who was holding his daughter's hand.

Next to Ye Yin stood a little girl, it was Qin Xinxin.

At the moment when the chasing lights shrouded the three of them, the wedding march just sounded!

"At this time, the noble and beautiful bride is walking towards the intimate lover she has entrusted her life and happiness."

The introductory voice of the host sounded at the same time.

Under everyone's gaze, Ye Ruifeng was taking his daughter Ye Yin and walking towards Qin Mo.

"Xiao Qin, I will hand over my daughter to you, I hope you will treat her well in the future!"

Ye Ruifeng's eyes moistened as he spoke, and his voice became hoarse.

"Father-in-law, please rest assured, I will always treat her as before!"

The host on the stage is worthy of being the trump card that Qin Mo paid a lot of money to invite over.

"With the sweetest smile of his life, the groom promises his father-in-law with all his piety and vows!"

"Okay, I'm solemn now, hand over my daughter to you!"

Qin Mo led a person by one hand and walked along the red carpet to the stage.

"It was a romantic evening.

The bride and groom have a warm and pleasant, sweet dream

of love At this moment, we can feel the mood of the two couples.

We, the bride and groom, have already smiled and closed their mouths!

At this time, do we notice that the two people next to the bride and groom?

They are this wedding, the best man and the bridesmaids, look at your excited faces.

Can you tell everyone about your name and what is your relationship with the bride and groom?

Let's applaud them both with a warm applause! "



When the host said this, he took the lead in applauding.

"I'm a bridesmaid, Wu Yueyi, the bride's best friend!"

"I am the best man, Kong Yuanhang, the groom's college classmate."

After the two finished talking quickly, they stood behind, but they couldn't steal the protagonist's demeanor.

"Well, let's congratulate the two of you again with warm applause for finding a suitable partner in the future."

The most basic condition to be able to become a best man bridesmaid is to be single.

"Well, the next applause is to the bride's father, thank him for raising such an excellent daughter!"



"Now there are two witnesses to the stage, and the applause is Mr. Ye and Mr. Qin!"


In the applause of the crowd, Ye Ruifeng and Qin Anguo stepped onto the stage.

In fact, the most suitable is Ye Yangxia, but unfortunately he can't appear in the public eye now.

"Distinguished guests, today is the big day for my son Qin Mo and Miss Ye Yin.

Your presence is the best wishes for both of you.

I am very happy today, and I am very happy that the two of them have joined hands today and walked into their marriage hall together.

Starting their new lives, we can also count it as completing a glorious task..." Qin

Anguo was worthy of being taught by people, and he talked endlessly for five or six minutes.

"Distinguished guests, gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen, good evening.

Tonight is the big day for my daughter Ye Yin and my son-in-law Qin Mo to tie the knot.

Thanks to the congratulations of all the guests from afar, I would like to express my warmest and heartfelt thanks.

The two of them were able to meet, know each other, love each other, and become husband and wife today.

I hope they will respect each other, love each other, and help each other in the future..." The

two witnesses walked off the stage under everyone's warm applause.

The host also stepped onto the stage in due time.

"Thank you to the two witnesses, and the words of good fortune.

At this juncture, I would like to ask the two newcomers to remember all the guests and sincerely wish you all my best wishes.

Now please, our gaffers and sound engineers, cooperate.

The two newcomers merge in four hands and light your candle of hope.

May this beautiful flame illuminate your lives.

Illuminate every step you take in the future, illuminate every moment and every second of your day.


There is a request for our groom to pick up the bride from above the sweet cake.

Remove the diamond ring that binds them for life, and let's applaud together as the groom brings the ring to the bride. "



"At this moment, we must pray with the strength of our hearts!

Wish this couple of newcomers, all things prosperous, auspicious in this world, ruyi in a hundred lifetimes, ten in ten beautiful, nine nine concentric, Bafang Weiwei, seven stars high light, six six dashun, five blessings at the door, four seasons of peace, three sheep open tai, two dragons soar, congratulations to the groom and groom for smooth sailing! "

The host is very eloquent and blurts out the best wishes in one breath.


"All stand up, let us invite the two newcomers to toast together with applause, flowers, and cheers!

For a better tomorrow! Cheers. Carry their love to the end.

Congratulations on every day in the future, as it is today, your wedding and love anniversary! "


Against the backdrop of beautiful flowers, the bride and groom finally squeezed each other's hands.

Holding the hand of the son, growing old with the son, this is a promise agreed upon with each other.

Now, let us focus our attention on the door of happiness, and applaud and look forward to the opening of the door of happiness. "


"Just all of us, using some time, congratulated the couple and witnessed their wedding.

Then everyone should drink, eat, and I will not bother you anymore.

Seriously, my stomach is starting to croak right now!

After the host finished saying this, he waited for Qin Mo and Ye Yin to return to the main table.

He came down and found a place to sit down.

"Handsome guy, today is a good performance, we also want to find you for the next wedding, can you leave a contact information?"

As soon as Bao Siyuan sat down, someone handed him a cigarette.


Bao Siyuan suddenly didn't know how to answer.

"What do you think, you don't know that this handsome guy is a gold medal host that the groom paid a lot of money to invite, and you are willing to spend this money?"

The guest obviously did not believe his companion's words and looked at Bao Siyuan.

Seeing that someone was relieved, Bao Siyuan quickly nodded.

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