"Brothers, it's been hard today!"

Qin Mo first walked over to the best man's table, starting from the left and saluting all the way.

"Bride and groom, there are some things we don't need to say more!"

Everyone looked at the belly of the bride and all smiled!

"A hundred years of good union!"

"Thank you!"

Qin Mo picked up a glass of wine from the tray carried by the waiter and drank it directly.

Ye Yin was pregnant, so the guests' goal was to target Qin Mo.

"Everyone drink and eat well!"

There were a total of one hundred tables, and for each table of wine, Qin Mo had to drink a hundred glasses of wine.

But generally on this day, the groom does not really drink, everyone knows.

If you are drunk, you also need a cave room!

However, Qin Mo is indeed a real material, and every glass of wine is not adulterated.

"This groom has a lot of wine!"

Someone noticed that after Qin Mo finished respecting the side, except for his slightly red face, there was no other change in the whole person.

"You guys don't hurry up to eat the dishes, I can't think of these dishes, each of them is so delicious!"

After discovering the table food, in addition to toasting and getting up, some other times they will stare at the table of food, for fear that others will eat too much.

"Lin Yonghao, have you eaten such a delicious meal before?"

Qin Mo's high school classmates sat down at three tables, including Yun Lin, Lin Yonghao, Tong Shuitao and seven others at one table.

"No, it's the first time I've eaten it, even if it's a five-star hotel I've been to before, the meals are not as good as ours."

There were ten people at this table, and the other eight people were like Filipino refugees, and began to grab food!

"Hey, why don't you two eat?"

As soon as Lin Yonghao joined the ranks of his classmates to grab food, he saw Yun Lin and Tong Shui Peach tasting slowly, which was a clear contrast with the others.

"Isn't it to your taste, this is too demanding!"

Yun Lin just smiled and didn't answer, did she tell them that she often eats, and even more delicious than this table, isn't this pulling hatred?

"It's better not to eat, two fewer people, we can eat more."

Others did not persuade that such a delicious meal was the first time it had been eaten, and now nothing could be more important.

Looking at the expressions of their classmates, Yun Lin and the two were like, seeing their own scene at that time, even worse than everyone's performance!

"Yunlin big beauty, can I ask you a question?"

Lin Yonghao, who had been eating with his head down, raised his head at this time.

"Say, as long as I know!"

"Are these really all done by Qin Mo's cooks?"

Hearing Lin Yonghao ask this, the others also stopped chopsticks and pricked up their ears!

"Yes, fifty cooks!"

Even Yunlin couldn't figure out how Qin Mo could cultivate these cooks.

Some of them knew each other themselves, and they were just apprentices before, and they turned into chefs within two months!

"Wait, how many people did you just say?"

"Fifty, what's wrong!"

Hearing this number, everyone sat up straight at once.

Fifty chefs, what a concept is that.

They are also employees of their own classmates.

If I remember correctly, an ordinary restaurant, or hotel, the chef is at most two or three people.

Now there are fifty people, Qin Mo is really ready to open a branch outside the city!

I was worried before, and I had to wait a long time for the opportunity.

Now hearing Yun Lin say this, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"I know what students are worried about, whether they are thinking about when they will have a job.

Rest assured, I will arrange everyone in a little more than a month at most!

But here, too, there is another option.

That is to go to the hotel, starting with the waiter, without leaving the city.

The 50 chefs I just mentioned are all in charge of the new hotel.

The salary of waiters is higher than that of the local area.

However, compared with those who go out to the market, there is a clear difference between room for improvement and income. The

three classmates before, the one who clearly refused not to go, happened to be sitting at the same table.

"According to Yunlin's big beauty, then a new hotel will be opened in this county?"

"This is yes, it is still a main store, but compared to other branches, the time is a little later."

"And how much does the waiter pay?"

This classmate finally asked his thoughts.

"Tentatively set at around four thousand!"

At the beginning, Yun Lin also felt that this salary was a bit high.

You must know that locally, the waiter treatment is only two thousand.

Now Qin Mo has set this price, when the time comes to recruit employees, won't everyone squeeze their heads and want to go in and become a waiter.

Compared with the previous treatment in the deep market Yangcheng, this is a direct shrinkage of three times.

However, compared to the consumption at that time, under the proposal of everyone, Qin Mo also felt that there was no need to give so much.

However, there is a workaround, that is, these waiters will gradually increase their salaries with each full year.

The level is different, it is hundreds of hundreds of additions per year.

There may be five hundred good performances, and one hundred in general!


The six students present asked in disbelief.

"This can't be fake, it's already decided, and an announcement will be posted before the hotel opens."

"Four thousand yuan, this is comparable to the treatment of a unit, it's really exciting!"

Some originally planned to go out of the city to develop, but at this time began to hesitate.

"Forget it, I'll go outside the city, anyway, I'm not married yet, I've worked for a few years to save a little money, and then plan the next step after getting married."

"Yunlin, I have thought about it now, I will be a waiter in the county, and I will ask you to help when the time comes!"

At this time, everyone present did not look down on this position because of the name of the waiter.

Four thousand yuan income, do not know other treatment.

This alone will cause competition among the citizens!

If you add other benefits, this classmate knows that relying on his own skills, he must not be able to compete with others.

"Now there are many factories outside, all of which are bankrupt!

Every month of the year, people go back to their hometowns to look for work.

At this time, even dishwashers have to compete. "

The whole world is in recession, the market is sluggish, restaurants are closed, companies are bankrupt, and the history is visible!

"I'm a little moved to hear you say that!"

A part-time worker in a foreign country took leave to come back to drink Qin Mo's happy wine.

It was also at the same table as Yun Lin.

"My current salary is more than 9,000, and renting a house will cost more than 2,000.

The monthly living expenses are more than 3,000, just remove these two.

By the time I had more than 4,000 left, just the same salary as a waiter.

NND, when are mechanics so worthless! "

This classmate, a technician in the factory, began to doubt life after calculating an account by himself!

"You kid, don't mix this trip, be a good technical employee, come back to be a waiter, like what, don't be afraid of your mother breaking your leg!"

The classmate worked as a technical employee outside and earned nearly 10,000 a month.

This is the capital that his mother often shows off to others.

Now if he really quits his job and comes back to work as a waiter, it's strange that his mother is not angry!

"Huang Xingyan, I can't say anything about others, as for you, you still engage in technology!"

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