A week later.

The fifth floor of the county people's hospital building.

Several people with anxious expressions on their faces were walking around from time to time.

As for the others, leaning against the wall, they looked in one direction every once in a while.

"Why hasn't it come out yet?"

A middle-aged man said to himself.

"This child, it's really a sin, it's been two hours in!"

"Father-in-law, don't dangle the few of you, make everyone panic!"

"Can you be in a hurry, I can just have a daughter, the same time period, the back in the back of the entry is out, how come the sound has not come out yet!"

"Rui Feng, you have been gone for a few hours, and you all don't block the door, affecting the work of other doctors!"

This time speaking, it was an old man.

He was Ye Yangxia, and after speaking, he closed his eyes and pondered.

"Yes, old man!"

Ye Yangxia spoke, and no one dared not listen.

"Hey, this is a level sooner or later, but I didn't think that Ye Yin would suffer for so long!"

"Father-in-law, you hurry up and leave for a while, I'll go and stare!"

Qin Mo had been silently staring at a doorway.

Two hours ago, Ye Yin was pushed away.

He did not walk around restlessly like others.

This does not mean that he is in a hurry!

In fact, his heart is in turmoil!

This kind of waiting is especially torturous for the heart!

At this time, if you are also like this, then it is not a mess.

"Hey, why do you insist on choosing a normal birth!"

Before every other week's examination, the doctor had recommended Ye Yin to have a cesarean section.

Say that her pelvis is small and not suitable for a vaginal birth.

Until three hours ago, Ye Yin, who had been hospitalized for observation.

At that time, the doctor still recommended this.

However, Ye Yin insisted on choosing a smooth birth, and it was useless for anyone to persuade.

"Forget it, let her choose for herself."

In the end, it was the old man who agreed, so everyone did not continue to persuade.

"It's really desperate!"

Wu Yueyi was a little scared, looking at the door of the maternity room, this is giving birth.

"I told you a long time ago, you don't have to follow, just wait outside!"

Due to the limited space, the others, Qin Mo asked everyone to wait downstairs.

At the beginning, Qin Mo considered that Wu Yueyi was single.

This kind of scene is still not for her to see, otherwise it will leave a shadow in her heart in the future.

"It's okay, I can be strong inside and can withstand it!"

"But this time is too long, people go in for even ten minutes, and they come out."

Wu Yueyi began to talk to herself again, each time a pregnant woman was pushed, or one came out.

Her face changed like everyone else.


There was a sound of the door opening again, and everyone who heard the sound outside stood up at this moment.

Under everyone's gaze, a doctor appeared and opened the door.

"Who is Mr. Qin Mo!"

"I am!"

Qin Mo, who was still with a calm expression just now, quickly ran over to respond.

"Congratulations, Mr. Qin, it's two thousand golds, mother and daughter are safe!"


After hearing this result, Qin Mo first exhaled deeply.

"Haha, born!"

Wu Yueyi, the second one who rushed over, quickly shouted loudly.

"Madam, please be quiet!"

"I'm sorry, Doctor, I'm so happy!"

"These are children's things, you guys take them first!"

The doctor handed over a bag that, if I wasn't mistaken, should be the placenta.

In hospitals in small counties, these are left to parents.

"Don't worry, mother and daughter will come out later!"

"Father-in-law, it's twin daughters!"

Seeing Ye Ruifeng walking over, Qin Mo said with a smile.

So far, Ye Yin is pregnant with twins, that is, the two of them know.

"Hahaha, it's good!"

Ye Ruifeng's hands were crossed and rubbed from time to time at this time.

"I finally have a granddaughter, or one is two, haha..." The

mood that I had been suppressing just now was released at this moment, which is really cool!

"Old man, did you hear it, you have two more great-granddaughters!"

"Okay, I just heard it, no need for you to say!"

In the minds of some older generations, boys are the baby.

But Ye Yangxia is another, which is why among such grandchildren, Ye Yin is the most favored.

"Thousands of gold is good!"

"Brother Qin, what did the doctor say just now, I didn't hear it wrong, right?"

Wu Yueyi reacted at this time.

"You heard me right!"

"It's really twins, you guys are amazing!"

"Be quiet, the provincial hospital staff, say you again."

"Old man, did you hear it, twin granddaughters, the family is lively from now on!"

"I heard it, now it's as you wish, say what granddaughter, didn't grow up by your side, don't cry bitter when the time comes!"

Qin Anguo looked at Wang Lanhui with a happy look, and he couldn't help but laugh.

"Haha..." The

two have always felt that there are few people in the family, and they are usually not lively enough, and this time they got their wish.

"Dad, does Xinxin have another sister?"

At this time, Qin Xinxin jumped down from Wang Lanhui and ran to Qin Mo's side.

"It's not one, it's two, in the future, Xinxin will be a sister and take care of two younger sisters, you know?"

"Well, Xinxin will be a sister in the future, and she will definitely take care of her two younger sisters!"

Qin Xinxin clenched his fists and nodded and said.

"Then there are good things to eat in the future, will Xinxin give it to her sister?"


"I didn't say I had to take care of my sister just now, how can I be willing now!"

Qin Mo smiled and took Qin Xinxin into his arms.

"Xinxin is definitely willing, but if it is all given to my sister, then Xinxin will not eat!"

Then you have to be hungry, if you are hungry, then you have no strength.

In this case, Shin Shin can't take care of the two younger sisters, so Shin Shin can't give all of them to the younger sisters! Listening

to his daughter Xinxin's straightening, Qin Mo smiled and rubbed her hair.

"Okay, Xinxin eats first, and then takes care of her sister!"

At this time, you can't ignore the eldest daughter Xinxin because of the two more daughters.

She herself lacked maternal love since she was a child, and once she ignored this.

When I rebel later, it will be a little late.

"Heehee, Xinxin finally has her own sister, and I will be a sister in the future!"

Qin Xin was happy and walked up with small steps.

"Who is Ye Yin's family, please come over!"

Just then, the door to the maternity room opened again.

This time it was the nurse who came out, pushing the transfer bed out.

"Family members, please come with us, Mr. Qin help push it!"

Qin Mo took the transfer bed in the nurse's hand, and he saw Ye Yin lying on the bed, and two little cuties!

"Family members can't come in too many people, just two or three people!"

Seeing that everyone was crowded over, the nurse hurriedly stopped it.

If these people come in, then you don't have to work.

At present, the mother has not been pushed into the ward, so she must observe here for half an hour.

"You two take Xinxin in, we'll go to the ward to take a look then."

In the end, Qin Mo and Wang Lanhui went in to accompany Ye Yin.

"Is there anything uncomfortable now?"

Qin Mo looked at Ye Yin distressedly, looking listless.

This is caused by prolonged labor, childbirth, and severe pain.

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