"Daughter, are you!"

Ye Yin smelled the peculiar smell in the air and quickly asked.

"Let me come!"

Seeing that Du Yumeng was going over, Qin Mo hurriedly went over to check on himself.

With the previous experience with Shin Shin, these are all handy.

It's just that it's too long and unskilled.

I believe that a few more times will do.

"It's a methane!"

Just by looking at it, Qin Mo knew what was going on.

Vestool, which is exfoliated epithelial cells, and concentrated digestive juices.

When the fetus swallows amniotic fluid, it enters the gastrointestinal tract, causing the newborn to pull black poop.

"Before Xinxin, the first three days pulled like this."

This fetal stool was the same for the first few days, but with the number of pulls.

It will slowly decrease, and now Qin Siling is very black and very sticky!

"The boss is still me!"

Seeing that Qin Mo was a little clumsy, Du Yumeng hurriedly said.

"When I was here, these were all by me, Xinxin I brought up like this, it's okay!"

Qin Mo carefully changed Qin Siling's diaper, and Qin Sili next door cried.

"The second old man also pulled, or I will come!"

Listening to this cry, Qin Mo knew what was going on.

"Trouble you two to make some milk powder!"

While changing the second man's diaper, the eldest cried again.

Just after pulling, the stomach is empty, this is hungry.

Newborns are fed every two or three hours.

The amount is between 10 and 30 hours, depending on the baby's absorption capacity.

"Du Yumeng, report the boss to me!"

Seeing her daughter crying, Ye Yin's heart softened, and she quickly said.

"Okay, Sister Yin!"

As soon as the eldest arrived in Ye Yin's arms, he smelled his mother and immediately stopped crying.

"Sister Ye Yin, I'll help you shake the bed a little higher."

Yang Xiaotong, who had just brewed the milk powder, put the bottle away first and shook the hospital bed high so that Ye Yin could feel more comfortable.

Now Ye Yin's wound, with the cooperation of Qin Mo's acupuncture and herbs, recovered faster than others.

According to the normal time, a difficult birth like Ye Yin takes a week before the doctor gives it to the hospital.

Normal vaginal delivery is usually three days.

In other words, under Qin Mo's treatment, she can also be discharged from the hospital like a normal normal birth.

"Siling, well, grandma is here."

Becoming a mother for the first time, looking at her eldest daughter who was drinking milk in her arms, Ye Yin's face was full of sweet smiles.

"Second brother, let me come!"

Gently hugged Qin Sili, she was still crying just now, as soon as she bit the pacifier, she immediately held the pacifier tightly and sucked it.

"Hee-hee, Brother Qin, the two of them have fun!"

Seeing the expressions of the two daughters, Ye Luo laughed.

"Two little princesses, how happy!"

Du Yumeng, Yang Xiaotong, stood by and watched this warm scene, saying that it was fake if they didn't envy it.

Dad is so rich, in the future, the two will only grow up carefree, and there will be no other troubles at all.

"I can't envy it!"

The two leaned together, looked at Qin Mo and Ye Yin, and fed their daughter.

"While we envy, others envy us!"

What Du Yumeng said was not wrong, needless to say, before, Qin Mo gave the two a new car.

Now she has a driver's license.

Let's just say that now, working every day, is in the ward.

Qin Mo gave the two of them, and the salary he offered was 20,000 a month.

Also eat and wrap up!

Former colleagues, after learning about it, were all envious.

Even before, following the old man, the monthly treatment was only 10,000.

Unexpectedly, now, with Qin Mo, it will double.

"Therefore, we must do our job well, but we can't lose such a good job!"

After drinking milk, the two daughters fell asleep again.

"Lie down, I'll see how the wound recovers!"


"Boss, the two of us went out and watched!"

Du Yumeng, as soon as Yang Xiaotong saw this scene, he knew what Qin Mo was going to do.

And during the first inspection, Ye Yin's face was red.

The two later remembered that this was the presence of outsiders.

Even if she is also a woman, Ye Yin is embarrassed.

It's a private part after all.

"It's all motherhood, and her skin is still so thin."

Looking at Du Yumeng, Yang Xiaotong and the two walked out and closed the door, Qin Mo couldn't help but laugh.

"Hmph, it was originally that in front of outsiders, it had to be like this, and not everyone is like Big Brother Qin, you have such a thick skin!"

"The recovery is good, I can almost be discharged tomorrow!"

It is now the second day of admission to the VIP ward.

"Okay, you can come in!"

After applying medicine to the wound, putting on his pants, Qin Mo shouted outside.

In Du Yumeng, not long after Yang Xiaotong came in, there was a knock on the door.

Knock knock....

As the door opened, a female doctor in a white coat walked in.

"Mr. Qin, you're robbing us of our jobs!"

The doctor is Peng Zheyan, director of the neonatal department of the People's Hospital.

"Hehe, Dr. Peng, you're kidding!"

"Isn't it, Mr. Qin runs to the hospital every day.

Your wife's follow-up processing is all handled by you alone.

We hospitals want to do something, but we can't find a chance! "

After the first time Qin Mo used acupuncture, as well as herbs.

It was just one night later, when Peng Zheyan came to check in the morning.

I simply doubt the information registered on the bedside, whether the nurse made a mistake.

This was just gave birth yesterday, and it was still difficult to give birth.

Later, I learned that all this was done by the mother's husband.

How could she endure this and personally wait for Qin Mo to come over in the ward.

It wasn't until she saw this miracle with her own eyes that Peng Zheyan believed it.

"Mr. Qin, where are you so powerful!"

After seeing Qin Mo's miraculous acupuncture, there were also the herbs prepared.

Peng Zheyan knew that the handsome man in front of him had deep achievements in Chinese medicine.

"I'm sorry, I'm not a doctor, I only know a little about this!"

Hearing Qin Mo introduce himself like this, Peng Zheyan wanted to step forward on the spot and slap him fiercely.

You understand a little bit, then the Chinese medicine practitioners in their hospital don't understand anything?

"Mr. Qin, are you really not kidding?"

Peng Zheyan still didn't believe it, and asked again.

"No, just ask the two of them!"

For the care of Ye Yin's two sisters, Peng Zheyan knows.

They are professional nurses who specialize in caring for wealthy people.

"Doctor Peng, our boss is right, it's really not a doctor!"

"That's great, Mr. Qin is not interested, come to our hospital, in terms of treatment, I will accompany you to discuss with the dean."

After hearing that it was not a doctor, Peng Zheyan had an idea in her heart.

"Hehe, forget it, I'm not free!"

After saying this, Qin Mo didn't pay any more attention to Peng Zheyan.

Talking to her is nothing more than asking you to come to the hospital.

"Ye Yin, I'll go back and bring breakfast first!"

After seeing Qin Mo leave, Peng Zheyan asked the two sisters.

"What is your boss doing?"

"Doctor Peng, don't hit our boss's idea!"

"I'm afraid we can't afford it!"

"I really can't afford it, our boss is worth tens of billions!"

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