"What, tens of billions!"

Peng Zheyan was taken aback by these words, if this is really the case, then she really can't afford to invite others.

"You won't deliberately lie to cooperate with him!"

Seeing Peng Zheyan's expression, he was another one who didn't watch the news.

"Doctor Peng, if you enter the words Qin Mo on your mobile phone, you will know if we have lied to you."

Hearing that the two of them are letting themselves use their mobile phones to find out, what kind of big man is the other party?

Half-convinced, she took out her phone to check it.

Clicking on a hot topic casually, Peng Zheyan stood and looked at her mobile phone.

I didn't even notice the people around me passing by, and it was about fifteen minutes later.

Peng Zheyan raised her head in surprise, looked at the two and said.

"This is Qin Mo, Miss Ye, your husband?"

This time she asked Ye Yin on the hospital bed.

"There is a photo on it, Dr. Peng will know it at a glance!"

The more excellent her husband is, the more surprised outsiders are, and the happier Ye Yin is.

"Then it seems that our hospital does not have this blessing!"

Peng Zheyan did not expect that Qin Mo had such a powerful recovery ability in dealing with wounds.

If it is used in some surgeries, it can play an unexpected role.

Every time she saw Qin Mo after that, she joked about it.

Today is no exception!

"Doctor Peng, don't you feel annoyed when you say this every day?"

"Annoying, I don't feel at all, I just feel a little unwilling!"

Peng Zheyan is a thirty-five-year-old young woman who can sit in the position of director at this age.

Although it is in the county hospital, it also shows that she has two brushes.

"Even if I'm afraid of you, I have a powerful doctor here, this time is idle, I will introduce him to you when the time comes!"

Every time they met, it was this sentence, and Qin Mo could only betray Lin Gaoyi.

Since the old man's health improved, he did not leave and remained in Shuijiang County.

Soon Qin Mo knew him and the reason for staying.

Lin Gaoyi is fancy to Qin Mo's traditional Chinese medicine techniques, as long as he sees that he has time, he will come over to ask for advice.

It is worthy of being a high-achieving student, and at such a young age, he obtained a doctorate in medicine.

Under Qin Mo's guidance, his knowledge of Chinese medicine has advanced by leaps and bounds.

In the past three months, his attainment in Chinese medicine has surpassed that of some old Chinese medicine.

I believe that after a while, I can become a big man in Chinese medicine.

However, theoretical learning is not enough, and it can be combined with practical practice.

After seeing Peng Zheyan so enthusiastic, Qin Mo thought of this.

In that case, wouldn't it be the best of both worlds.

Lin Gaoyi can turn theory into practice, and he can get rid of Peng Zheyan's entanglement.

"Really, Mr. Qin, don't deliberately say it to fool me in order to get rid of me.

If that's the case, I'll be with you when I have the rest of the time.

"Don't worry, this matter is true, I'm afraid that Dr. Peng will dislike you!"

"The person you introduced by Mr. Qin, how can I dislike it, it's too late to be happy!"

Hearing Qin Mo's words, Peng Zheyan hurriedly put down the work in her hand and let the other doctors see it.

"Now you contact, I'm looking forward to the person you introduced, what will it be like?"

"Can't it be tomorrow, I haven't told the other party yet!"

"No, just now, hurry up and call and ask, if it doesn't work, let me die in advance!"

"Okay, there is really no way to take you, are you doctors like this?"

For Qin Mo's question, Peng Zheyan did not answer, but just smiled.

"Doctor Lin, are you busy now?"

In front of Peng Zheyan, Qin Mo dialed this phone and said that he had fooled her when the time came.

"What else can you do, sleep when you are full, read when you wake up!"

"The problems we considered before can now be solved, but I don't know if you want to or not!"

"Aunt, please say, as long as you think it's okay, I have no problem."

Lin Gaoyi, who was on the other side, quickly understood what Qin Mo meant and knew what he was talking about.

"You know the People's Hospital in Shuijiang County!"

"I've heard of it, is it related to this."

"It's worthy of Dr. Lin, it's all right!

Didn't you say before that there was no place to practice what you learned?

There is a director of the People's Hospital who wants to talk to you.

If you are free now, come over.

Qin Mo said quickly, and Lin Gaoyi chose the rest.

"Okay, no problem, I'll go over now!"

When the two were talking, Peng Zheyan, who was standing next to her, seemed to have something to ask.

He waited until Qin Mo hung up the phone before he quickly asked.

"Mr. Qin, the doctor Lin you are talking about, is it Shuangmu Lin, high and low, and rabbit characters in Yizi?"

After Peng Zheyan asked this, she looked at Qin Mo nervously.

"Yes, it's Lin Gaoyi!"

"Is he in his thirties?"

"Yes, does Dr. Peng know him?"

Seeing Peng Zheyan's expression, Qin Mo thought that the two were acquaintances, if so, it would be even easier.

"If it's him, how could I possibly know him, just heard of it before."

Hearing Qin Mo's question, she responded with a wry smile.

"Doctor Lin, come over now, don't come over and bother me in the future, just discuss with him if you have anything!"

After greeting Peng Zheyan, Qin Mo went in to accompany Ye Yin and his daughter.

Every day he is the time to eat, taking advantage of the time to deliver the meal, accompany the mother and daughter.

"Hehe, was he pulled by Dr. Peng again to talk about life!"

Seeing Qin Mo come in, Ye Yin couldn't help but laugh.

Peng Zheyan's personality, she also knew about it yesterday.

I didn't expect her to be so serious in her work, after seeing Qin Mo's medical skills.

He has always been unwilling to waste his talent, and wants to give him time to develop in medicine through constant persuasion.

"Besides her, where are there a few doctors now, so serious!"

"Also, in this kind of small place, everyone is helped over, without any pursuit, which is one of the reasons why the small place is backward."

"Brother Qin, what are you laughing at?"

Seeing Qin Mo suddenly sitting next to him and laughing, Ye Yin asked curiously.

"Dr. Peng, this leather ball, someone will take over soon, I can finally get rid of it!"

"What are you doing, Brother Qin?"

"Didn't she always want, a doctor with excellent medical skills, we don't live in one at home!"

Without Qin Mo finishing speaking, Ye Yin knew who he was talking about.

"Brother Qin, you sold Dr. Lin!"

"Where there is a meaning of betrayal, he has always told me that he wants to find a place to practice.

The Chinese medicine I taught him, now is just to help him, just to get what each side needs!

"Also, even if Chinese medicine is not good, in Western medicine, there are several in China that can compare with Dr. Lin!"

"That's why you pushed Dr. Lin out!"

This time Qin Mo did not respond, just laughed a few times.

His meaning is already obvious!


Beep ——, vibrate!

"Look, just said Cao Cao, Cao Cao has arrived!"

Qin Mo picked up his mobile phone to show Ye Yin, and the caller ID was Lin Gaoyi!

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