"Great, it's finally done!"

After more than an hour, the two finished the painting.

There are seven people on it, and the painting is vivid.

Qin Mo, Ye Yin, Qin Anguo, Wang Lanhui, Qin Xinxin, twin daughters.

"Xinxin, you are too powerful."

"This also needs to be said, Xinxin is already very powerful!"

"Yes, Shin Shin, powerful, dad will cook now, wait for Xin Xin to take a lunch break."

"Great, this painting, Xinxin wants to hang it."

"Okay, wait for Dad to find someone to come over and let Xinxin command, okay!"

At noon, the meal was made, and this time it was Wang Lanhui who delivered the meal to Ye Yin.

She didn't see her two baby granddaughters in a day, and she missed it too.

So the task of delivering food was given to her!

"Dad, when, two sisters, come back with mom!"

After the wedding, Qin Xinxin had already begun to change her words, and now she is used to calling Ye Yin's mother.

"In two days, the two younger sisters will come back to accompany Xinxin!"

"yes, that's great."

Hearing this, Qin Xinxin's eyes narrowed.

"Go to bed early, and go to school in the afternoon."

"Well, Dad, you have to sleep too!"

"Okay, let's compete and see who falls asleep first."

"Dad, don't talk to Xinxin, Xinxin is already about to fall asleep."

Shin Shin is talking with her eyes closed.

It may be that he was too tired from playing just now, and soon Qin Xinxin fell asleep.

After seeing his daughter fall asleep, Qin Mo got up and walked to the table.

Take out some information and start writing, writing and drawing.

If you can't go to the company, you have to prepare for the class first.

When his daughter went to school in the afternoon, Qin Mo passed.


Wu Yueyi is responsible for the diet, and she is also holding a meeting.

Previously, he helped replace the chefs of ten county shops so that they could come back to learn the making of tea eggs.

Qin Mo used two nights to personally teach them to make tea eggs.

In two days, the chefs who came back met Qin Mo's requirements.

This morning have all gone back and changed people back.

So everyone here went out to support the 50 chefs.

"Now hold this meeting, maybe everyone has an opinion and disturbs your lunch break."

Wu Yueyi heard a little complaining below, and looked at them unhurriedly and said.

"Manager Wu, we have no opinion!"

Hearing Wu Yueyi say this, everyone immediately shut up.

"You can be as good as you are today, but thank the boss.

Why are you lucky to be selected when it comes to selecting people among so many people?

It's not that you are better than others, but the selection requirements were very low.

After saying this, Wu Yueyi picked up the thermos cup on the table, opened it and drank a sip of warm water.

She didn't continue, let the employees below think about it.

"You're all worried about what your future holds.

In fact, I don't need to say more, there are already people in their hearts, probably there is a spectrum.

Ye's pure taste of various branches, the current chefs, their salaries, someone must have inquired about it.

I can now be very responsible and tell you that your salary is better than theirs.

Because the next work will be based on you.

However, while high income, there is responsibility behind, which is the reward for the boss to cultivate you! "

Just now still sitting in a variety of postures, fifty cooks, after hearing Wu Yueyi's words.

Suddenly, straighten up!

"Very good, everyone should have this kind of mental outlook!"

"This time, our task is to focus on urban areas and Shuijiang County.

That is to say, fifteen of your fifty are to be sent to the city.

Among the remaining people, each county will send two people, and your task is to support a hotel.

As for the remaining fifteen people, they will remain at the headquarters.

I believe everyone understands that the headquarters will be renovated soon and will open for business in a few days. Hearing

Wu Yueyi's arrangement, everyone who had just been quiet became noisy again.

Obviously, out of eleven locations.

The best option is definitely to stay in Shuijiang County.

After all, everyone is from Shuijiang County.

As for the second best option, it is downtown.

With the owner's care for the staff, in the past, everyone did not need to worry about accommodation, these will be arranged in advance.

This time, Wu Yueyi did not continue, but let everyone digest it.

She kept looking at everyone, and when they all calmed down, Wu Yueyi continued.

"How's it going, it's all discussed?"

Hearing Wu Yueyi's question, everyone quickly shook their heads.

"Since there is no discussion, then I will arrange it at that time."

And don't intercede with me, I have the basic information of everyone here.

I hope that this will not be the case.

Some people don't want to go to other counties and districts, and deliberately find a lame reason to fool me Wu Yueyi.

But to be fair, I will talk to the hostess for those who are far away.

In terms of your salary, adjust it appropriately. "

When Qin Mo selects people, his priority is apprentices.

But in a county, where are so many apprentices.

So the rest of the people, ask Sun Wenrui to help pay attention.

Suffering hard, his current family conditions, and not good, the most important thing is the evaluation of him by the surrounding neighbors.

"What kind of living conditions you were before, I don't need to say, everyone knows in their hearts.

I don't want to be picky right now.

Whether it is now or in the future, everyone's living conditions will go up.

I Wu Yueyi hope that everyone will still maintain the original intention!

After Wu Yueyi said this time, someone below immediately got up to respond.

"Manager Wu, I sign up and choose the county outside!"

"Me too!"

"And me!"

"Since you all went, then add me!"

"Haha, I'm single now, I'm fed alone, the whole family is not hungry, Manager Wu, plus me."

All of a sudden, there were five people who responded to the county outside.

In Wu Yueyi's heart, she silently remembered the appearance of these five people.

"Then there are fifteen more people now, and when the time comes, I will choose from among the forty-five of you."

Seeing the rest of the people, no one responded, Wu Yueyi was a little disappointed.

It seems that the human heart is not enough to swallow the elephant, and this phenomenon will appear no matter where it is!

Wu Yueyi knew the rest of the people, and she must be thinking about it in her heart.

When others come forward, they can stay.

Unbeknownst to them, this time is to give them a chance.

It will determine their future achievements.

"Even if you dodge this time, the next time you open a branch, you will not go out, and in the future, you will be a chef in the back kitchen for the rest of your life!"

Looking at these cooks below, Wu Yueyi couldn't help but shake her head.

"In the afternoon, I will divide the list, and when the time comes, I will let the company's personnel inform you."

Three months ago, Ye's Pure Taste has been registered in the industry and commerce and officially established the company.

Become Ye Yin, the second company!

"Today's meeting, this is the end of it, everyone dispersed!"

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