"Dad, Xinxin went to school, remember to come and pick me up in the afternoon!"

After sending her daughter to the school gate, the first thing Qin Xinxin did after getting off the bus was to ask Qin Mo to pick her up from school.

Now Qin Xinxin has skipped a grade again and is a sixth-grade student.

In one month, I will take the examination for elementary school to junior high school.

A seven-year-old child who took this exam was the first case in Shuijiang County.

You can imagine what the scene will be like at that time!

"Dad knows, hurry in, it's almost late!"

Hearing Qin Mo's promise, Xinxin walked into the school.

"Sister Xinxin, that was your father just now, so handsome!"

In the county elementary school, there are some children's reading clubs, which are one year late.

For example, now, the little girl who talked to Qin Xinxin is now thirteen years old.

They have become curious about some of the opposite sex.

Coupled with Qin Mo's handsome appearance, it can be said that he will be fascinated by him when he is ten years old and sixty years old.

"Yes, that's my dad, how about it, isn't it very handsome!"

At the age of seven, follow these twelve-year-old brothers and sisters to study together.

Qin Xinxin has become the baby of the class, and everyone likes to play with her.

Unlike other students, everyone's school bags are full of textbooks and learning tools.

But she is different, except for a stationery box, the rest is snacks and the like.

Especially in the morning, Qin Xinxin's bag was full of buns.

Every time she showed up, her classmates would run over to say hello to her.

The reason for this is to worry about the buns in her bag.

As long as it is after eating once, these students will not forget it.

Leads to some, like bedridden children.

At the beginning of the second half of the semester, I must wake up early every day.

These phenomena make parents scratch their heads, thinking that their children have changed their sexes and begin to like learning.

"More handsome than the stars we see on TV, no wonder sister Xinxin looks so beautiful!"

Good words are liked by both adults and children.

Now Qin Xinxin just likes to hear everyone praise her beautiful.

"Sister Xinxin, did you bring something delicious today?"

Finally, the classmate spoke his thoughts.

"Yes, there is a lot of delicious food today, but did you do what you promised Xinxin before?"

"Sister Xinxin, please rest assured, the homework you assigned to us will definitely be completed!"

It turned out that Qin Mo knew that his daughter often brought some snacks to school.

Originally, he wanted to stop, but then he thought that he couldn't do this.

Now my daughter is a transfer student, and there is a big age gap between her and other classmates.

Just snacks, can bring everyone closer.

But at that time, he gave his daughter a suggestion.

The principal of this school is a good friend of my mother, so let's do a good deed.

I believe that under the drive of Shin Shin, everyone's achievements will definitely rise rapidly.

"Xinxin, remember that in the future, if the students want to eat, you will say that you want to complete the task you have assigned and let everyone like to study!"

"Don't worry, Dad, Shin Shin knows what to do!"

Qin Xinxin immediately understood what his father meant, patting his small chest to assure.

This is where the latter happens.

Even the teacher of this class felt particularly strange.

It is only one semester away from elementary school to junior high school.

The students of the class, at this time, begin to change their sexuality and study seriously.

After some observation, I immediately understood where the change was.

It's good that everyone turns a blind eye.

Even if there is really a teacher who has an opinion, he can't help it.

After not seeing the principal see it, he just smiled and ignored it.

After more than three months, the results of this class rushed from the bottom to the first place in the grade.

When the transfer came in, Wang Lanhui asked that she did not need to go to the best class.

Ordinary classes will do, this is Shin Shin's class, after improving grades, it attracts the attention of teachers.

"Okay, it's all done, and after class, you'll be responsible for distributing it to everyone."

"I promise to complete the task assigned by sister Xinxin!"

"Heehee, everyone else is done, Wenwen, I gave it to you, is it done?"

Lin Wenwen, before Qin Xinxin came over.

But the naughtiest student in the class also had the worst grades.

He is young and older, and he is taller than other students.

Often bully other students.

When he saw Qin Xinxin for the first time, he came over and pinched her little face.

No matter who saw her, her face was fleshy, and she liked to pinch it.

Seeing Xinxin, her body was short, and Lin Wenwen thought that she was a bully.

Unexpectedly, before his hand reached out, he was tripped by Qin Xinxin.

Falling directly to the ground shocked everyone at the time.

Unconvinced, Lin Wenwen got up and walked over again.

This time she was defensive, but the final result was the same.

At this time, the surrounding classmates all knew that their class had come to a powerful little brat.

Even Lin Wenwen, who is tall and big, is not an opponent.

"Come on, everyone come and taste, this is a bun made by me, it's delicious!"

Qin Xinxin This is the perfect inheritance, hit a stick and give another candy.

After the classmates ate the buns, Qin Xinxin's position in the class stood straight up.

Even if she had just fallen Lin Wenwen, after eating buns, she was the first to surrender.

"This..." Hearing

Qin Xinxin's question, Lin Wenwen stood up.

"Isn't it done yet!"

Compared with other students, Qin Xinxin assigned her homework alone.

In terms of difficulty, it has been increasing from the beginning.

Now the grade ranking in the class, if Qin Xinxin is the second place.

Then she Lin Wenwen is the second place.

Remember, this second place is also grade.

"Sister Xinxin, you arranged it too hard!"

"Is it difficult, I think it's very simple!"

If this sentence were known by the teacher, they would all be speechless.

A perennial bottom of the class, with a semester of hard work, has improved so much that it will be scary to say it.

"Sister Xinxin, other people's tasks are all elementary school.

My you assigned me junior high school, or the second year of junior high school, it's strange that I can finish it! "

Every time Qin Xinxin assigns a task, after school, the evening time is spent on completing the task.

There is no time to go out to play, which makes the parents at home feel that she has changed her sex for the better.

"Where don't you understand, I'll teach you later!"

"Well, that's it!"

Now Qin Xinxin is in class, and he is studying by himself below.

Since Lin Wenwen's grades have improved, she has become the second in the class.

There is also the head teacher who is guiding, and Qin Xinxin tutors her.

Just arrange for the two to sit together and have class time, no matter what the two of them are doing!

"Why sigh now, you will know later..."

Without waiting for Qin Xinxin to finish speaking, Lin Wenwen immediately said the second half of the sentence.

To be honest, it's not that she really doesn't like learning, but she really can't learn.

But since Qin Xinxin appeared, according to her method.

Can't imagine it really works!

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