"Everyone is here!"

After sending his daughter to school, Qin Mo rushed to the company's laboratory.

The equipment of the laboratory was fully installed last week.

"Just waiting for you, boss!"

Lin Tianlu said with a smile.

He could not have imagined that soon a cross-era product would go out of this laboratory.

"In the next half month, we will take out the product and walk to the production line!"

The theoretical research of more than two months will soon be transformed into a real product.

Everyone present is full of anticipation.

There is also the great worship of the boss.

Everything here was proposed by Qin Mo alone, and he gave an idea.

Everyone is under his thinking, constantly in-depth research.

Once the research encountered a bottleneck, Qin Mo could give everyone new ideas with a few words.

Soon the bottleneck encountered was broken!

So now everyone in the lab has an idea.

Nothing happened, the boss couldn't figure it out.

As long as the boss is there, everything is not a problem.

"Boss, really the first one, to launch this product?"

Lin Tianlu asked worriedly, because now on the market, there is already this product, according to everyone's ideas, it is enough.

Now they plan to launch their own product in a month, will it not help?

"Don't worry about this, the biggest advantage of our products, Lin Lao, you don't know."

Seeing the expression on Lin Tianlu's face, Qin Mo knew what he was worried about and comforted him.

"Well, don't talk about this, the ship is naturally straight to the bridge, let's study how to speed up the research."

"Okay, we have a few mornings, just discussed a bottleneck, boss, you see, I think about the formula of the material, you can adjust it again, the heat dissipation effect will be increased by one percent!"

Hearing Lin Tianlu say this, Qin Mo remembered himself, let everyone rest for half a day first, how to come over in the morning.

"If you go on like this, your body will not be able to stand it, when it is time to rest, you must rest, do not always pay attention to research, otherwise by then the product will not come out, and people will fall."

The experimenters, including Lin Tianlu, were said by Qin Mo, and everyone began to blush.

"Ahem, isn't your boss the favorite of such employees?"

"Like is like, but I don't want to, half the time of the research, everyone has something!"

"Okay, let's continue to discuss, Elder Lin's problem just now, I really didn't think about this problem before, I'll take a look first!"

"You take a look first, I'll take everyone to the lab!"

The idea that Lin Tianlu put forward now, as well as the train of thought, Qin Mo looked at it for a while, and suddenly opened!

Half an hour later, a blank piece of paper that had been laid out in front of Qin Mo before was now full of various symbolic formulas.

"Boss, got it?"

Seeing Qin Mo stop, an employee next to him lit up his eyes and quickly asked.

"I'll do the math again, if I can, I'll give it to you to test later!"

Qin Mo looked at his mobile phone, time passed really quickly, and he was going to pick up his daughter from school later.

"No problem, great!"

Looking at the final result, Qin Mo laughed.

If there was only seventy percent certainty before, if you add this, it is eight percent.

In their industry, it is already a very big opportunity.

"Ning Feixiang, He Yuquan, this is for the two of you, get the experimental test results, but don't forget, remember to record all the data!"

As soon as Lin Tianlu came out of the laboratory, he saw the manuscript paper in Qin Mo's hand.

Taking a look, the doubts in my heart before were solved in this moment.

He couldn't wait to know the results of the experiment and quickly handed it to the two students.

"Teacher, please rest assured, I promise to let you see the result within half an hour."

The two glanced at it, all the data on it was very clear, they only needed to pick up the medicine according to the medicine list, and there was no difficulty at all.

"Boss, the factory building will be completed within half a month.

However, in terms of personnel, if I don't start training, I'm afraid it will be too late! "

The experimental results, once all the tests have passed, then the next step is to put into production.

Even if there is no technical content, some training needs to be done in advance.

Otherwise, you will have to waste time.

"I know all this, I have explained the situation to Manager Ding, he will be responsible for tracking this aspect of things, when the two of you cooperate, our company's process will form a cycle!"

"In this case, then I can rest assured, I want to see how much shock the product will cause when it is put on the market!"

Lin Tianlu said while touching the beard on his chin.

"Hahaha, by then, Elder Lin, you will be a billionaire!"

"Billionaires, that also need products, can open the market, but when you think of your old age, to achieve this goal, should you be happy or unhappy!"

For most of my life, I have not achieved any good results, and I can get my hands on it.

I never imagined that I would meet Qin Mo in my old age.

This product is also considered to be cross-era, once launched, in the next few decades, can dominate the market.

That is to say, he Lin Tianlu will leave a great name in the annals of history!

"Elder Lin, you are not at ease with the product!"

"Definitely rest assured, but one day, without the test of the market, there is always a little panic in the bottom of the heart!"

Next, the two began to have academic exchanges.

It wasn't until Ning Feixiang and He Yuquan came out to interrupt them that they found that half an hour had passed.

"You guys continue, Xinxin is relieved, I have to pick her up, and tonight, I will come to the laboratory, any of you have questions, you can ask me then!"

After saying this, Qin Mo didn't wait for everyone to respond, and hurriedly went out.

If you don't get clean, you'll be late.

At that time, Shin Shin will be unhappy again.

"Hey, I really envy the boss's family!"

Ning Feixiang and He Yuquan saw Qin Mo leaving, with an envious expression on their faces.

"Envy, then you two hurry up, find a girlfriend, don't go out every time, you are all together, people who don't know, still think that you have a problem with your sexual orientation, so who dares to introduce you to a girlfriend."

Hearing the two students say this, Lin Tianlu stabbed the two in the hearts fiercely.

"Teacher, did you say that about your students?"

"There are a few girls under the boss, but it's good, if you like any of them, tell me, or the boss says it's okay, we'll create opportunities for you..."

Before Lin Tianlu could finish speaking, he was interrupted by the two.

"Teacher, forget what you said, rabbits don't eat the grass on the edge of the nest!"

"What's the matter, the requirements are so high, and the grass is still nested, people can look at the two of you, I don't know how much high incense was burned in the previous life, and I still pick and choose!"

The two students didn't say that it was okay, and as soon as they said it, they were pointed out by Lin Tianlu and reprimanded.

"Teacher, we know it's wrong, this matter will be talked about later, the result of the boss's improvement just now, you don't go over and take a look!"

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