Wow wow....

A baby cry sounded.

"Cao Ceng, the two younger sisters are pulling Cao Cao again!"

Every time he heard Xinxin's voice, Qin Mo's face instantly darkened.

Before the name of my daughter, I didn't think there was anything strange.

Now when connected, it's different.

"Xinxin, look at Daddy's angry face again... Hahaha! Ye

Yin couldn't say anything if she laughed, every time her two daughters, she would always make herself happy for a while.

"Xinxin didn't say anything wrong, my sister is Lachang!"

Qin Xinxin did not forget to mend the knife again.

"Do you know how to change your sister's diaper?"

Ye Yin picked up her eldest daughter, and saw Si Ling, who was still crying just now, and immediately quieted down, waving her little arms and legs excitedly.

"Shin Shin won't be, Mom, look how happy your sister is!"

Babies say that changing faces is changing faces.

As soon as Ye Yin put her eldest daughter on the bed, her crying sounded.

"Dabao behaved, mom is here, change your diaper first, otherwise it will stink!"

Seeing her eldest daughter crying again, Ye Yin quickly hugged her, and as soon as she arrived in her arms and smelled her mother's smell, Dabao immediately stopped crying.

"Xinxin, come and play with your sister, otherwise your mother won't be able to change her diapers."

Qin Mo was also around, but Ye Yin didn't change it for him, and he had to change it himself.

"I don't do anything, how can this work, this is my own daughter!"

It turned out that during the period of hospitalization, changing diapers and making milk powder and the like were either Qin Mo, or Du Yumeng, Yang Xiaotong.

So much so that until now, she can't even change her diaper.

"Sister, sister is here."

Sure enough, as soon as Dabao left, he immediately burst into tears.

"Hee-hee, my sister won't cry!"

Dabao tightly grasped Xinxin's fingers and looked at his sister curiously.

"Shin Shin is really powerful!"

Changing diapers is also a hurry, and now she is still playing with you.

Maybe in the next second, I started crying.

"Stink..." As

soon as I pulled the diaper, it was a normal color, not the fetal feces were gone, and it had all been discharged.

As soon as Qin Xinxin smelled the stench, he wanted to walk away.

But his fingers were grabbed by his sister, and he could only cover his nose.

"Xinxin, you also said before that you changed your sister's diaper, and now you just stink and want to leave!"

Seeing Qin Xinxin like this, Qin Mo took this opportunity to educate her.

"What Xinxin said, it will definitely not be done, but unlike the stinky dumplings, who often lie to people!"

Ye Yin clumsily began to change diapers, first wiping Dabao's ass with wet wipes.

After all, the first time I gave birth to my hands, I used three sheets in a row, and I didn't wipe my butt clean.

On the contrary, it made Dabao impatient and cry.

"Sister, sister is here, don't cry!"

"Your hands and feet should be lighter just now, the child's skin is thin, and if you wipe it several times in a row, it will definitely hurt!"

Qin Mo explained the reason just now to Ye Yin next to him.

"Brother Qin, I know, I will pay attention to it next time.

Forehead.. Dabao don't cry, mom didn't mean it just now! As soon as

he hugged him and coaxed it, Dabao soon stopped crying.

"Ye Yin, you are now during confinement.

You can't hold the child too much, otherwise at that time, the waist will be left with sequelae.

Also, if the child is asleep, do not hold it.

Otherwise, you will have to sleep with her in your arms all the time.

Qin Mo summed up his previous experience, as well as what he saw on the Internet, before telling Ye Yin.

"I can't imagine that raising children is also a science!"

In Ye Yin's impression, it is easy to bring children.

Because after a week, she saw Du Yumeng and Yang Xiaotong, and it was very easy to take her two daughters.

A diaper change can be done in three or two clicks, especially when coaxing children.

As soon as I took it in my arms, I fell asleep with a few shakes.

Now it's my turn, and I'm in a hurry.

"No hurry, with the two of them around, these can be slow!"

"Brother Qin, you don't need to comfort me, I was born in a good family.

If the conditions were worse, I can't imagine what I would become! Seeing

that he hadn't even done such a simple thing well, Ye Yin couldn't help but sigh.

"Don't be discouraged, still that sentence, take your time!"

"Brother Qin, you are really powerful, there is nothing you won't do!"

Hearing Ye Yin praise herself, Qin Mo winked at her and said.

"Do you think that your husband is directly handsome to the sky at this moment!"

"To die, there are other people here, praise you, their tails are cocked."

Ye Yin glared at Qin Mo fiercely at this time, and his hand gently patted him.

"Mom, the stinky stinking has a tail, where, why didn't Shin Shin see it."

"Look, if you don't talk about the occasion, you will teach your daughter badly."

After Qin Xinxin circled around Qin Mo, he stopped.

"Liar, no, the stinky slug doesn't have a tail at all!"

"Xinxin, that's just a metaphor from my mother!"

Seeing Xinxin's expression, Ye Yin couldn't help but laugh.

"It's true, you adults always talk inexplicably!"

After saying this, Qin Xinxin climbed onto the bed and teased Dabao.

As for Erbao, except for crying when pulling a dumpling.

The rest of the time is full and sleeping!

Very good to bring!

Dabao can wake up from a dream with a little wind and grass.

At this time, you have to spend a little time coaxing her.

But when playing with her, it's still fun.

Ye Yin and Xin Xin both liked to tease her.

"Dad, when Xinxin was a child, was it also like this!"

Looking at Dabao's soft and fluffy, Xinxin tried to hug it on the bed and gave up.

"Xinxin, hold your sister, hold it like this."

Qin Mo personally demonstrated it, but once it reached Qin Xinxin's hands, it couldn't do it.


Dabao was tossed back and forth by the two several times, and finally couldn't help crying loudly.

"Sister, I'm crying again, but I didn't make me cry!"

Seeing her sister crying, Xinxin also panicked.

"Shh, be quiet, Erbao is still sleeping, it's okay, hand it over to your father, and soon stop crying."

Ye Yin pulled Xinxin over, sat beside her, and comforted her.

"Look, isn't it, my sister doesn't cry again, this is Dabao naughty and disobedient, look how well-behaved Erbao is!"

"Mother is right, Dabao is naughty, Xinxin, isn't Xinxin very well-behaved when she is so old!"

Qin Xinxin looked at her sister, as if thinking of something, and quickly asked.

"Shin Shin when she was a child?"

"Yes, it's the age of my sister!"

"At that time, Xinxin was naughty, more naughty than her sister, crying her nose at every turn, and refusing to sleep!"

Indeed, when my daughter was young, she was alone with herself.

Back then, I really didn't even have time to sleep.

This period of time has been maintained for almost a year.

Not a day goes by when he can get a good night's sleep.

"Hmph, stinky dumpling, you must be lying, Xinxin is so well-behaved, he was definitely not naughty when he was a child."

Qin Mo, who was caught in his memory, immediately came to his senses in the shout of his daughter Xinxin.

"Mom, Xinxin is right, it must be a stinky liar!"

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