"Brother Mo, why, don't open now?"

Today, Kong Yuanhang happily found Qin Mo.

The project I was responsible for was finally completed today.

But what he didn't expect was that before he finished speaking, Qin Mo let himself change his strategy.

"On the playground side, don't rush to open it first, in the next time, use our stores in various counties and districts to vigorously promote our playground, I want the whole city to know that Shuijiang County has a playground that can be ranked in the province."

"Before that, we worked overtime, wouldn't the money we spent waste?"

Thinking that in order to catch up with the schedule, his side spent money like flowing water, Kong Yuanhang felt a little worthless.

"It's all already spent, then don't think about it, and to engage in this playground, you haven't thought about making money on this!"

From the beginning, Qin Mo had this idea in his heart, and he really thought so.

In his opinion, as long as the money earned can be maintained, the daily consumption of the playground can be done.

"While you have time now, let's see if you can come up with a plan, how to attract everyone to bring their children, all the way to our playground!"

Qin Mo first gave Kong Yuanhang an idea, and left the rest to his own thoughts.

"Also, when the money is spent, you will ask me for it, and publicity is all about money."

There are 10 million in this card, you take it and use it first, and then ask me for it when you finish spending.

As for using our various branches for promotion, you can contact Wu Yueyi.

After explaining this, Qin Mo was ready to rush to the company he was responsible for.

"Zhengqi, go drive!"

Now this technology limited company, the registered legal person is he Qin Mo.

"Brother Mo, you are busy first, and this side of the playground will be handed over to me."

Under Qin Mo's arrangement, everyone has their own projects.

Unless one party couldn't get busy, Qin Mo would call everyone to help.

When Kong Yuanhang saw the others, he could make the work arranged by Qin Mo sound and colorful.

As Qin Mo's college classmate and friend, he couldn't afford to lose this face.

"Don't fight so hard in normal times, when it's time to rest, you still have to take a break!"

Coming out of the house, Qin Mo went straight to the company.

Now that Ye Yin is back, Qin Mo doesn't have to accompany his daughter all day.

When going to school and leaving school, Qin Wanxiu is with him.

"Boss, it worked!"

Employees who have just entered the company's laboratory and are doing research.

Seeing that it was Qin Mo who came in, he quickly excitedly rejoiced with him.

"Calm, what do I usually tell you!"

Qin Mo probably guessed that within a week, the experimental results would come out.

It's just that he didn't expect it to be so soon, and this is only one day.

Seeing the employee's excited appearance, the expression on his face was calm, making it impossible to see what he was thinking, but he was indeed a little excited when he heard the news.

"Finally, the next plan can be realized, is the Zheng family ready, and I Qin Mo is ready to come back!"

At this time, a cold light flashed in Qin Mo's eyes!

"What about Elder Lin?"

Qin Mo was in the laboratory, turned around, and did not see Lin Tianlu.

"Mr. Lin, he went to collect experimental data and prepared to apply for a patent!"

Every time a new product is developed, this step is indispensable if you want to protect your intellectual property!

"Okay, you guys continue to work, the reward promised before, when the patent application is completed, I will give it to everyone."

Qin Mo knew what these employees wanted most now.

After all, before the experiment, I promised to give everyone a bonus once the project research was successful.

At that time, I didn't say much, but left everyone with a suspense.

The employees in these laboratories, except for Lin Tianlu, none of them can take a shot, they are all graduates who have just stepped into the society.

So now, their salaries are not high, only five thousand yuan.

Compared with other graduating senior brothers, they all start with 10,000 at every turn.

So their salaries are not high.

The reason for the willingness to come over is mainly that Lin Tianlu is the leader of this project.

So even if they don't pay a salary, they are willing to come.

Because by following Lin Tianlu, you can learn knowledge that you can't learn in school.

Maybe there is a chance to become Lin Tianlu's student.

"Thank you boss!"

Seeing Qin Mo, he did not forget his previous promise, and the smiles on the faces of several people were even brighter!

"Xiao Qin, you come over, you sit down first, I'm not done here!"

As soon as Qin Mo walked into Lin Tianlu's office, he just raised his head to see him, and after saying a word, he ignored him.

"It's okay, this matter is important!"

He smiled in response, spinning around the office himself.

"Elder Lin, you really do learning!"

In this office, Qin Mo wanted to find something that had nothing to do with research, but he couldn't find it!

"It's boring!"

There was nothing else except books, and Qin Mo could only pull out a stool and sit down.

Every time this phenomenon occurs, around you, it is the boss and other employees, and it is the opposite with others.

"Xiao Qin, make you wait for a long time!"

After about half an hour, Lin Tianlu returned to the office again.


He Yuquan and Ning Feixiang quickly said hello to Qin Mo.

"You guys have worked hard, I see that following your teachers, there is not even time to rest."

Look at the dark circles, they are so serious, after this time is completed, I will give you a few days off to take a good rest.

Or go out on a trip, come back when the time comes, and then find me for reimbursement.

"Don't hurry up and thank Xiao Qin!"

After seeing the two students hear Qin Mo's words, they began to be stunned.

Lin Tianlu stepped forward and gave everyone a look at the back of the head, such a good opportunity, if he didn't quickly agree to come down, it would be too late for Qin Mo to regret it.

"Thank you boss."

Suddenly returning to their senses, the two understood the meaning of the teacher's words, and quickly thanked Qin Mo.

"Okay, these are small things, let's get down to business!"

Seeing a serious expression on Qin Mo's face, the three of them each found a stool and sat down.

"Xiao Qin, just say anything!"

"Elder Lin, how many days is the fastest time to apply for a patent application?"

This is about their next plan.

So he still has to ask a little more clearly.

"According to normal procedures, it is more than half a year.

But if I find acquaintances, it will take more than a month! Hearing

the time, just like the information he had found on the Internet, Qin Mo showed a pensive expression.

"What's wrong, Xiao Qin, are you not satisfied with this time?"

For a month, this is still a green channel for their own trustees.

But now the expression on Qin Mo's face told everyone that he was not satisfied!

"Elder Lin, is it really fast?"

"Xiao Qin, this is already the fastest!"

"In this case, the press conference, it will be a month later!"

Qin Mo finally voiced his worries.

"Xiao Qin, the two of them have nothing to do with each other!"

Lin Tianlu laughed when he heard Qin Mo say this.

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