"Well, Xinxin is waiting here!" The

grilled fish is almost ready, at this time, how could Qin Xinxin still walk away.

"You go to your mother's side and sit, wait for it, and your father will bring it over, obedient!"

Qin Mo said, staring at his daughter with both eyes.

"Okay then, you hurry up!" After

seeing his father's expression, Qin Xinxin immediately obediently walked to Ye Yin's side.

When my daughter is most well-behaved, it is when she eats.

Qin Xinxin walked to her mother's side and massaged Ye Yin with her little hands.

"Yo, Xinxin is so well-behaved today!" "

Hmph, people are very well-behaved, how can my mother say that!" Ye

Yin closed her eyes and enjoyed, Xinxin's

little hand gently tapped on her shoulder.

"Yes, Mom said the wrong thing, Shin Shin has always been very well-behaved!"


a few minutes, Shin Shin stopped.

"Hey, Xinxin, why didn't you press it?"

asked Ye Yin as she opened her eyes.

"Tired, Shin Shin rest for a while. Immediately

Ye Yin knew what was going on, because Qin Mo came over with a plate.

"Cao Ceng, I just massaged my mother. Seeing

her father coming, Shin Shin ran over to ask for credit.

"Yes, Xinxin is really well-behaved, be careful, don't get so close, or it will be hot." Qin

Mo didn't know what his daughter was thinking.

"Well, Tang Ceng, hurry up, Xinxin can be hungry, and after Xinxin is full, I will go to play with my sister first."

After saying this, Qin Xinxin ran back and sat down, waiting for his father to bring the grilled fish.

"Don't rush to eat it, or it will be hot."

Before leaving, Qin Mo asked Ye Yin to pay attention.

"Don't worry, I'll watch, you hurry up, I'm hungry too!"

Ye Yin finished speaking, and stroked his stomach.

"Well, you two only have time to eat, all of you are full of energy!" He

also knew that everyone was hungry now, because at noon, it was just about to be solved.

Half an hour later.

"Come and two people to help!" It

turned out to be the last two paper-wrapped fish, and now they are also ready, but Qin Mo can't take it alone, so he can only call the two to carry it together.

"Xinxin, drink the bowl of chicken soup first!" An

hour, the old hen stewed in the pot, at this time, has just tasted, if it is stewed for a few more hours, then the taste will be delicious.

But there is not enough time, so it can only be so.

However, Qin Mo still kept a little, and added a little water later, ready to continue squatting and save it for breakfast tomorrow.

"Hee-hee, it's still good chicken soup cooked in dumplings. Xinxin

picked up the small spoon, and after blowing it cold, squinted her eyes and tasted a small sip.

"Xinxin, be careful, it's still hot!" Seeing

her daughter couldn't wait to start drinking.

"Xinxin knows, but I'm so thirsty!" After

just trying a small sip, she felt very unhappy and stopped.

"Who let you eat all the grilled fish alone, it's strange if you don't get thirsty!" Qin

Mo pointed to the plate, only fish bones remained, and said speechlessly, his daughter ate too cleanly.

"How can this be blamed on Xinxin, only Cao Xin, who made the grilled fish you made so delicious

!" "Gag!"


Xinxin touched her bulging little belly, and burped.

"You eat so full, there is still delicious here, I'll see how you can eat later!" Qin

Mo said and took out a small knife and crossed it over the bulging tin foil to make two cuts.

I saw that as the tin foil was cut, a rich fish fragrance emanated, which was even more fragrant than the grilled fish before.

"It's so fragrant, what kind of fish is this?"

Qin Xinxin asked after smelling the fragrance.

"It's the fish that Xinxin just ate!"

replied Qin Mo with a smile, knowing that his daughter would regret it later.

"No, it's definitely not the same kind of fish, otherwise how can the fragrance be so big!" Xinxin

sniffed again, and found that the fish he had just eaten was not a grade at all compared to now.

"If you don't believe it, look at the fish. After

Qin Mo broke the tin foil around, the food inside was displayed in front of everyone.

"It's true, so fragrant, it must be delicious, you are a bad guy, there is such a delicious fish, you just didn't tell Xinxin."

Qin Xinxin wanted to try it, but found that he couldn't eat it.

A pound of fish, plus a bowl of chicken soup, just an eight-year-old girl, can eat it is strange.

"Hmph, Xinxin, don't play with you anymore, I'll go find my sister!" Sitting

here was really too guilty, smelling the fragrant fish, wanting to eat but unable to eat it, Xinxin pouted and got up.

"Next time Dad will do it for Xinxin, okay!" Qin

Xinxin, who had just left a few steps, the expression on his face changed instantly.

After turning around, he was no longer pouting, but smiling.

"It's still Dad who is the best for Xinxin!" "

Mother is not good for Xinxin!" Ye

Yin heard Xinxin say this, and quickly teased her.

"Mom, you will bully people, don't say anything, Xinxin went to accompany my sister." "

Hahaha..." The

others couldn't help but laugh after seeing Xinxin's expression.

"You have to eat your daughter's acid!" Qin

Mo didn't know what Ye Yin just said.

"Come and eat!" "

Xinxin, look good on your sister!" Qin

Mo returned to the RV and saw Xinxin playing with Dabao Erbao.

At this time, Dabao Erbao was fenced and could not climb out at all.

But before leaving, let me be a reminder.

"Chong Ceng, you can eat at ease, Xinxin promises to complete the task!"

Qin Xinxin assured as he patted his small chest.

"Everyone drinks the soup first, it's too late, so we can only take a moment. "

There is just one bowl of soup per person, and now that the weather is late autumn, it is very comfortable to drink a bowl of hot chicken soup.

"Come, I tasted this paper-wrapped fish, it was the first time I had eaten it, it smelled so fragrant, wouldn't it be more delicious to eat." Ye

Yin couldn't resist the temptation of Yu Xiang, let alone others.

"After you promise to eat, you will definitely not forget!"

This way of eating has become common in small restaurants outside.

It's just that they rarely eat out, so they don't see it.

"Why are you all stunned, don't hurry up and move your chopsticks, are you afraid that you won't eat enough, or don't like to eat!" There

were only nine of them, and the two fish added up to ten pounds.

Qin Mo also made a dish, and it was enough for everyone to eat.

"Boss, you said and laughed, even if it is a stone, when it comes to your hands, you can make a delicacy, how can we not think it is delicious." "

My boss said so, everyone, picked up chopsticks one after another, could it be that the boss still wants to give you dishes."

"Delicious, so many side dishes, but also keep the fish delicious, I think only Brother Qin you can do it."

Ye Yin picked up a piece of fish meat and tried it, and his eyes immediately lit up.

"Really delicious, boss, I want to learn this dish, can you teach me."

Qin Wanxiu looked at Qin Mo with hopeful eyes.

"How can I forget her!" was

still struggling before, a little bit of his own business, who cooks at home.

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