"You want to learn?"

stopped her with a smile.

"Boss, can't you?" If

nothing else, Qin Wanxiu will stay by her daughter's side until she graduates from college.

If you teach her cooking, it will be much more convenient in the future, and you don't have to worry about your daughter's food all the time.

"Yes, but learning cooking, it's very tiring, your two brothers should have told you!" Before

teaching each other, Qin Mo still made it clear, don't learn half of it when the time comes, you don't want to learn, your time is precious now.

"Boss, I know, I'm not afraid of hardship!"

What Qin Wanxiu is worried about now is that she has no skills.

His two older brothers are now chefs.

It is true that he stays in the Qin family every day, usually accompanies Xinxin, and sometimes gives everyone a hand.

However, in her opinion, it is better to learn a craft, so that if something happens in the future, she will not starve to death.

"Well, since you have the heart to learn, after I go back this time, I will teach you again, anyway, teach one, teach ten." From

Qin Wanxiu, he got a reminder and was ready to try it again after he went back.

"Thank you boss!" Hearing

Qin Mo agree, Qin Wanxiu jumped up with excitement.

"Okay, Wanxiu, hurry up and eat!" Seeing

Qin Wanxiu like this, Ye Yin quickly asked her to sit down.

"Wanxiu, since you have already made a decision, then study hard!" "

Sister Ye Yin, don't worry, Wanxiu will definitely live up to the boss's hopes." "

She is not a fool, she can learn cooking skills with Qin Mo's side, everyone knows what this means.


"Brother Qin, aren't we going to continue to go?"

after breakfast.

Ye Yin found that everyone was still staying in this small county and asked curiously.

"When I went grocery shopping yesterday, I heard the residents here say that there are good attractions nearby, and it is recommended that we visit before leaving!" Qin

Mo told Ye Yin the news he heard yesterday.

"Yes, but I have looked for it all on the Internet, and I haven't seen any good attractions, haven't they been opened to the outside?" Ye

Yin took out his mobile phone again and began to search, and the result was the same as before.

"Now we're out to play, and maybe there's a surprise."

"Okay, listen to you. Just

as Qin Mo was packing up his things and preparing to stroll around this county town, several young people gathered together.

"Boss, the things you asked me to check before have already found someone. It

was the green-haired young man who spoke before.

"Yes, this time must not make him feel good, even caused me to go back to be disciplined by grandfather, after finding him, I will nag him well." "

The blue-haired young man, named Liu Junyuan, is Uncle Liu's grandson.

His parents died at a very young age, and he depended on his grandfather since childhood.

He was originally a good boy, but he was careless in making friends.

In a small place, he is afraid that among his children's contacts, once one learns badly, he will slowly bring others badly.

This is the case for Liu Junyuan, who dropped out of junior high school after one semester.

Until now, I have not worked for five or six years, so I have relied on the usual scare not to collect benefits, and have become the eldest of these young people.

"Let's go, let's go meet this little white face. "

I went back to visit my grandfather last night, but I was trained for an hour, and I couldn't get angry when I thought of this Liu Junyuan.

It had been several years since he was scolded by his grandfather last time, and now he was scolded again, and he felt that this breath must come out, and the motorcycle looked at itself.

"Little white face, we meet again!" Near

noon, Qin Mo returned to the parking position, and he saw the young people from yesterday.

As soon as the other party saw Qin Mo, he let out rampant laughter.

"Yo, I can't imagine that there are a few beautiful women, this little white face is really blessed!" "

Boss, when you eat meat, remember to leave some soup for your brothers to drink!"

Soon, these people's eyes were attracted by Ye Yin.

In their small place, when have they seen a beauty of this level.

After seeing Ye Yin, his eyes were reluctant to look away.

"Zhao Weizhi, you stay, whoever dares to approach will break his hands and feet for me." Qin

Mo arranged everything, walked to the front, and immediately found an abnormal place.

"Who did this?" Looking

at everything in front of him, Qin Mo was furious.

"It's Xiaoye I did it, didn't you smash it a few times, what can you do to me?" Qin

Mo was so angry, it was his two RVs, which were smashed several times by people holding things, and the windows of the first RV were smashed.

If he hadn't come back early, I believe that after they smashed the window, the contents would have disappeared.

There are a lot of valuables in the car, and there are more than a million in cash alone.

"Good, I'd rather see if you're tough." "

The window is smashed, and then his own trip will be affected, Qin Mo is no wonder he is angry, and he finally comes out to play, and encounters this kind of troublesome thing.

"I'm so afraid, it's this hand that smashed it, you come and raise me, little white face."

"Boss, this little white face is so arrogant, wait for me to hand it over, I want to communicate with him properly." The

red-haired young man waved the bat in his hand.


he smashed into the RV again in front of Qin Mo.

I saw that after a loud noise, the body sank into a piece.

Qin Mo doesn't care about money, but repairing the car takes time!

"Come on, I'm smashing it again, what can you do to me, little white face, I'll smash the left in a while, I'll smash the right side again, you come over, I'm so afraid!" The

red-haired young man, with a rampant laugh, kept waving the bat in his hand, and landed on the body again and again.

After each hit, it would provoke Qin Mo once.

"Huh..." At

this time, Qin Mo did not speak, he was not in a hurry to start, anyway, the car is going to be repaired, now watch the other party perform, wait for some of them to cry.

"Little white face, hand over the previous motorcycle, and kowtow to our boss to admit the mistake, this incident should not have happened." The

green-haired young man stood up and pointed ahead arrogantly and said.

"Green hair, have you forgotten something?"

said the yellow-haired young man behind him and pointed at Ye Yin with a lewd smile.

"By the way, there is one more thing, that is, this woman accompanies our boss for one night, and everything before ends here. When

Qin Mo heard this, he did not continue to stand still, but continued to walk towards the other party.

"It's over.

"Not yet, leave us another hundred thousand yuan." The

other party thought that Qin Mo had begun to compromise and increase his chips again.

"Huh: I have an opinion here, I don't know if you want to hear it.

At this time, Qin Mo suddenly laughed.

"What conditions, say it.

"I'm going to break your hands and feet!"

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