January 10th.

On this night, all hotels in Shuijiang County were filled with some international friends.

Except during the day, after everyone saw it, after being a little curious, they ignored it later.

Just when you see a beautiful woman, take a look at it more.

The eyes of these citizens have been raised, and Qin Chuang Technology is a bunch of beautiful women.

Usually, when these employees are off, they can go out shopping.

Tonight, there were dozens of international friends on the streets outside, and those who didn't know thought it was just a big city.

With Qinchuang Technology in Shuijiang County, everyone feels that this is a normal thing.

Now that Qin Mei mobile phone has occupied the European and American markets, maybe these people are representing the company and came to talk business with Qin Chuang Technology.

"Captain, today is already the thirty-fifth batch!"

In the headquarters of Qinchuang Technology, inside the duty room.

The usual duty personnel are no longer security guards, and I don't know when, they have been replaced by members of the security department.

At noon, there were suddenly more international friends near the gate, who did not come to the gate, but just wandered around.

At first, there were only one or two people, and as time passed, the duty officer found through monitoring that the appearance of these international friends changed and was not the same person.

After a few minutes of observation, the matter was immediately reported to UNDS.

Only then did the personnel in the back duty room replace them all.

Learning from the lessons of the previous two times, although I don't know what these people came to do, whether they really visited, or if they had another purpose, the Department felt that prevention should be the main priority.

Directly replace the personnel on duty, they feel that once there is a conflict, ordinary security guards will not be able to cope with this kind of scene.

"Leave everything else alone, just guard the gates, and pay more attention to the surrounding walls."

These international friends are just circling around and don't know what they're going to do, but one thing is certain, and that is that it will never be a good thing.

"They are inquiring about our company's news, captain, or we will report it to the relevant units and let them come here to deal with it."

One of the team members came up with an idea, but was immediately greeted with a slap from the captain.

"What are you thinking, now the other party is within the allowed range, just because people inquire about you, arrest people, this department you should be opened by our company!"

Hearing the team members say such words, the captain was so angry that the captain cried and laughed.

"Okay, you guys pay more attention, the head of the department has already reported to the boss, the rest do their own work, and the rest don't worry about it!"

Barry. Nina looked at the scene in front of her, her face a little ugly.

"Are these newbies afraid that others will not know what they are doing, and they are all shaking around each other's companies?"

Looking at these peers, Barry. Nina knew that she had attracted the attention of her target.

So many people in the same place in a day, still wandering around your company, even idiots know something is going to happen.

"It seems that you can only change places!"

Today, the target work place is surrounded by so many peers, and it is almost impossible to start.

Another point he believes is that the senior members of the dark web must have chosen to start elsewhere, such as on the road, at home....

One thought of home, Barry. Nina's eyes lit up.

"Yes, why didn't I think of this, the guarding of the target's home must not be like this!"

Just a look at it from afar, Barry. Nina knew that the personnel in the guard duty room must not only look like this, but from their standing posture, it could be seen that they often trained.


twenty minutes later.

"Occupy such a large estate!"

Barry. As soon as Nina got out of the car, she felt several eyes cast on her.

But when she tried to look for these eyes, she couldn't find anyone.

"It's those masters of the dark web!"

Before coming out, Barry. Nina is already in disguise, and from the outside, she is just a beautiful beauty.

"I guessed right!"

Barry. Nina didn't dare to approach the villa, she didn't know if she would touch the bottom line of these people once she did this.

I am not an opponent of these people, but I don't want to be killed by my peers before I get close to my goal.

Since you can't get close to the villa, you can only observe it in other ways, and the night vision telescope is the best tool.

She circled around the villa and immediately found a residential building.

After making sure that there were no companions inside, he sneaked in and touched the roof directly.

Find an optimal location to make sure residents come up and they can hide in the first place, Barry. Nina just lay down, took out her binoculars and began to observe the target villa.

"This villa is good!"

In the eyes of foreigners, a villa that occupies such a large area should be called a mountain villa.

"No matter what country people are, there are local tycoons who enjoy life."

Through the telescope, Barry. Nina's eyes flashed with envy.

"What's still a little wrong?"

Under the Night Vision Telescope, Barry. Nina spotted a figure hidden in a hidden grass.

"It's not that the richer the better, there is an unknown crisis hidden in the villa at any time!"

Now he can be sure that this figure is at least a member of the fifth level of the dark web.

Members of this level, as long as they do not use special equipment, it is difficult to find out the other party.

And the scariest thing is that they can hide in the same place for a few days without moving, which is the scariest place.

"Can't look any further!"

The hidden figure seems to sense that someone is observing him, and his eyes are looking in one direction, which scares Barry. Nina quickly shifted her position.

"Still eating!"

Under the telescope, Barry. Nina saw a dozen people eating dinner at the dining table on two floors.

Seeing the food on the table, she involuntarily touched her stomach.

In order to gather more useful information, so far, dinner has not been eaten.

"Bear with it for a while longer and see if there is a chance!"

If she had a chance to make a move tonight, she would definitely make a move.

In other respects, he may not be as good as a premium member, but in hand-to-hand combat, Barry. Nina still has confidence.

Black Kudan's taekwondo is not her opponent, which is why she took on this task.

Barry. Nina believes that in the end, she will definitely come into contact with the other party head-on.

"Huh, there are no bodyguards and the like, so loose guard?"

Soon Barry. Nina found a problem, such a big mountain villa, she couldn't find a bodyguard.

She thought to herself, if she couldn't find it, or really didn't?

Barry. Nina believes that it must be the latter, even the senior members of the dark web can find it themselves, why the bodyguard himself can't find it.

As soon as she thought of this, her mood became excited, if this is the case, then this time the task is too simple, and it is a little asymmetrical with the billion-dollar sky-high price!

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