"Endure for another two hours, if not, go back to the hotel to rest!"

Barry. Nina now discovers this good news and must not miss it.

She had been lying on the top floor of the residential building and began to observe the situation of the villa, trying to find a good place to hide.

Just when these were thinking of ways to deal with Qin Mo, what was he doing?

"Boss, really ignore it, after observation, I found that these people are particularly dangerous!"

"It's okay, as long as I ensure the safety of my family, I want to see who is with me Qin Mo."

It turned out that after discovering the problem at the company's headquarters, Si Haos sent someone to follow this person.

It's good not to investigate, after getting the results, Si Haosi himself did not dare to make a decision, and quickly told Qin Mo about this.

"Dozens of international friends appeared in Shuijiang County, their goals were the same, they were all aimed at Qin Chuang Technology, they were afraid of scaring the grass, so they did not follow up in depth and reported this matter as soon as possible."

"Lady, they'll be fine."

Sensing that the origin of this group of people was unknown, but they still had extraordinary skills, Qin Mo was worried about the safety of his family, so he sent them all to the training base.

Now in the villa, most of the people staying are members of the security department, and the other personnel cannot be all evacuated, or they will attract the attention of the other party.

However, Qin Mo believed that the thirty strongest security members were in the villa, and there were also dozens of security members hidden in the surrounding floors.

He believes that even if something happens, these people will be able to cope with the crisis.

Si Haosi was still a little worried, after all, the other party was in the dark, Qin Mo was in the light, if he made a black hand, it would be difficult to dodge at that time.

"Boss, where is the company?"

"Don't pay attention to the rest, just don't let the other party enter the new factory laboratory, as for the headquarters, they can enter if they want to."

With the completion of the new factory area, the laboratory of the headquarters has long been moved.

Now on the headquarters side, there are no secrets.

Seeing so many people appear in Shuijiang County, Qin Mo wanted to catch them all at once.

"Okay, listen to the boss!"

"It's been a hard work these days, everyone!"

Qin Mo guessed that in the past few days, the other party would definitely take action, and now he was just groping for the situation.

There were also two people hidden in the courtyard of the villa, and he did not tell the members of the security department.

From this, it can be seen that the other party is powerful, and the members of the security department have inspected the villa several times, and finally found no abnormalities.

"Could it be a killer?"

At this time, Qin Mo wanted to come up with this idea.

If this is the case, you can't hold it up yourself, you have to be careful.

Qin Mo immediately thought of his company, the car that had just been listed not long ago.

Being able to let the opponent send a killer to solve himself, the strength is definitely not weak, let alone the domestic force, they do not have this courage, and the consequences are not something they can bear.

"Boss, don't worry, we will definitely let the other party come and go!"

Si Haos patted his chest and assured.

"It's better to be careful, let the brothers pay attention!"

If it is such a dangerous person, you have to find a way to solve them in advance, and stay for an extra day, which is only harmful to yourself!

"Boss, did you find something?"

Seeing Qin Mo suddenly become serious, Si Haosi hurriedly asked.

"It's best to be careful!"


three in the morning.


Qin Mo was awakened by a subtle sound.

He got out of bed and walked out of the house, at this time, the sound that came into his ears was more obvious, it was coming downstairs, and the other party was coming up to the third floor.

Qin Mo walked to the dark place in the living room and sat down, and then watched how the other party performed.


Soon the sound seemed to ring in his ears, and through the moonlight outside, Qin Mo saw a figure appear at the entrance of the stairs, this was a thin man.

At this time, he slowly touched into the nearest room and walked out in less than a few seconds.

On the third floor there are four rooms in total.

After a few minutes, all four rooms were fumbling, and the other party let out a slight sigh, it was clear that the other party could not find the target and sighed.


At this moment, a white light flashed in front of Qin Mo's eyes.

"This is a dagger!"

I guessed correctly, this is trying to kill people!

With a sharp dagger in his hand, Sanguan touched the room in the middle of the night, if it was someone else, he would have died in sleep.

"Can't let him continue!"

Qin Mo didn't know what happened to the security members who lived downstairs?

However, at present, it seems that the other party has already figured out that he lives on the third floor.

At this time, the gaze of the figure looked at the fourth floor, there was no room above, it was Qin Mo Yeyin's usual fitness place.

But at this time, there were five or six security members who were bunked inside.

Qin Mo arranged for them to be on it, just to prevent the other party from touching down from the roof.

"Isn't it disappointing!"

In the darkness, suddenly someone speaks in your ear, and the timid will be directly scared to death.

But when the other party heard this voice, he was only stunned for a second, and the dagger in his hand stabbed in the direction of the sound.


The figure felt a sharp pain in his wrist, and the dagger in his hand fell directly to the ground, making a crisp sound.


The man did not hesitate in the slightest, turned around and fled.

He is now scared to death, the other party appeared around and did not find it, and just the moment of the hand-to-hand, he knew that it was not an opponent, so the first time was to run for his life.

"I want to run!"

Seeing the other party so clean, Qin Mo took a step forward, punched the opponent's back, and burst out with inch.


A dull sound came, and the man flew out directly.


The man's body slammed into the wall, and this time the movement was a little big.

However, Qin Mo didn't care, and between sleeping, he had already closed the doors and windows, and closed the curtains.

As long as it is not the people inside the villa, the outside will not be heard.


Less than a few seconds after the sound, hurried footsteps came from upstairs and downstairs.

"Boss, are you okay!"

Before anyone arrived, the voice came, the voice of a member of the Department of Security.

"It's okay, the other party may be in trouble!"

Qin Mo had just gone all out, and he believed that he would be seriously injured if he didn't die.

"Boss, it's fine if you're fine, damn it, the enemy has touched in, and we haven't found it."

Shu Wenshi went over to check the situation of the enemy, and after seeing the dagger on the ground, he blamed himself and said.

"It's okay, you contact Sun Ruize and hand this person over to him!"

Qin Mo believed that this international friend appeared in Shuijiang County during the day, he should also know, now hand this person over to him, he will know what to do for the rest.

"Boss, you rest first, leave these things to us!"

If he couldn't even handle such a simple thing, Shu Wenshi would be embarrassed to continue to stay in the security department.

Now he just can't understand how the other party touched it, but he has always been on guard, and finally he was sneaked in, took a look at the dagger, and began to be a little afraid, once the boss was stabbed, he would have to go.

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