Chicken Eating: Invincible Sniper God

Chapter 123 The Pcl All-Star Team Is Officially Announced!

The other three members of the All-Star Team are Alien Brother Long Si, Lu Bu Mingming, and 17 Beasts!

Unexpectedly, neither the super giant Tinker Bell nor Wei Shen and Yong Yong from the 4am team were selected.

Seeing this scene, the other super giants were naturally unconvinced.

For Brother Long and Mingming, they have nothing to be dissatisfied with.

But they were very unconvinced that 17 beasts could be selected.

Especially Wei Shen and Yong Yong!

At this time, Wei Shen and Yong's fans also complained for them.

"In terms of performance, the 4am team completely crushed the SMG team."

"Why, our Wei Shen and Epiphyllum Brother cannot be selected for the All-Star team? Is it because the captain of the All-Star team is Haotian? But it does not say that a team cannot have two selected for the All-Star team!"

"It's not fair, there's something shady about it!"

However, the matter has reached this point. Since the PCL Organizing Committee has announced it, it cannot be changed.

Then the All-Star team also has a coach, and as for the coach, it is undoubtedly the coach of the 4am team, because he has led two teams to world championships. He is the coach of two world championship teams, so of course it is him.

At this time, staff from the PCL event organizing committee contacted Li Hao.

Finished the call.

Fang Ziling saw that her husband Li Hao looked a little strange, and immediately asked: "Brother, what's wrong?"

Li Hao looked embarrassed, "Honey, in order to seriously prepare for the Global All-Star Game, the PCL Tournament Organizing Committee requires our PCL Division All-Star team to eat and live together and train together before the start of the Global All-Star Game. , increase the running-in and enhance the tacit understanding. So we specially opened a room for us in the top e-sports hotel in Shanghai and asked our All-Star team to stay there and receive training! As the captain of the All-Star team, I..."

Li Hao was a little confused.

From the bottom of his heart, he naturally hopes to stay in the Fang family villa. Not only does he have three meals a day, but he can also accompany his wife every day. Now that his wife Fang Ziling is pregnant, she also needs his care and companionship.

Of course, care is not particularly needed, but companionship is very much needed. After three meals a day, I take a walk in the community and occasionally go shopping and eat delicious food.

Fang Ziling has always been in a good mood, which is inseparable from Li Hao's company.

After hearing this, Fang Ziling immediately understood Li Hao's dilemma.

"Brother Wu, this is a battle for the country. You are also the captain of the All-Star Team, so you must lead by example. You can prepare for the battle with peace of mind. You don't need to worry at home. I still have aunts to take care of me. Moreover, I still have a father at home. I can get very good care from my mother and three brothers. 17

As Li Hao's wife, Fang Ziling naturally understands that if a professional e-sports player like Li Hao really has the opportunity to play for the country one day, she will never let it go.

After all, it was fighting on behalf of the motherland.

It’s not like being in the 4am team.

Even if some of them fail, they will fail.

But fighting for your country is different.


As a young and passionate young man with dreams, Li Hao has always wanted to serve the country.

"Wife, I'm so happy that you can understand me and support me. But I can't be with you for more than ten days, and you are still pregnant."

"That's okay, brother, you don't have to worry about me at all. Just go ahead, and I can see you every day when you live broadcast." His wife Fang Ziling was very supportive.

After lunch, Li Hao took his peripheral backpack and left home.

At the same time, in the Magic City, the training bases of the nh team, the iFTY team, and the smg team, Mingming, the fourth brother of the alien dragon, and 17 beasts also left their respective training bases at the same time and came to a very top and high-end team in the magic city. The e-sports hotel converges.

At this time, when Li Hao and the four members of the All-Star team gathered together, the first All-Star team coach Xiaoyao, the All-Star team data analyst and the nh team coach Liu Ge arrived in advance.

This e-sports hotel is very luxurious, and the computer configuration is also very high. In addition to peripherals, such as live broadcast cameras, etc., these have been installed by the staff.

Even for peripherals, they have prepared several sets.

It's just that professional players may still like to use their own peripherals, unless they are broken, then they can be replaced.

In the e-sports room, currently used as a conference room, four members of the All-Star team, a coach, and a data analyst were meeting together.

Everyone is sitting on a chair, and Xiaoyao is carrying a laptop, while data analyst NH coach Liu Ge is carrying a tablet.

"First of all, the most important thing for our team to clarify is our jump point. In the All-Star Game, all-star teams from many countries and divisions around the world will gather. The jump point is very important. What do you think about this?" Coach Xiaoyao Asked straight to the point.

At this time, Mingming, Fourth Brother Long, and 17 Beasts all looked at Li Hao.

Obviously, they followed Li Hao's lead.

"As for the jump point, I don't know what your coaching staff thinks. In my mind, the ideal jump point is Picado. As for the desert map, I prefer Picardo. I think the main jump point can be in Picardo. As for the secondary jump point, , I prefer Yibo City and Lion City. These are big cities. We can search very rich and then go out to fight. If we can't hit the center directly, then push the side and control the side.

Li Hao thought for a moment and said in a deep voice.

On the way here, he actually thought about the jump point issue of the PCL All-Star team.

As soon as these words came out, coach Xiaoyao and data analyst Brother Liu looked at each other.

"We do consider the Lion City first, followed by Picado and Yibo City. This point is similar to our idea. In this case, for the desert map, our main jumping point is Picado. If the competition is fierce by then , then let’s go to the secondary jump point!” Coach Xiaoyao made the final decision.

"As for the jumping point of the island map, we currently have three alternative places, P City, school dormitory, and Y City. Which place do you think the main jumping point is?" Data analyst Liu Ge said in a deep voice.

Then, Mingming, Fourth Brother Long, and 17 Beasts all looked at Li Hao.

Li Hao said solemnly: "I think the main jump point of the island map is City Y, and the secondary jump points are City P, the school dormitory, the airport, and Port G."

"That's okay, we'll hit the jumping point!" Coach Xiaoyao made the final decision.

At this moment, data analyst Liu Ge was speechless.

0Please ask for flowers…………

"Xiaoyao, you usually work as a coach in the 4am team, is this how you work as a coach? Whatever Li Hao says, that's what it is!" Liu Ge said with a teasing smile.

"You'll understand later!" Xiaoyaoyi said with a pointed smile.

After determining the jumping points of the two maps, the All-Star team will officially start training together.


All-Star Team is officially launched.

At this time, when all four members of the PCL Division All-Star Team started broadcasting, countless PUBG players poured into their live broadcast room.

Then suddenly I saw that the live broadcast rooms of the four team members had almost the same background, and it was very obvious. You could hear the voices of other people very clearly.

Li Hao smiled and explained to the fans in the live broadcast room: "From now on, the four members of our PCL All-Star Team will eat, live and train together. They will eat, live and train together together, and the broadcast will start at the same time. It will be broadcast at the same time. Moreover, during this period, whether our All-Star team participates in training matches, we will participate as an All-Star team. In other words, from now on, the four of us belong to the All-Star team, not to our respective teams. From the team!"


Suddenly, the fans in Li Hao's live broadcast room felt extremely strange.

"Eat and live together? Train and practice together?"

"Is the PCL division so demanding for All-Star teams? It's so strict."

"After all, we are competing on behalf of our PCL division, and we have the honor of the country on our shoulders. No matter how rigorous the training is, it will never be too strict. Otherwise, if you fail to achieve good results in the All-Star Game, you will definitely be criticized and punished by everyone. Curse me to death!"

"With so many days of preparation, you can imagine that our PCL All-Star team will participate in the Global All-Star Game with the only goal of winning the championship."

"I believe our All-Star team will definitely have a bright future."

At this moment, Li Hao will lead the All-Star team to officially participate in the training match organized by the PCL Organizing Committee.

In other words, the All-Star team will directly enter the T08 training match.

Immediately, many teams actively participated.

Everyone wants to see how powerful the all-star team led by Li Hao, which includes the three super giants Long Si, Ming Ming and 17 Beasts, can unleash.

Whether it can match or even surpass the 4am team at its peak is the biggest attraction.

When entering the training match room and waiting for the training match to start, fans were talking about it in everyone's live broadcast room.

"It's impossible to rival or even surpass the 4am team at its peak in a short period of time."

"But as long as the All-Star team is given more than five days of running-in time, under the leadership of our Haoshen, we can catch up with the 4am team." That is not a dream. "

"Just today, there are all-star teams from other major countries in other divisions, which have also been announced. The npl division is the beautiful country's all-star team lineup, which is also very luxurious, including Chocolate, S God, G God, and another one who seems to be called outrageous elder brother."

"The Polar Bear All-Star Team also has an extremely luxurious lineup, led by Wu Shen from the Faze Team, and there is also an All-Star Team with the twins from Team Li Kui. These All-Star Teams are the absolute best of our PCL Division All-Star Team in the Global All-Star Game. A strong enemy will do it.”

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