Chicken Eating: Invincible Sniper God

Chapter 124 The All-Star Team Is Getting Better And Better And Cooperates With Each Other Tacitly

Soon, the training match officially began.

At this time, during the skydiving, many fans in the live broadcast room were all asking about the jumping point of the All-Star team.

However, Li Hao did not answer.

"Don't worry, you will see it soon."

When the plane arrived at City Y, all of a sudden, the All-Star team suddenly parachuted.

At this time, fans were stunned.

"The island map jumping point of the All-Star Team is actually Y City?"

"It's over, aren't we going to roll with the nh team?"

"Haha, it's so interesting. There is Mingming in the All-Star Team, but now the All-Star Team actually jumps to City Y.

"Team NH: You may not believe it, but there is a traitor in our team!"

But at this moment, the nh team was a little confused.

"Damn it, why are there four more umbrellas?" Nannan from the nh team said in surprise.

"Nowadays in the PCL competition area, there are still teams that dare to come to roll with us. Do you really think that our nh team is weak?" The fantasy god of the nh team also said angrily.

But at this time, the commander of the nh team was very calm.

"Brothers, be careful. This team is very likely to be an all-star team!"

Now in the PCL division, there are not many teams that are indifferent and dare to challenge the hn team's territory.

However, the newly formed all-star team definitely dares to do so.

At this moment, the All-Star Team and the NH Team all landed at the Sea View Building.

This is also the key point for the NH team and the dnw team in this intercontinental competition.

In an instant, Li Hao landed first and was still the fastest in parachuting.

Li Hao entered the house and got the gun directly.

At this moment, the small sea view building is very crowded.

After Li Hao got the gun, he rushed out.

At this moment, the bullets in the macho gun in his hand have been replaced.


Da da da!!!

The macho gun just fires and shoots.

The nh team was caught off guard because at this moment, they had just landed and had not yet entered the house.

In an instant, Li Hao was so accurate that he knocked down two of them.

At this moment, when they saw the ID of the person who had knocked down, Huanshen and Nannan, who had been knocked down by Li Hao, quickly shouted in the nh team's voice: "This is the All-Star team, be careful!"

However, their reminders did not help.

After knocking down two people first, it was impossible for the All-Star team to fail.

At this time, Ming Ming was furiously killing the commander of the nh team, Pin Yan, and the last remaining member of the nh team was also chased by Li Hao, who then killed him.

In this way, the powerful nh team landed at the roll point. Even if it has lost its thigh and super giant Mingming, the nh team can still be regarded as a top team in the PCL division. As a result, it was destroyed by the All-Star team so quickly.

Suddenly, in the live broadcast room of Li Hao, Mingming, and Long Si, they were stunned to watch this wonderful roll scene.

"Just like that, Team N was wiped out?"

"If the dnw team sees this scene, they will shed tears!"

"Team nh is so unlucky. Now they have an all-star team coming to grab the jumping point of city y!"

"The All-Star team actually chose to jump to City Y. How did they think about this? P City, school dormitory building, airport, G Port, big and small electronics, L City, M City and other places can be used as jumping points, but they chose Y City. ."

"I feel like it was clearly proposed!"

"But no matter what, the All-Star team seems to be in very good shape. They destroyed the nh team so easily, as if the nh team has no resistance in front of the all-star team!"

At the same time, other teams participating in this training match saw this kill information broadcast and suddenly understood that the All-Star team went to City Y.

Only in this way will they conflict with the nh team and almost destroy the nh team instantly.

The All-Star team quickly completed the search in Y City, because at this time, they divided the search areas into four areas: the fifth building, the C-shaped building, the sea view room, and the high-rise building near the garage.

Or Li Hao may go to the police station and court.

But unless the center circle of City Y is cleared, the All-Star team will seize the high point.

Then, the all-star team set off.

At this time, coach Xiaoyao said in the ts voice channel: "Our main practice now is cooperation, not only cooperation in team battles, but also cooperation in various gun lines. And we should try our best to run in and achieve the state of understanding. .Then we will mainly practice fighting. At this time, let’s start clearing people out!”

Immediately, the All-Star team took the initiative to find fights with other teams.

All of a sudden, the training match was in full swing. At this moment, not only the All-Star team was actively looking for other teams to start a team, but some teams that were also composed of tough guys with guns were also fighting.

At this time, the All-Star team is scary.

Because when it comes to team fights, All-Star teams tend to end quickly.

First, throw objects, and you can almost knock down at least one of them, and then swarm them forward, with various gun lines and various follow-up lines, the coordination is very smooth.

In the first training match, the All-Star team showed terrifying super combat power.

Let fans be amazed again and again.

"I was wrong. I originally thought that the All-Star team would have to adjust for at least five days before it could match or even surpass the 4am team at its peak. But now, after just one training match, the All-Star team has adjusted very well."

"In a training match, the All-Star team is still strong in this state and definitely surpasses the 4am team. Even when the 4am team is at its peak, it cannot be compared with the All-star team!"

"The peak 4am team, the ultimate strength, is just Haoshen leading three super giants, but that is still with the blessing of the team. But now, Haoshen is really leading three super giants, Moreover, it is the strongest and in the best condition among the super giants. This kind of staffing completely surpasses the 4am team."

"Look, the 4am team's lineup is also very good. Wei Shen, Yong Yong, Xiaolu, and Xiaolong. Wei Shen is back in command. But when facing the All-Star team, the 4am team's defense is like a piece of paper, completely unbearable. one strike!"

The super strength displayed by the All-Star team, as well as the smooth coordination and tacit understanding of gun and line coordination, instantly made fans in the PCL division have high hopes for the All-Star team.

Although this time the All-Star teams from other divisions and countries are very strong, and every professional player is like a shining star, but from the perspective of the past, the All-Star team is simply


The All-Star team continues to play training matches, and on the desert map, the All-Star team is Picardo.

This also far exceeded fans' expectations.

The state shown by the all-star team in the training match is simply invincible.

After playing the training match, Ming Ming sighed: "It turns out this is PUBG. It seems to be my first time playing it."

Brother Long also joked: "It turns out that the 4am team usually plays games like this under your leadership. Damn it, if it were me, my data would definitely be higher than theirs."

17 Although Beast didn't sigh, his impression of Li Hao changed greatly in his mind.

Previously, because Li Hao was a professional player of the 4am team, he naturally had no good impression of Li Hao.

But now, Kangzi has a very clear understanding of Li Hao's consciousness, strategic ideas, tactical operations, and his extremely powerful marksmanship, which is limited to close combat, especially medium and long-range target shooting.

Yasuko smiled and said: "Looking at the entire PCL competition area, when it comes to hitting the target, I hold an SLR, and I think I am number one, but Haotian, damn, that SLR is so accurate, so ridiculously accurate. , headshots with gunshots. Two headsshots each, one person, one gun, a full formation that can handle it without even daring to show its head!"

At this time, 17 Beast was really convinced by Li Hao's SLR, and he was in admiration.

"For continuous sniping, if you practice more, the feel will naturally come out, and then if you keep the hot gun feeling, the accuracy will naturally be greatly improved!" Li Hao said with a smile.

The continuous sniping is so accurate, which is naturally due to his skills.

The absolute hit skill is outrageous.

After the training match, it was meal time in the afternoon.

The dinner is very rich, and the dining place is in the hotel's restaurant, which is a buffet style.

After breakfast, Mingming 3.8, Long Si Ge, and 17 Beast took a rest and lay on the soft bed to browse their phones, while Li Hao started broadcasting and performed a single four-row.

At seven o'clock in the evening, when the training match started, they started to engage in the training match again.

The training match ended at almost ten o'clock in the evening.

Then Li Hao took the all-star team to 12 o'clock in the evening, ended the day's games, turned off the broadcast and went to sleep.

At this moment, the other three are all night owls, but when they see Li Hao resting, they have to rest too.

And they originally thought they would have insomnia and difficulty falling asleep.

But he didn't expect that as soon as he lay down, he would fall into deep sleep and sleep soundly.

We slept until seven o'clock in the morning the next day, and the four of us went to the restaurant to have breakfast together, and then came back and started broadcasting on time at eight o'clock in the morning.

We play from eight o'clock to twelve o'clock, go to the restaurant to have Chinese food, and when we come back, we take a nap. From two o'clock in the afternoon to six thirty, it is the time for training matches and ranking.

At seven o'clock in the evening, there was another training match. After the training match, I went to the ladder to rank again. Play like this until twelve o'clock and then take a break.

The rest of the All-Star team instantly became extremely regular, and the cooperation of the All-Star team was still tacit, and it was simply increasing day by day.

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