Chicken Eating: Invincible Sniper God

Chapter 131: 32 Kills In The First Game Of The Finals, Li Hao 16 Kills!

And on the balcony, there is a s1897!

Li Hao landed, frantically picked up the gun, and then began to change bullets.

In an instant, three umbrellas appeared in front of Li Hao.


An extremely precise spray, and it was a headshot.

With the damage of s1897, let alone hitting such a headless and armorless creature that has just landed, even if it is a level 3 suit, it still has to be faced with trolls.

Under the trolls, all beings are equal.

This is no joke.

In an instant, Li Hao knocked down the opponent directly. Immediately, he started changing bullets again.

At this moment, another one was sprayed down.

On the opposite team, which had a roll point with the PCL All-Star team, only two were left alive, but they had all entered the room.

At this moment, Mingming and Fourth Brother Long had already gotten their guns and rushed out.

Li Hao turned over and entered the second floor from the balcony.

"I'm on the first floor. You come in from the first floor and I'll go down from the second floor!"

Li Hao's cold and ruthless voice was like the King of Hell in the underworld.

In an instant, Li Hao went downstairs with a spray gun in hand.

In an instant, a fierce battle broke out.

There was only one person on the other side who got an m16a4, and the other person only had a pistol in his hand, and he was instantly melted by the PCL All-Star team.

Mingming and Fourth Brother Long immediately killed one person each.

Just like this, this All-Star team rolled with the PCL Division All-Star team. Less than ten seconds after landing, they were defeated sadly and directly eliminated!

PCL Division!

When hundreds of millions of players saw the live broadcast, the all-star team led by Li Hao was so domineering that it wiped out the opponent's team in less than ten seconds after landing. This domineering power spread to Internet cafes, shopping malls, dormitories and other places. burst into excited cheers.

Especially Internet cafes.

Nowadays, in all Internet cafes and Internet cafes, almost everyone plays PUBG, an FPS game without any plug-ins.

Only a handful of people continue to play League of Legends.

It is conceivable how popular PUBG is currently.

Coupled with the hot summer of June, holding a glass of ice-cold Coke, Sprite or beer in your hand, and then watching the PCL All-Star team kill in the finals, the refreshing feeling is simply unparalleled.

At the roll point, the PCL Division All-Star team was completely invincible. At this time, coupled with the blessing of the team skill [All members are super giant], Mingming, Long Sige and Yasuko all surged in strength.

Of course, at this time, it is not just the PCL All-Star team that is showing off its power.

The beautiful national all-star team that jumped to P City, the outrageous team led by Brother Liwei, the four of them relied on their personal strength to wipe out a world-class team that rolled against them.

Brother Libo laughed and said: "Brothers, let's do a random search and we will go out to kill people. We are going to make this Global All-Star Game the kind of ranking game we usually play. Looking at this Global All-Star Game ,Except for a very few teams that pose a slight threat to us, other teams will definitely die if they encounter us.

After running in the group stage, the beautiful country all-star team has indeed shown good strength.

Even when the PCL division all-star team deliberately concealed its strength, the NPL division all-star team also won the first place in the group points.

They advanced to the finals with first place in the group points, which made them even more arrogant and lawless.

"Yes, there are only a few All-Star teams such as the PCL All-Star Team and the Polar Bear All-Star Team that pose a slight threat to us now. In our opinion, those other All-Star Teams are our prey. Now, waiting for us Go hunting.~!" Shroud, the former NPL's top attacker, also feels that he has returned to the top and regained his former confidence.

So now he is talking crazily and arrogantly.

"If there is a chance to compete with Haotian from the PCL All-Star team, then I would be willing to compete against each other to see who is the global sniper god!" God G smiled.

"If he dares to hold a bolt sniper, then I am also willing to hold a bolt sniper and compete with him!" Chocolate also said with a confident smile.

And now, he is holding an M24 sniper rifle in his hand!

Pull the bolt and snipe!

In this kind of global all-star finals, Chocolate still dares to use m24. It can be imagined how arrogant the NPL all-star team is now.

However, they all have arrogance.

Their personal strength is indeed outstanding.

Coupled with teamwork, except for a few teams that pose a threat to them, they can indeed dominate the crowd.

But they had no idea what they were about to face.

And at this moment, the PCL All-Star Team, after searching Y City, Li Hao suddenly led the PCL All-Star Team out to clear out people!

At the same time, the NPL All-Star team in P City, led by Brother Liwei, went straight to the bridge.

At this time, in the global finals, the PCL All-Star team and the NPL All-Star team played the craziest, most unrestrained, and freest.

It directly led to that kind of ranking game!

On the way, Li Hao said with a smile: "Let us, an all-star team, dream back to the Jingdong Cup. As if what we are playing now is not the Global All-Star Finals, but our Jingdong Cup or training matches, just like It's like ranking.


The PCL All-Star team and the NPL All-Star team have a very tacit understanding, as if they have a tacit understanding. One is in the north and the other is in the south, and they have begun to clean up the ladder play styles of other All-star teams.

In an instant, on the Erangel Continent, the two All-Star teams were like ace troops, launching a ferocious and crazy attack against the other All-Star teams that were stuck in the housing area.

All of a sudden, the big screen was full of kill information reports from the two teams.

Li Hao has the skill [Panorama Map] and is not prepared to collide with the NPL All-Star team in the early stage.

However, at this moment [Li Li suddenly saw through the kill information that the NPL All-Star Team had a downfall.

"Brothers, follow me and kill our biggest competitor first."

In an instant, Li Hao drove. Through the kill information, Li Hao was able to know that the NPL All-Star Team was now in M ​​City, playing against the All-Star Team whose jump point was M City.

Along the road, the PCL All-Star team was racing.

At this time, the NPL division all-star team is working hard to kill people.

However, although they finally killed the opponent, two of them fell to the ground.

Just as they were preparing to rescue people, Li Hao drove his vehicle and rushed directly into the smoke bomb.

In an instant, the fallen G God and Sniper Chocolate were directly eliminated by Li Hao using vehicles.

This scene made Brother Li and Shroud, who were still alive, extremely angry.

They were trying to fight back.

But on top of the vehicle, the fourth brother of the PCL Super Dragon, and obviously Yasuko suddenly opened fire at this moment.

The three macho guns fired in unison at this moment.

Plus the SLR in the hands of Li Hao.


Like divine fire from heaven, it instantly melted the NPL All-Star team.

No matter how powerful Brother Li and Shroud were, facing the marksmanship of the PCL All-Star team, they died on the spot without any resistance.

They didn't even launch a wave of counterattack.

Li Hao simply didn't give them a chance. Four men and one car drove directly to make a fool of themselves.

So under this situation, even if the NPL All-Star team is fully staffed, it will be difficult to take on this wave of team battles.

Not to mention, now that there are only two of them standing, that is completely impossible.

In an instant, the PCL Division All-Star Team directly destroyed the Meiliwei All-Star Team.

At this time, the total number of kills by the PCL All-Star team had reached 12.

Because before coming here, Li Hao led the PCL division all-star team and had just destroyed a full team.

And now, after destroying the npl division all-star teams, three full all-star teams have just been wiped out, so the total number of kills is now 12, and among them, Li Hao's personal words

That’s 6 kills!

Li Hao killed two of each of the three fully-formed All-Star teams, so now there are six in total.

At this time, the PCL All-Star teams began to lick their bags. Li Hao smiled and said: "There is no NPL All-Star team in this first game, so we can kill as much as we want!"

So, under the leadership of Li Hao, the PCL All-Star team played more boldly and killed people crazily.

In the end, under the joint attack of the team, the entire PCL team stopped in ninth place!

Almost got ranking points.

But although the PCL All-Star team was eliminated, the number of kills by the PCL Division All-Star team was astonishingly high at 32!

Among them, Li Hao's personal kills were exactly half of the team's total kills, 16.

The combined number of kills of the three super giants, Super Dragon Fourth Brother, Super Giant Mingming, and Super Giant Kangzi, is 16!

Although the PCL division all-star team did not win the chicken, they had killed enough.

This made the hundreds of millions of players in the PCL division feel extremely happy.

`.Haha, on top of the Global All-Star Finals, our All-Star team in the PCL division, under the leadership of Haoshen, can still kill everyone and kill everyone.

"Other all-star teams are no match for us at all. The funniest thing is the pkl division all-star team, who launched a sneak attack on us, and ended up being shot down by our Haoshen directly in the car!"

"Hao Shen is still the same Hao Shen, he is really strong. The All-Star team has a total of 32 kills, and Hao Shen accounts for half of them!"

"Hao Shen's counterattack in the car was simply invincible. If Hao Shen hadn't already attained enlightenment and become a god, I'm afraid that this wave would be enough to become a god in one round!"

"In this first game, our PCL division all-star team was completely overwhelmed. If other all-star teams hadn't shamelessly joined forces to attack us, then our Haoshen team would still be able to kill!"

"It will definitely kill, and maybe we can win the chicken in the end. But I don't blame the other teams, they all know that if they don't join forces to attack, they won't be able to beat our PCL division all-star team!"

At this moment, hundreds of millions of players in the PCL division who are watching the game are posting barrages in the main live broadcast room to vent their excitement [happiness].

And this time, in the competition seat.

Mingming was very excited, "Damn it, I didn't expect that the 4am team's playing style at its peak, the bulldozer crushing tactics, would be so exciting. And this is still in the global finals, not us playing training matches in normal times!"

"Hey, I feel more and more that you, Haotian, have lost your talent in the 4am team. Based on your strength, if you go to any team, even if you form a team, just find a few superstars or super giants, won't the team you form be better than the 4am team? 4am Those teams are a bit rubbish!" The now-famous Alien Dragon Fourth Brother directly (with good money) feels that Li Hao is completely inferior to the three members of the 4am team.

It's a pity that it's impossible to send these words back

Domestic, otherwise, if the members of the 4am team knew about it, they would have to kill the fourth brother of Tyrannosaurus.

Yasuko was very happy, but did not express any emotion.

Of course, we don't know what he thinks in his heart.

"We have to continue to play like this in the next game. Only in this way can we maintain your hot gun feeling. To be honest, I don't care if I can win the chicken, I don't care about that

Points for ranking points, even if there are ten ranking points for playing chicken, then as long as we kill three more teams, isn't it better than getting ten points?" Li Hao said with a smile.

As soon as these words came out, the three super giants naturally had no objection.

Anyway, it’s so big, so holy.

As long as you can maintain the points lead, it doesn't matter at all.

In the end, as long as we can win the championship, then this kind of tactics and style of play are better.

Because it can make everyone's data explode.

That being the case, how could they object or refuse?

Of course, this is the decision made by Li Hao. Even if they want to object and refuse, they don't have the capital.

Therefore, the PCL Division All-Star Team adjusted their status slightly and waited for the start of Game 2 of the Finals.

After the first game, many teams temporarily changed their tactics and playing styles.

After all, the game is like this and requires temporary adjustments.

But the PCL Division All-Star team doesn't need it. It just needs persistence and hard work, and God will do the rest.

Soon, the second competition officially began.

However, the Global All-Star Finals changed the competition system.

Although there are still six games in one day, three on the island and three in the desert.

But it is an island and a desert. .

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