Chicken Eating: Invincible Sniper God

Chapter 132 I Have Never Seen The Haoshen Team In The Top Eight, All Of Which Have Kill Points.

Game 2 of the Global All-Star Finals.

The playing style of the PCL All-Star team remains completely unchanged.

When it landed, within half a minute, it directly eliminated all-star teams from other countries that came to the roll point.

Then very quickly after searching the PCL All-Star teams, they began to look for other All-Star teams to fight on the road.

The Miramar desert map has many housing areas and a vast area, which provides good conditions for the PCL All-Star team to clear players.

One team after another was wiped out.

At the same time, the NPL All-Star team is also looking for the whereabouts of other All-Star teams.

In this case, many teams are forced not to stay in some housing areas that are easy to attack and difficult to defend. They try their best to go to various mountains and rely on the advantageous terrain to block attacks.

However, this cannot stop the crazy PCL All-Star Team and NPL All-Star Team.

At this moment, it's not just these two teams that are actively looking for someone to fight.

The Polar Bear All-Star Team, the world's top all-star team with three super giants, all have ideas for an all-star team in the nearby housing area.

In an instant, the continent of Miramar was filled with gunshots and wars.

All other operating All-Star teams were forced to get involved in the melee.

Because sometimes, even if you don't take the initiative to attack other teams, you may be affected.

In this case, it is better to defend passively than to attack proactively.

As a result, the atmosphere of the decisive battle in the finals was completely taken away.

Among them, the PCL division all-star team performed very crazy. In the Miramar desert map, they were completely crazy and killing.

At this time, when Li Hao died, there were ten more on the field.

Mingming smiled and said: "Now, we should have ranking points, right?"

"I think it should be 4450 or 5th. Some of Gou's teams must be full!" Alien Brother Long said firmly.

However, when he saw Li Hao's shining ninth place, Yasuko was shocked.

"There are only 10 people left on the field, and this is the ninth place?" Yasuko said in shock.

Li Hao laughed and said: "There are almost all lone wolves on the field, and there are only two teams, a two-person team. These are the ones who avoided the flames of war in the early stages of the battle and thus managed to reach the finals.

At this time, hundreds of millions of players in the PCL division burst out laughing.

"Damn it, it's the ninth place again!"

"It seems that our PCL division all-star team is too weak. It can't even make the top eight. Hey, it means it killed 28 cities!"

"Holy shit, does Haoshen have obsessive-compulsive disorder? His personal kills are half of the team's total kills? Why, Haoshen just wants the title of 'Half the Sky'."

"In the two games, our PCL division all-star team added up to 60 kills and scored 60 points. The average score per game is 30. This is so easy to calculate. I think elementary school students can calculate it."

"Having said that, our PCL division all-star team is currently ranked first in the standings. However, all of them are kill points and there are no ranking points at all!"

"PCL Division All-Star Team: Ranking points, what is that? I have no idea at all, I only know that killing a player is worth 1 point! My understanding of the rules is so simple and crude!"

Then, in the third finals, we went to the island map again.

At this moment, any All-Star team knows one thing.

If they don't put up a fight, they will definitely become the hunting targets of the three All-Star teams: the PCL All-Star Team, the NPL All-Star Team, and the Polar Bear All-Star Team.

Passively waiting for death, sitting still and waiting for death is not the style of young people.

We are all young people, why should we be inferior to you?

As a result, many teams, unwilling to be harvested, rose up to fight back.

As a result, the entire Erangel Continent was in complete chaos.

At this time, it seemed that all the All-Star teams were going crazy and looking for fights with other nearby All-Star teams.

Regardless of whether you can beat it or not, at least you have to fight.

Otherwise, it will be harvested by the three strongest top all-star teams.

Instead of doing this, it is better to waste it.

In this extremely chaotic situation, the PCL All-Star team can often take advantage of the chaos.

The game was completely chaotic, without any rules at all.

However, the audience watching the game felt that the game was extremely beautiful.

Because the competition is no longer a step-by-step operation in the early stage, drawing targets in the mid-term, and finals in the later stage.

Nowadays, from the very beginning of the competition, many teams have competed in the finals, such as the PCL Division All-Star Team.

Obviously, the PCL Division All-Star Team successfully brought the Global All-Star Finals to its peak, as evidenced by the crazy surge in ratings.

Six games were played on the first day.

The PCL division all-star team didn't win a single game.

There is not even a ranking point of 1 point at all.

The points currently obtained by the PCL All-Star team are all kill points and there are no ranking points at all.

As for the kill points, every game is almost around 30, either more than 30 or close to 30.

Anyway, it keeps wandering between the two numbers 27 to 35.

In this case, in final calculation, the PCL Division All-Star team scored 180 points on the first day.

Currently, it still tops the standings.

However, the point difference was not widened at all.

For example, the NPL Division All-Star Team, which is the outrageous team, currently has 178 points!

As for the Polar Bear All-Star Team, their points are 177!

The outrageous team and the polar bear all-star team both have chickens.

Only the PCL division (abcj) all-star team, let alone the chicken game, did not even make it into the top eight.

Now it is at the top of the standings, which is entirely supported by kill points.

Although they didn't win a single chicken, and they didn't even make it into the top eight, the hundreds of millions of players in the PCL division were not depressed, but were extremely happy.

"If you want to win the game, for the PCL All-Star team, as long as you are more stable and don't play so aggressively, it will be a matter of course for Haoshen!"

"As long as our PCL All-Star team is given a Destiny Circle, Haoshen will be able to prove to the world that he can kill other All-Star teams even if he draws a target!"

"Haoshen feels that instead of just trying to eat chicken, it is better to continue to maintain a hot gun feeling. Nowadays, the data of the other three super giants are very explosive. Those are completely true super giant data, and they are also top super giants. The data that can be produced is astonishing!"

"I hope to give our PCL division all-star team a destiny circle and let the world know that we want to win. "That is very simple. y

But that's tomorrow's game.

Li Hao took Mingming, Brother Long, and Kangzi back to the hotel room and never went out again.

Nowadays, the PCL Division All-Star Team has become the target of public criticism. It is difficult to guarantee that other All-Star Teams will use some dirty tricks. In this case, it is safest to stay in this hotel room and not go out.

Back in the room, although Li Hao missed his wife Fang Ziling in Magic City very much, it was already late at night in Magic City, so his pregnant wife must have gone to bed early.

Looking at the messages, voices and videos sent by his wife on his mobile phone, Li Hao suddenly felt full of strength.

Regardless of whether he plays well or not, at least he still has his wife who cares about him far away.

After having a late night snack, we went to rest together.

Recharge your batteries.

Tomorrow, the competition will be more intense.

Early the next morning, the PCL division all-star team woke up and practiced shooting to maintain their shooting skills. I waited until the afternoon to go to the competition venue.

Now, outside the competition venue, many domestic PUBG players from Polar Bear have gathered to cheer.

In addition to cheering for their own country's All-Star team, these players from the Polar Bear Country also saw the PCL All-Star team and cheered crazily for the PCL All-Star team.

Li Hao and the others responded before entering the venue.

Li Hao and the others debugged the peripherals and waited quietly for the game to start.

In China, as 9 p.m. gradually approaches, the main live broadcast room where the game is broadcast is packed with people.

In addition, many professional players have also gathered together to continue to watch the ob Global All-Star Game and cheer for the PCL Division All-Star Team.

Xiaohai smiled and said: "Awei, Haotian, are you thinking of winning the championship without ranking points and simply relying on kill points?"

Wei Shen smiled and said: "That shouldn't be possible. At present, it's because we haven't found any particularly invincible housing areas, such as the radar station at the airport, Longji Mountain in the western circle, and the Y City Police Station in the eastern circle. If it really happens, I think Haotian will definitely lead an all-star team to attack that kind of circle with an invincible destiny room. Drawing targets is fun for a while, and it will always be fun to keep drawing targets!"

Wei Shen deeply understands that as long as there is a destiny circle with an invincible room, it is absolutely impossible to let it go with Li Hao's command level.

And at this moment, the first island map begins.

Li Hao still took Brother Long, Mingming, and Kangzi to dance in Y City.

But when one and a half minutes or ninety seconds into the game, the first safe zone suddenly appeared. Li Hao immediately asked hurriedly: "Who has a gun and a magnifying glass, and is there anyone who can start right away?"

Mingming immediately replied: "As for the gun, I have everything. As for the magnifier, I have an eight-fold and a four-fold!"

As soon as he said this, Li Hao said in a deep voice: "Mingming, you come with me immediately. In this circle, we must seize the high point of the airport radar station. Kangzi and Long Si Ge, when the blue circle of the first safety zone was refreshed, , must move, come to the airport to meet us!”.

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