Chicken Eating: Invincible Sniper God

Chapter 133 Invincible Destiny Shooting Circle, The Airport Radar Station Finally Arrived!

Suddenly, Li Hao drove out, taking Ming Ming with him, and then rushed directly from Y City to Dongqiao.

At this time, seeing the safe zone refreshed, many teams moved.

Especially the team in M ​​City, and the team searching in the wild area of ​​​​Qiaotou Airport.

At this moment, they all have ideas about the high-point radar station.

Therefore, by the time Li Hao and Ming Ming drove to M City, M City's all-star team had also already set off.

In an instant, the players in the PCL division suddenly became excited.

"Here we go, the collision between the PCL division and the PKL division is about to take place.

"I believe that Haoshen and Mingming cannot lose no matter what!"

"It is absolutely impossible to lose. One is the only Haoshen, and the other is Lu Bu in e-sports. Tell me, how can you lose when the flying dragon rides on the face?"

"Brothers, stop breastfeeding. I think it's better to use poisonous milk!"

Seeing the jeep in front of him, Li Hao immediately said in a deep voice: "I'll choose the seat and you drive. I'll leave the third seat to you."

After the words fell, Li Hao and Mingming completed the operation of switching driving seats instantly.

Then Li Hao, in the second position, held a macho gun without any accessories at all, not even a red dot, and fired directly.

It's a macho gun with machine sights, it doesn't have any accessories, and it's mounted on a high-speed moving vehicle. The recoil is extremely large, and it's very difficult to control this gun.

But now, in the hands of Li Hao, this powerful machine-aimed gun is masterfully controlled.

A round of bullets!

The macho gun fired thirty rounds of bullets without any expansion, and directly swept down the two PKL All-Star players on the jeep.

Then, Mingming drove the vehicle and ran over them directly.

"You can't stop, you can't lick the bag. After crossing the bridge, turn left immediately and avoid the gun line in the Qiaotou housing area." Li Hao's command was very meticulous. In an instant, when Mingming drove to the left, some people in the Qiaotou housing area were shot and fired. Even sniping, but not a single shot was hit.

"Give me the vehicle!" Li Hao and others avoided the gun line and immediately took over the driving seat. In an instant, along the hillside on the N Port side, Li Hao climbed crazily to the radar station.

When I arrived at the radar station, I was obviously happy.

"Damn it, Haotian, we finally arrived here!" Ming Ming breathed a sigh of relief.

"Don't be anxious, we haven't cleared the radar station yet. I don't know if there is anyone inside. I'm in front, you can give me a shot." At this moment, Li Hao knew very clearly through the skill [Panorama Map] that inside the radar station, I'm hiding from an old man.

Therefore, Li Hao asked Ming Ming to follow him and Ming Ming came to replenish his gun, because Li Hao walked in front and was prepared, so he would not be tricked, at least he would not be hit and replenished.

In an instant, Li Hao brought the Ming Ming Qing radar station. When entering the room where Lao Liu was hiding, Lao Liu immediately opened fire, as if pressing the left button until death.

However, as soon as he fired, Li Hao fired a backhand shot from the waist, knocking him down with a headshot, and continued to hit him and make up for it.

"Damn it, there really is a sixth child!" Ming Ming was shocked.

Although he was not walking in front, he was under the influence, but the sudden sound of gunshots still made his hands tremble in fright.

"It's normal to have a sixth child." At this time, Li Hao started to lick his bag.

At this moment, gunshots suddenly rang out from the housing area at the foot of the mountain.

It immediately attracted the attention of Li Hao and Mingming.

At this moment, Li Hao said in a deep voice: "Brother Long, Kangzi, you must set off immediately. There is no delay, otherwise, you will not be able to cross the bridge at all later.

At this moment, Li Hao used a quadruple scope to aim at the bridge.

"Haotian, I'll give you the eight-fold mirror!" Li Hao first asked him about the multi-fold mirror, but he hadn't responded yet.

Now that he saw that the SLR in Li Hao's hand only had a 4x lens, he suddenly remembered that he should give Li Hao the 8x lens.

He was not coerced by Li Hao, he was willing.

"No, now we are fighting with other people. We are shooting targets here at super long distances. The four-fold scope is the same for me. You are holding an eight-fold scope. Later we will also shoot for them, so that They can cross the bridge smoothly!" Li Hao laughed.

y city.

Brother Long drove a motorcycle and took Yasuko, and the two of them set off directly.

In an instant, the speed of the motorcycle was increased to the limit. It raced extremely arrogantly along the road, and finally arrived at the head of the East Bridge.

"Ready to drive!"

In an instant, the quadruple scope SLR in Li Hao's hand suddenly fired.

Suddenly, pkl all-star player pio, who was watching the situation inside the circle, was directly slapped in the head by Li Hao.

I can only go back and apply medicine immediately.

Then, Li Hao and Mingming drove guns for Brother Long and Kangzi, forcibly suppressing the people in the Qiaotou housing area from showing their faces, and successfully covered Brother Long and Kangzi going up the mountain.

At this time, when people watching the game in the PCL division saw that the PCL All-Star team finally successfully reunited, they couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

"Damn it, the four of us have finally gathered together. If it's the Circle of Destiny next, then at this high point, the target shooting might be very exciting!"

"Perhaps, we can witness the first success of our PCL All-Star team!"

When Wei Shen saw this scene, he smiled knowingly.

Hearing Wei Shen's laughter, Xiaohai became very angry.

"Awei, your happiness in shooting targets is based on our pain. It's really painful to be shot by you. You three novices are just that. You are not even very accurate. Haotian That comparison, the continuous sniping was really accurate, and the headshots were shot, so I asked, who can resist it!" Xiaohai thought of some unpleasant scenes before, and was so painful that he was slapped by the 4am team.

Don't dare to show your head at all. If you show your head, it will be the head of a gun.

"Yeah, then when it comes to the finals, we are all bald donkeys. We are all bald warriors." Brother Run also thought of the days when he was crazily poked by the 4am team, and it was hard to look back on the past.

Wei Shen was very proud and gritted his teeth and said: "Hai, if I meet you in the next competition, I will shoot you to death with a target. You dare to say that I can't even shoot accurately. Although I am not as accurate as Haotian with my continuous shots, when the time comes, Hitting your target is enough to beat you to death!"

"I'll give you a shot in the head with my backhand, so you have to be honest!" Xiao Hai refused to admit defeat.

As a result, the scene turned into a quarrel.

But this time, the quarrel ended quickly.

Because at this moment, Li Hao knocked down people one after another.

0Please give me flowers...

The All-Star Team in Port N, the All-Star Team in Qiaotou Fang District, and the All-Star Team in Shanxia Fang District were not convinced, so they all started to compete with the PCL All-Star Team at the Mountaintop Radar Station.

Li Hao likes this kind of iron-headed boy.

So, SLR knocked them down one after another with headshots, and in an instant, they became honest.

At this moment, Yasuko smiled helplessly: "Haotian, don't be so accurate. Look, they don't even dare to shoot at us!"

Yasuko, who also likes to fight with guns, feels that these teams are timid, and he is very distressed if there are no people who can fight with guns.

"Don't be anxious, you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. As long as our place remains a destiny circle, you will definitely have a chance to practice target." Li Hao said with a smile.

"Besides, to save bullets, we don't bring too many bullets!" Fourth Brother Long also laughed.

At this moment, many all-star teams are showing off their magical powers like the eight immortals crossing the sea. They are sailing boats, swimming, and crossing bridges, and they are all heading towards the airport island.

In the first few laps, there was really no chance to draw targets, but in the later laps, the PCL All-Star team at the radar station on the top of the mountain was crazy about drawing targets.


Although there are not many bullets, as long as the gun can hit the target, it can save bullets with accuracy.

Ji Hao told the three super giants about this.

After hearing this, the three super giants couldn't help but fell silent.

At this moment, Li Hao is holding an SLR with a quadruple lens, but it is extremely accurate.

The target draw made the other teams extremely painful.

At this time, at the foot of the mountain, the NPL division all-star team arrived. They successfully captured the room area, and among them were two sniper gods, G God and Chocolate, holding bolt snipers in their hands.

At first, they used their strength and directly knocked down Yasuko and Brother Long [PCL Black Zone All-Star Team Provocation.

At this time, after Li Hao rescued Brother Long, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"I heard that they are very dissatisfied with my title of sniper god and want to challenge me. If that's the case, then give them a chance today!"

Li Hao held a quadruple scope SLR and started sniping with the G God and Chocolate in the Qiaotou room area.


Li Hao hit G Shen and Chocolate in the head one after another, but because the SLR shot a headshot, he was unable to knock them down.

But they just grabbed a first aid kit and applied it to the gun again.

At this time, Li Hao shot them one after another.

In an instant, they were knocked down one after another.

When their blood is low and their helmets have almost no durability, their heads simply cannot withstand an SLR shot!

After Brother Lipu and Shroud rescued them, they held the sniper gun against Li Guo again without using any medicine.

Li Hao didn't refuse anyone, and he shot another one in the head, knocking down another one, and then shot another one in the head, knocking down another one.

At this moment, Li Hao really used the SLR as a sniper rifle, just like a bolt sniper, firing bullets one by one.

When God G and Chocolate were knocked down for the fourth time by Li Hao using SLR, they finally stopped being stubborn and wanted to fight Li Hao.

Even if they have bolt sniper m24 and 98k in their hands!.

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