Chicken Eating: Invincible Sniper God

Chapter 143 22 Kills, Second In The Standings, 4Am Fans Cheer For Smg

But at this moment, Team Li Kui and Team Faze still maintained their aggressive pushing style even though they were losing players.

Because they have completely demonstrated the power of the 4am team at its peak, and the entire team is super powerful, truly widening the gap in strength with the world's top teams.

In other words, today's super giant teams are completely superior to the world's top teams.

Arrived at the finals.

Southern finals.

The remaining sq team, Li Kui team, and faze team all survived to the end.

A duel with the full 4am team.

But at this time, without the super strength of their respective full-member super giant teams, these three full-member super giant teams simply cannot resist Li Hao's activation of the god descending to earth mode.

Even if they are feeling hot and in a hot state now.

But Li Hao's gun feeling is even hotter, and Li Hao's state has always been at the most active and prosperous peak.

The macho gun, triple the 100 times the pressure of the gun, shoots the head.

Not to mention the SLR, even if Li Hao doesn't use the skill [Absolute Hit] now, with Li Hao's extremely hot gun sense, he can kill all of them with a gun.

This is Li Hao today.

Li Hao is truly as invincible as a god.

In the end, the 4am team succeeded in winning the battle with its full roster.

Of course, when the 4am team finally played against the three super giant teams, it was inevitable that the 4am team would lose someone.

Playing against three super giant teams with all members, the 4am team lost three.

In the end, the 4am team relied on Li Hao to stabilize the situation and successfully win the championship.

As for the number of kills, because Team Li Kui and Team Faze were killing people like crazy, there were only a few dozen.

However, the twenty-two kills also made the 4am team's points in the standings instantly surpass those of the sq team and the faze team!

Nowadays, Li Kui's team has become the first in the standings and the 4m team is second.

At this time, there is still one last game in the Mid-Season Championship Invitational Tournament.

"Based on the current standings, theoretically speaking, Team Faze and Team SQ still have hope of winning the championship!"

"Yes, although Team Li Kui and Team 4am are ranked first and second respectively, their points difference is not very wide! If Team Faze or Team Sq can win in this last game, then maybe they can win in an instant Make up this point difference and win the championship successfully!”

"I didn't expect that in the Mid-Season Championship Invitational, we won't know which team won the championship until the last game is over!"

"Now it seems that the strength of the 4am team, Li Kui team, faze team, and sq team is indeed even better. It can be said that these four teams are in another level above the world's top teams. They are the only super giants. Team!"

At this moment, the commentators in various regions around the world are analyzing the situation.

In this situation where hundreds of millions of players around the world are paying attention, it can be said that it is truly the center of attention. The last game on the desert map has begun.

As all twenty-four teams got on the plane, all the players were staring intently at this moment.

As for the route, it is from Yibo City to Lion City.

This route can almost take care of the jumping points for most teams.

At this moment, many teams began to parachute.

"Haha, Team Faze actually jumped to Yibo City."

"Could it be that Team Faze thinks that Team 4am will continue to dance in Yibo City?"

"The faze team is deliberately looking for the 4am team. They must have realized now that if they chase points, they can't catch up with the 4am team. Instead, if they want to win the championship, they must first eliminate the 4am team!"

"However, the 4am team did not jump to Yibo City in this game. Could it be that the 4am team wants to go back to its own villa?"

"Team SQ also went skydiving. Looking at their destination, they actually want to go to the villa."

"Hey, Team 4am hasn't skydive yet. Team 4am hasn't gone to the villa yet!"

"Li Kui's team continued to dance at their old jumping point, Picado."

"Li Kui's team currently ranks first in points, so they are not in such a hurry. Maybe they have calculated that if the faze team and the sq team want to win the championship, they must kill the 4am team first. Perhaps, they want to benefit from it."

"Here I go, the 4am team jumped to the Lion City!"

"The nh team is also in the Lion City. The two strongest teams in our PCL division are about to collide head-on!"

"No one thought that the 4am team would go to the Lion City. You know, the 4am team has never skipped here!"

"In the previous Global All-Star Game, Haoshen led the team to dance several times. Now, Wu Shen is here with the 4am team!"

At this moment, after the 4am team parachuted, the nh team saw someone coming to the Lion City to run wild.

He was immediately furious.

"Who the hell dares to bully us, brothers, do it to them!" Pin Yan, the hot-tempered NH team commander, said angrily.

In the last game, they lost to the super giant Faze team and were destroyed by the Faze team. Although they also destroyed the twin stars of the Faze team, they still failed in the end.

More importantly, in this mid-season championship invitational tournament, their nh team now has no hope or possibility of winning the championship.

But in this situation, there are still some teams that are blind and think that they are easy to bully, so how can we bear it?

As a result, the four members of the nh team were all very aggressive and were bound to destroy the invading enemies.

Otherwise, anyone who sees their NH team in the future will dare to bully them.

And at this moment, Mingming saw the extremely fast umbrella landing on the roof of the Blue Building first.

Obviously I suddenly remembered something!

"Brothers, be careful, I think it's the 4am team!"

This reminds Mingming of Li Hao's skydiving at the Global All-Star Game.

"Team 4am, how could it be possible to come to the Lion City?" Nannan, the assaulter of the nh team, was still a little confused.

At this moment, they could no longer land on the roof of the Blue Building. Their only umbrella was to go to the roof of the White Building.

But when they landed on the roof of the White Building, Li Hao not only got the Macho Gun on the roof of the Blue Building, but even the bullets were replaced!



Li Hao stood on the roof of the blue building and fired ruthlessly at the roof of the shorter white building below.

And at this moment, the macho gun in Li Hao's hand turned into a death scythe, harvesting lives unscrupulously.

0Please give me flowers...

In an instant, the three NH team members on the roof, Mingming, Pinyan, and Nannan, were all knocked down by Li Hao's shuttle.

Then Li Hao changed the bullets, and in an instant, the bullets covered them up.

At this time, Team NH was the last one left.

"The three of you come together and kill him!"

Li Haofeng Qingyun calmly gave the order.

In an instant, Wei Shen, Xiao Lu and Yong Yong went together and directly found the last member of the NH team, Huan Shen, in the white building, and then completely eliminated him.

In an instant, the 4am team landed and eliminated the team.

At the same time, a fierce exchange of fire also broke out in the villa.

A repeat of the last game!

But this time, it surprised the whole world!

"Oh my god, Team SQ rolled a little bit, but they lost!"

"Moreover, no one on the other side fell, and it was full of energy!"

"Team 4am has rolled before, but has never lost. But I didn't expect that the aggressive sq team went to the villa to roll, and lost!"

"I announce in advance that Team SQ will withdraw from the championship competition!"

"Who would have thought that at the beginning of the game, the fourth team sq and the fifth team nh in the current standings would be eliminated! In this case, the sixth, seventh and eighth teams in the standings would have a chance Charge forward and compete for fourth or fifth place!"

At this moment, seeing the 4am team eliminate the nh team, the other teams all understood that the 4am team went to the Lion City.

But currently, none of them can go to the Lion City.

And at this moment, the first safe zone suddenly appeared!

When the hundreds of millions of players watching the game around the world looked at this safe zone, their eyes instantly widened in disbelief!

"I'm so convinced!"

"Haotian from the 4am team, is he cheating? "Is it possible to know the position of the finals in advance?"

"What the hell, where is your brain? You are spreading rumors, do you also want to create a reliable rumor? You are still on the plane, tell me, how can you know the position of the finals!

"The safe zone is completely refreshed randomly. Now the 4am team is in the center of the circle. This can only be said that the strong team of 4am creates destiny!"

"Team 4am will never let down the destiny circle!"

"Team 4am is going to have chicken again!"

"Now, it's Team Ji's turn to be anxious!"

"Li Kui's team can't get out of Picardo for a while now. Because, within Picardo, there is also our PCL team SMG!"

"Team SMG is awesome. Kill Team Li Kui. In this case, our 4am team will be number one!"

"As long as Team SMG defeats Team Li Kui, I declare that I will be a die-hard fan of Team 4am and Team SMG from now on!"

"Now, the key to the 4am team's championship is actually in the hands of the smg team!"

"Team SMG, you have been fucked so many times by Team Li Kui, can't you fight back ten times?"

"Team SNG, four men, will defeat Team Li Kui!"

At this moment, what is extremely strange is that in the PCL competition area, tens of millions of fans of the 4am team are cheering for the enemy team smg team. .

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