Chicken Eating: Invincible Sniper God

Chapter 144 Won The Mid-Season Championship At 4Am!

The PCL players who watched this scene were very happy.

"Who would have thought that one day, fans of the 4am team would cheer for the smg team so devoutly!"

"This scene is truly amazing!"

Before, no one could have imagined that the smg team and the 4am team, which were mortal enemies of each other, would one day have such a linkage.

At this moment, Li Hao said in a deep voice: "Let's search for things quickly, and then drive the car under this elevated highway to protect it. We will bring as many bullets as possible, and then we will get on the elevated highway. If in this game, in the end If the finals are in the Lion City, then we will be invincible if we are on the elevated road!"

Wei Shen smiled and said: "Then we can transport the supplies in batches and put hundreds or thousands of rounds of ammunition on the rack."

Li Hao smiled and said: "That's okay!"

Therefore, the four members of the 4am team then transformed into transport troops and transported various materials to the elevated level in batches.

Then, the four members of the 4am team went to the elevated platform and lay down together.

And at this moment, among the Picados, Li Kui's team finally couldn't help but take the initiative to attack the SMG team.

Because as the game time goes by, other teams are internally consumed.

If they continue to be stuck in Picardo, they will not be able to score at all.

If the 4am team continues to score points, they will overtake the Li Kui team in the standings.

Moreover, Li Kui's team also knew that the 4am team had already scored 4 points by destroying the nh team.

Previously, the point difference between them and the 4am team was only in single digits.

In an instant, Li Kui's team was anxious and launched an attack.

In this case, the SMG team suddenly took advantage.

Even though all members of the Li Kui team are now super giants, the strength of the smg team cannot be underestimated. Wouldn't it be said that Kangzi is no less a top super giant than the twin stars of the Li Kui team, the fortress of the smg team, mad98, then If the ultimate "Zero Eight Seven" breaks out, they will also have super strength, and the Monkey King will also be a superstar.

Therefore, from the perspective of paper strength, the SMG team is not much weaker than the Li Kui team.

So now the smg team is on the defensive side, and the Li Kui team is eager to take the initiative to attack. In the end result, the smg team paid a heavy price for the three of them, but they ruthlessly strangled the Li Kui team in Picardo.

Previously, the SMG team rarely beat the Ji team.

But now, in this last game, the smg team defeated the Li Kui team.

In an instant, the name of Li Kui's team, currently ranked first in the standings, suddenly dimmed.

At this time, there are only the second team 4am and the third team faze, and their team names are still on.

Suddenly, the whole world was in an uproar.

Fans of Li Kui’s team simply cannot accept it.

They think this is the smg team deliberately helping the 4am team in the PCL division!

But even foreign teams know where the 4am team and the smg team are stuck.

From the moment the thunder struck at the London Invitational Tournament in April 2019, it meant that the two teams had completely formed a deadly feud.

At this time, the 4am team fans suddenly felt comfortable.

Now that Li Kui's team has been wiped out and 4am team is still alive, then the champion must be the 4am team.

And next, there will only be the Faze team.

The Faze team also encountered difficulties in Yibo City.

At this time, time passes and the safe zone continues to be refreshed.

Team 4am was lying on the elevated structure, motionless.

Don't go out to clear people out at all.

The Faze team walked out of Yibo City without hesitation, but when they passed the church on the road and entered the Lion City, they suffered a big loss.

Because they had been in the blue circle for a long time, Team Faze did not dare to go around the circle at all.

So, I met the IFTY team!

After an extremely fierce battle, although Team Faze finally destroyed Team IFTY, Team Faze was the last one left.

Moreover, at this moment, their points still haven't caught up with the 4m team.

In the end, as the circle reached the fourth and fifth circles, many teams rushed into the Lion City.

At the back, all the teams came to the Lion City.

The 4am team still continued to stay on the elevated road, not moving at all, just lying quietly.

When the safe zone reached the seventh circle, it was already very small. At this time, the 4am team finally took action.

At this moment, no one can beat the 4am team on the elevated road.

As soon as you are beaten, get down immediately.

On the contrary, the 4am team can practice targets unscrupulously and occupy the absolute highest point.

In this case, Li Hao's macho gun and SLR shot the target unscrupulously.

Don't worry about bullet consumption at all.

With various smoke-piercing shots, Li Hao's kill count keeps rising.

At this time, not only the Faze team was desperate, but the Li Kui team was even more desperate.

Because now the 4am team has suddenly surpassed the Li Kui team and ranked first in the standings.

The 4am team waited for more than twenty minutes and finally got their chance.

When he reached the ninth circle of plum blossom piles, Li Hao said in a deep voice: "You three are up there, preparing to spray medicine. I'll go down and take care of some things!"

After Li Hao finished speaking, he jumped down.

From the air, Li Hao saw this one under the elevated structure, and then shot him directly in the waist with his gun!

Da da da!!!

The macho gun in Li Hao's hand, with its absolutely hot gun feel, can directly hit the head with a hip shot.

In an instant, the settlement interface popped up.

Good luck, let’s eat chicken tonight!

Team 4am wins another chicken!

And at this time, this also means that the 4am team has won the championship again!

Team 4am successfully won the Mid-Season Championship Invitational Tournament known as the Mini Global Finals!

Not only did he receive a championship prize of 30 million, but the most important thing is that this game is a preview of the global finals.

If the 4am team wins the championship, it will be a good sign for the global finals at the end of the year.

At this moment, the host came on stage.

"Let us congratulate the 4am team for winning this mid-season championship invitational tournament!"

"Team 4am, please, get on the podium!"

At this moment, Team Li Kui, Team Faze, and Team SH were very unwilling to give up.

But they could only watch the 4am team ascend to the podium and be showered with golden rain.

Regarding the seats of Li Kui team, jeemzz said to Ibiza on the side: "Haotian deserves the championship, but the 4am team does not deserve it at all!"

"That's right, then it's Haotian who takes it all by himself!" Ibiza was not willing to accept it.

Even if Li Hao's personal strength is as arrogant as the twin stars of Li Kui's team, they all recognize it.

However, the 4am team broke out in the last three games.

Moreover, even in the last three games, Li Hao's personal kills accounted for more than 70% of the 4am team's total kills. It can be imagined that this time the 4am team was able to win the championship, which was entirely due to Li Hao's alone. .

The 4am team finally returned to Shanghai with the mid-season championship trophy.

Li Hao didn't even go to the 4am team training base. At the Magic City International Airport, he took the driver sent by the Fang family and went directly back to the Fang family's villa.

Wei Shen and the others happily returned to the 4am team training base with the mid-season championship trophy.

At this time, there was a lot of discussion in the PCL division.

Nowadays, there is a lot of buzz about how the 4am team distributes bonuses.

The next day, Li Hao suddenly discovered that the 4am team had already transferred the bonus from this mid-season tournament to his card.

However, the amount was completely wrong.

Li Hao looked at the text message sent by the bank, and then made a call to Wei Shen.

"Awei, this bonus is wrong, isn't it?"

As soon as Li Hao said this, Wei Shen on the other end of the phone was shocked.

"What's wrong?" Wei Shen said in a deep voice.

Is it possible that the accountant of the 4am team still dares to line his own pockets?

"Damn it, the total bonus for the mid-season championship is only 30 million, and you give me 20 million, what do you mean? We usually divide the bonus, it seems that is not the case!"

Li Hao asked depressedly and puzzled.

This is not missing!

And Li Hao feels that the 4am team has given too much.

"Haha, Haotian, our 4am team has decided to give you a 60% bonus in view of your contribution in the mid-season!" Wei Shen explained with a smile.

Li Hao smiled and said: "Even if it is 60%, it is only 18 million, but why 20 million?"

"Then I don't think eighteen million sounds good, so I'll give you my share, which makes up to twenty million!" Wei Shen said with a smile.

"What's your share? In other words, the three of you only get two million each?" Li Hao said solemnly.

"Yes, two million is already a lot. Just play better in the last three games. To be precise, the last game was all based on your command. We are playing chicken in the elevated destiny. Only two people can really make a contribution. A game. And in the penultimate game, all three of us were gone. If it hadn’t been for you, we might not have been able to win the game, and we wouldn’t have been able to win the championship!" Wei Shen said with a smile.

"I think it's hard to accept being with Xiaolu forever!" Li Hao said solemnly.

Indeed, the two of them made no contribution, but the 4am team received 30 million, but only gave them 2 million. They feel that they have contributed a lot and are part of the team, so I am afraid they will not be convinced.

"The 4am team owes nothing to them. If you really don't accept it, there's nothing you can do about it!" Wei Shen sighed.

As soon as these words came out, Li Hao instantly realized that something must have happened.

"What's going on? Ah Wei!" Li Hao asked in a deep voice.

"Just last night, after we announced the share of the competition prize money, early this morning, they were determined to leave!" Wei Shen said solemnly.

"Let's go? Which team?" Li Hao asked in surprise.

"Isn't this the summer season that will be played in August? Now is the transfer period, and they both have to leave to join the team formed by Xiao Zuo, which seems to be called Team Rejoice!" Wei Shen said in a deep voice.

"Oh, that's it!" Li Hao then understood.

I'm afraid that the top management of the 4am team has long realized that their hearts are not here. Maybe they have become famous in the 4am team and have no motivation. Now it is normal to go to the team formed by brothers and play PUBG happily as brothers. 0.

In fact, Li Hao has long noticed that their competitive status and professional attitude are deteriorating day by day within the 4am team.

"What about Xiaolong, is he leaving too?" Li Hao said in a deep voice.

"He didn't express his position, but it's possible." Wei Shen said in a deep voice.

"He's leaving? Which team will he go to?" Li Hao asked in confusion.

"Anyway, the nh team is actively poaching him, and even the smg team has given him an olive branch!" Wei Shen said with a smile.

Li Hao did not expect that he was not at the 4am team training base, but these things happened in the dark.

"That's okay, as long as I'm with you

Then the 4am team is here, no big deal, just find a few more people!" Li Hao said nonchalantly.

Wei Shen smiled and said: "I think so too, so I want to win over you, the world's number one person in PUBG! But if you don't want to be in the 4am team and want to create a team of your own, you should tell us earlier!"

Wei Shen knew that with Li Hao's current strength, status, popularity, and influence, sooner or later, he would leave the 4am team.

But what Wei Shen wants is that Li Hao can stay in the 4am team for as long as possible. What he wants in his heart is that if he can create a dynasty in the 4am team before leaving, then he will have no regrets.

By then, maybe he should retire.

Because there are more and more young players in PUBG now, and every team has training.

Team 4am is no exception.

"I won't leave without establishing a dynasty with the 4am team. Moreover, the contract I signed with the 4am team is for three years, and it's not even a year yet. Why should I leave!" Li Hao said with a smile.

Li Hao doesn't care at all about starting his own team.

Because now his status in the 4am team is almost the same as being his own boss.

The 4am team did not dare to offend him and asked him to move out, so Li Hao was very comfortable staying [Why did he leave!

"That's good!" Wei Shen hung up the phone very pleased.

Then, the Dragon God walked closer.

"Awei, what did Haotian say?" Dragon God asked nervously, feeling a little uneasy in his heart.

"He said that he wants to establish a dynasty in the 4am team. He signed a three-year contract with us and he is not going to leave early!" Wei Shen said with a smile.

As soon as these words came out, Dragon God also burst into laughter.

As long as Li Hao is around, even if he and Xiaolu are gone forever, the 4am team will soon be able to regain its strength and become stronger than before, because it needs players who are unwavering and extremely eager to win the championship to join the 4am team.

"Then these are the players who are currently performing well. Take a look!" Long Shen gave Wei Shen a list, and among them, 112 from the Moon Dog team was impressively listed.

"Let's all get in touch. If they are willing, come and try out with our 4am team!" Wei Shen said with a smile.

Immediately, Long Shen went down to make arrangements with coach Xiaoyao.

And soon, Hupu broke the news of major transfers.

Zuo Shen left the RNG team and founded his own team Rejoice, and then two generals from the 4am team, Yong and Xiaolu, joined the Rejoice team.

At the same time, the SMG team and the NH team are said to be Xiaolong who came into contact with the 4am team.

Not only that, even Brother Wang is in contact with other teams.

Even Shuojiu, who has been on the bench in the 4am team, 0.7 is wanted by new teams.

Suddenly, the 4am team seemed to be divided up.

As for Li Hao, he didn’t want too many teams, but Li Hao rejected them all, saying he didn’t want to leave the 4am team yet.

In this regard, my father-in-law, Lao Fang, noticed that during dinner in the evening, my father-in-law asked: "Xiao Wu, don't you really want to create a team of your own?"

Li Hao smiled and said: "Dad, there is no need. Creating a team of your own is very troublesome. It requires management and running. I feel very comfortable staying in the 4am team, and I am very satisfied with my current life. And when the child is born, it will be more busy!"

Although his father-in-law, Lao Fang, heard this and knew that Li Hao had no ambition in his career, he was very satisfied because it meant that Li Hao really focused his life on his family.

"Don't put any pressure on me. I know you have always wanted to save money to buy a house by yourself. When the child is born, how can I, a grandfather, not buy a house for my grandson?" said the father-in-law, the old man, with great enthusiasm.


Li Hao chuckled and didn't say much.

At this moment, the 4am team began to contact people who were interested in joining the 4am team for trial training.

As for the 4am team training base, Yongyuan and Xiaolu have moved out.

At this time, Xiaolong was very confused.

So, he called Li Hao directly.

"Haotian, both the NH team and the SMG team are contacting me. I'm very confused now. I don't know what to do, but they have promised to give me a main position!"

Li Hao smiled and said: "Xiaolong, you have to think clearly. People will always go with Xiaolu because they already have the title of world champion, but you don't. You only came of age in April this year. Last year at 4am The team's global finals championship has nothing to do with you! Because you were not even a substitute at the time. So, even if you want to leave, I suggest you wait until the finals are over at the end of this year before you leave!"

After Li Hao's words, Xiaolong no longer struggled. .

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