Chicken Eating: Invincible Sniper God

Chapter 145 Many Strengthened Teams, New Members Of The 4Am Team

The PCL division is turbulent.

The RNG team was reorganized, the Rejoice team was established, and many of the world's top teams in the PCL division, which were completely defeated by Li Kui's team, faze team, and sq team in the mid-season championship invitational tournament, all realized a problem.

That is to form a super giant team with all members.

Nowadays, Team Li Kui, Team Faze, and Team SQ are all four super giant teams.

As for the nh team, strictly speaking, there are only two super giants, Ming Ming and Pin Yan, and the others, such as Nannan and Huanshen, are superstars. In this case, it can be regarded as a two super giant team.

The SMG team is similar. For super giants, there are only 17 beasts and mad98, which have super giant strength. Now the strength of Fortress cannot reach the standard of super giants, and can be regarded as half a super giant. As for the fourth place, there are only superstars. You can't even touch the super giant sides.

At this moment, once the Rejoice team was formed, it shocked the entire PCL division.

Because Tinkerbell, Forever, and Xiaolu are all super giants. In this case, the Rejoice team will start with a lineup of three super giants.

Looking back at the 4am team, in terms of popularity, Wei Shen is super 01.

In terms of strength, if under the leadership of Li Hao, it can reach its peak level, it will also be a super giant.

Xiaolong is similar.

In other words, their super giant status is not very stable.

However, if it remains at its peak, then the 4am team will now be one of the three super giants.

But at this time, the 4am team is recruiting people aggressively.

All of a sudden, many shooters in the PCL division who thought they were super machos applied to come to the 4am team for trial training.

At the same time, other teams want to strengthen.

In addition, there are now a large number of young professional players in PDL and youth training. Suddenly, it can be said that there are many stars.

At this moment, the smg team took the lead in completing reinforcements.

Under the recommendation of former teammate mad98, Tomato, one of the three fantasy gods, joined the smg team, and the smg team was renamed back to the 17th team.

In this case, the current lineup of the SMG team is very scary.

The nh team has not changed much. It just tries to improve the strength of the other two non-super giants as much as possible and strive to become a super giant.

And just when the PCL division was turbulent, the people who came to try out the 4am team also arrived at the 4am team training base.

Li Hao was notified by the 4am team and did not start the live broadcast.

At this time, the person who came to the 4am team for trial training was surprisingly 112 from the Moon Dog team.

This is also one of the toughest men with strong guns currently rising in the PCL division.

Very capable and very potential.

This time, the 4am team left Yong Yong and Xiaolu one after another, allowing many tough guys to see the opportunity to join the 4am team.

Not everyone wants the 4am team, but 112 is really good.

Therefore, he applied to come to the 4am team for trial training, and the 4am team agreed.

At this time, Li Hao took Wei Shen, Xiaolong, and 112 to play the ladder.

Logically speaking, if there is a general trial training, a training exhibition will be arranged.

But Li Hao doesn’t think it’s necessary.

By ranking, you can see a player's level of consciousness, marksmanship, teamwork, throwing objects, etc.

In addition, Li Hao also has a sniper system, which records the data of every professional player.

It's clear at a glance.

Li Hao himself will not refuse, but this requires a procedure to give 112 a chance to convince the 4am team management and coaching staff.

After playing a few ranks, Wei Shen almost had a better understanding of 112.

After playing ladder all afternoon, Li Hao was at the 4am team training base when he went to eat.

Wei Shen smiled and said: "112, if you don't have a contract, we can sign it at any time!"

As the boss of the 4am team, Wei Shen naturally agreed to 112 joining the 4am team.

112 was extremely happy after hearing this.

Everyone in the industry knows that the salary package of the 4am team is really first-class.

And soon, the 4am team officially announced the signings of the 4am team.

Suddenly, the announcement of the 4am team stirred up a thousand waves with one stone, causing an uproar in the PCL competition area.

After the introduction of 112, the 4am team also had personnel changes.

Brother Wang has temporarily withdrawn from the professional arena due to physical reasons, and will wait until An Xin recovers his health before playing again.

If you are aware of it, you did not join a small team like that, but officially announced your retirement.

In this case, the 4am team currently only has Li Hao, Wei Shen, 112, and Xiaolong.

There are just four such lineups.

But the 4am team still needs a substitute.

Because it is inevitable that there will be times when something happens or a cold occurs, and in this case, a substitute will be needed.

At this time, many professional players in the PCL division once again applied for trial training with the 4am team.

However, the 4am team did not agree easily, because the youth training camp in which the 4am team participated was officially held.

In the youth training camp, there are many young players who have just turned eighteen.

If there is really a shortage of people at that time, then one can be temporarily transferred from the youth training camp as a substitute.

Just when the top players in the PCL division were making reinforcements, and then intense training began, in this hot August, the 2020 PCL Summer Split suddenly arrived.

This summer competition is full of highlights.

Among them, the ctg team founded by Run brother successfully entered the pcl through the previous pclp and the Rejoice team and got a seat in the main competition.

Similarly, the summer split is still divided into three divisions: Erangel, Miramar, and Vikendi.

It is also divided into regular season and playoffs.

In the regular season, there are only four weeks.

It's not like the spring split, which is five weeks.

After the summer split, PCS2 will be played.

That is the second intercontinental competition.

Of course, the bonus for the Summer Split champion itself is also very high, with eight figures and tens of millions in bonuses, which is worthy of every professional team fighting to the end.

More importantly, those teams that want to enter the global finals at the end of the year must work hard to get a good ranking in the summer split, and then strive to get world championship points to enter the global finals at the end of the year.

There will be three leagues and three intercontinental competitions in 2020, and the world championship points for the global finals at the end of the year will come from three leagues and three intercontinental competitions.

The 4am team has definitely won the ticket to participate in the global finals!

Because the 4am team is the spring champion. .

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