Chicken Eating: Invincible Sniper God

Chapter 148 A Huge Upset In The Vikendi Division, Rejoice Team Did Not Enter The Weekly Finals

Wei Shen shook his head and sighed.

He was really convinced by Li Hao's ability to steal people.

But no matter what, the 4am team got the first win today and got off to a good start. It can be said that they got off work immediately.

Because yesterday the eight teams from the Erangel Division advanced to the weekly finals, and the score line was 40.

After winning the first game, the team played more relaxedly in the next 4am games, with no pressure at all.

Even Li Hao picked up a bolt sniper that had not been used in official games for a long time.

When the commentators saw Li Hao holding a shiny iron sniper M24 in his hand, they couldn't help but sigh.

"The invincible sniper god Haotian finally took up the bolt sniper game again!"

"We didn't know that Haoshen didn't use bolt snipers in official competitions for a long time.

"I understood it before, because everything is to score as many points as possible. For example, in the last game, if Haoshen was holding a bolt sniper, he would never be able to grab so many kills! -"

"What is the concept of 23 personal kills? When even the world's top super giants are trying their best to enter the ten-kill club and want to complete the miracle of ten kills in a single game. But our Haoshen has completely destroyed this single game. 10 kills in a game will now become 20 kills in a single game!”

"Ten kills in a single game are rare for the world's top super giants. But for us Haoshen, it has become a basic operation, and we don't even need the audience to shout six six six." ."

At this moment, the commentators were filled with emotions.

The spectators who came to watch the game were extremely excited.

Although even the sniper damage is high, it does not have the feeling of one shot that penetrates the soul and kills with one shot.

Nowadays, Li Hao uses bolt snipers in official matches. It can be said that he takes great care of the fans who come to watch the scores and support the 4am team.

Therefore, fans are also very excited.

"Haoshen Haoshen, the invincible sniper god!"

"Haotian Jade Emperor is invincible in the world!"

"Hao Shen shows his power, who can compete with him?"

Suddenly, tens of thousands of spectators shouted.

Even the glass room where the professional players are located is almost soundproof. However, the cheers were too loud and still passed through the soundproof glass room.

Li Hao brings a macho plus m24. If the macho is concerned, he also has a triple scope.

In this case, Li Hao can completely use the m24 at a distance that the macho gun cannot attack.

This configuration can be said to be very reasonable.

The 4am team continues to play steadily, not making rash advances, but also not shying away from battle [let alone being afraid of battle.

Li Hao held a bolt and sniped wildly.

As long as he sees people exposed, no matter how far away, as long as they appear within the field of vision, they will all be Li Hao's sniper targets.

The m24 is equipped with a sniper silencer.

In this case, the intimidating power Li Hao brings to other professional players will be even more terrifying.

Because you don't know when you will appear in Li Hao's field of vision, and then when you meet, you will kill him with a sniper shot in the head.

In this case, the number of kills is indeed not as high as that of a hand-held sniper.

However, Li Hao's shooting was very enjoyable and enjoyable.

Holding an M24, he fired without restraint.

This is true even in the finals.

He is not afraid of provoking other teams at all, causing the 4am team to be besieged by many teams.

Li Hao even threatened that unless you keep your head hidden and out of sight, you will definitely be shot.

Even if the 4am team failed to win in the end, the overall number of kills still exceeded the 20 mark.

Of course, under the management of Li Hao, Wei Shen, Xiaolong and 112 of the 4am team all scored kills. Likewise, their damage was also not low.

In short, they all achieved the damage and data that a super giant should have.

This allowed 112 to see the dawn of quickly becoming a super giant in the 4am team.

Similarly, Wei Shen and Xiao Long have already reached super giants in terms of fame and popularity, but their game data is lacking.

But Li Hao's operation made Wei Shen and Xiaolong's personal data improve rapidly.

In this case, after the summer split, their personal data will definitely reach the level of super giants. In this case, they will be real super giants, not the kind of popular super giants and parallel import super giants.

And when the time comes, it will be very easy for the 4am team to achieve the status of four super giants.

By then, if Li Hao continues to use his team skill [All members are super giant] in the game, then the state of the 4am team will be different. Isn’t it invincible?

Suddenly, the 4am team was playing well.

The 4am team fans who came to watch the game were not disappointed at all.

At the very least, let them feel that the performance of the 4am team is worth the ticket price.

After the Miramar Division mid-week competition, there is no doubt that the 4am team will enter the weekly finals with the first place in the standings.

Team IFTY, for example, is not second in the standings, but fourth in the standings.

It can be imagined how great the impact other teams are currently having on the Six Emperors Team.

Except for the 4am team, which seems to be less affected, the other Six Emperors teams are not as domineering as before.

This shows that the overall strength of the major teams in the PCL division has improved.

The strength gap between the various teams is not large, which is why even the Six Emperors team cannot completely crush other teams in the game. Even if they are not careful and are a little arrogant, they will be defeated by other teams.

After playing the mid-week match, Li Hao naturally went home.

Wei Shen, Xiaolong, and 112 naturally returned to the training base.


The 4am team continues to participate in training matches, trying to maintain the gun sense of Wei Shen, Xiaolong and 112 as much as possible.

As for Li Hao’s gun sense, it’s online anytime and anywhere.

Even if there are no training games, Li Hao will still play solo four to keep his gun sense at a high level. 【

Nowadays, many professional players are learning more and more from Li Hao and starting to play solo in four queues.

But not many professional players can persevere because they are often beaten to death by Lao Liu in the ladder. In addition, they either can't beat the full team.

Or during the gunfight, a team with a large number of people focused their fire and knocked them down.

Only Li Hao, in the case of single four, can win the chicken rate above 80%.

I have never played solo in four rows, and I think this chicken win rate is very ordinary.

But only those professional players who often play single-player four-row games understand how terrifying this win rate is.

On Friday, it was the turn of the much-anticipated pero team to take the stage.

In addition, in the Vikendi Division, there is also the OMG team that is getting stronger and stronger.

The OMG team once stood on top of the world in 2018. Then after the strong rise of the 4am team in 2019, they fell from the top, but now they are gradually recovering.

The OMG team is jokingly called the four small lineups by fans, Xiaohai, Xiaoshi, Xiaoqiu, and Xiaobei. These are the four small lineups of the OMG team.

However, their strength cannot be described as small.

As for the pero team, it has been receiving great attention from fans since its inception.

Not only is the founder Tinkerbell, but now two generals from the 4am team have been introduced into the team. In this way, an extremely luxurious three-super giant team has been formed. Coupled with the current gun-smart Ma Yunlong, the pero team has been In terms of paper strength, it is indeed very competitive.

The twin stars from the 4am team, plus the Rejoice twin stars themselves, and the current coach of the Rejoice team is also very well-known in the industry.

All of this has made the Rejoice team very popular. It can be said that in the current PCL division, it is second only to the 4am team.

In terms of popularity, it has already surpassed Team NH and Team 17.

So, what is their true strength?

Thursday night.

The Rejoice team is very confident.

Because they all feel that with their lineup, playing a small mid-week match, no other team can compete with them in the Vihandi Division.

No matter it is the OMG team, Tianba team or other teams in the Vihandi Division, they are not as good as their Rejoice team.

Similarly, Yongyuan and Xiaolu are even more confident.

They all felt as if they had come to Rejoice Team and were given a new lease of life.

No one will care about how much they have to play PUBG during live streaming, no one will say how much sleep they have to do every day, and no one will say they have to practice shooting.

On hold.

It is very free. This kind of fresh air of freedom makes them not regret their time in the 4am team at all.

Just like that, Friday is long overdue.

The mid-week competition of the Vikendi Division begins with excitement.

From the attendance rate, it can be seen that the attendance rate of the Vihandi Division is higher than that of the Erangel Division, and second only to the Miramar Division.

0·Please give me flowers.

Although the attendance rate for the mid-week games in the Vihandi Division is not as good as that of the Miramar Division, which has 100% attendance, the popularity in the main live broadcast room is high.

However, there are currently not many fans who are willing to spend real money to support the Rejoice team.

In the end, after six games in the Vikendi division, the result was simply shocking.

Before the game, the Rejoice team, which had high hopes, was actually on top of the standings and did not enter the top eight.

The Rejoice team, without a leader, had a very confusing six games.

They often hope to use their personal strength to open a breakthrough, but they cannot.

I want to push up, but I can't.

Want to operate, but there is no operation at all.

On the field, all kinds of confusing changes made the fans of the Rejoice team feel sad and desperate.

This means that the Rejoice team failed to enter the weekly finals in the first week.

This disappoints the fans of Team Rejoice.

As for the peerless macho who performed extremely well in the 4am team, the twin stars from the 4am team, Yong Yong and Xiaolu, have absolutely no sense of shooting.

I have no condition at all, because I played until late at night and almost early in the morning before going to rest. Then I woke up, rushed to eat and came to the e-sports venue. I didn't even practice shooting. How can I have a gun feel?

In an instant, the Rejoice team, and their fans who were directly criticized by them, began to ridicule.

Although Team Rejoice has a lot of fans, just like Team 4am, they also have a lot of negative fans.


Suddenly, all the black fans on the Internet were mocking.

Especially their extremely arrogant and confident quotes before, all of which were uncovered by black fans.

In an instant, Team Rejoice became the laughing stock of the entire internet.

In this case, when the game ended on Friday, no one from the Rejoice team dared to broadcast live.

But by Saturday, not many players in the PCL division paid attention to them.

Because at this time, hundreds of millions of players in the PCL division are all paying attention to the weekly finals.

The regular season has been four weeks, and now, the winner of each weekly finals, the championship bonus has been increased to two million.

The runner-up in the weekly finals will only get a mere 500,000.

It can be imagined that the difference between the champion and the runner-up seems to be only one place, but in terms of bonus, there is a full difference of 1.5 million.

Obviously, the PCL event organizing committee encourages many teams to compete for the championship.

The bonus of two million is very attractive to those small teams.

Of course, it is also attractive to Li Hao.

Li Hao would not mind having a lot of money. What's more, the child is about to be born. From then on, it is impossible for the Fang family to pay for everything. That doesn't make sense.

Therefore, Li Hao naturally has to do his best to make money.

What's even more critical is that the signing contract between Li Hao and Tengxun Live Broadcasting Platform is almost here.

In this case, many live broadcast platforms began to compete for Li Hao.

In this case, it is necessary to produce data to consolidate the identity and status of the current number one player in the PCL.

In this case, Li Hao will be more confident when negotiating a live broadcast contract.

Weekly finals begin.

A total of twenty-five teams from the three major regions participated in the weekly finals.

Although there is no Six Emperors team like Rejoice among them, it does not affect the starry atmosphere of the weekly finals at all.

And at this moment, Rejoice Team finally started broadcasting.

Because it is an ob game, the pace is not that big.

But there are still some black fans who are not willing to give up and ridicule wildly in their live broadcast room.

"You also said that as long as you have the skills, you will definitely be able to enter the weekly finals. Why not participate?"

"You are only worthy of being here as ob. You can't beat Zhou Jue at all!"

In an instant, seeing these barrages, the four members of the Rejoice team broke through their defenses one after another.

So they ordered the room management of the live broadcast room to block these black fans.

However, there are still endless black fans emerging and launching barrages [to destroy their mentality.

Especially in the live broadcast room of Yongyong and Xiaolu, their die-hard fans are furious. Their haters are sarcastic and sarcastic.

What makes them break the defense the most is, 'You are just team-based professional players who have super statistics under the leadership of Li Hao, and you are not super giants at all!!

Barrages like this instantly made their mentality explode. .

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