Chicken Eating: Invincible Sniper God

Chapter 149 Peak Invincible 4Am, Li Hao 21 Kills Alone, 4Am Team 35 Kills, Shocking Pcl

And at this moment, the weekly finals started.

In the early stage, it was all the same old routine, grabbing points where points should be grabbed, cars where cars should be grabbed, and some teams would inevitably have conflicts because they came from their respective competition regions, and this was unavoidable in terms of jumping points.

What's more, there are a total of twenty-five teams. Wherever you go, you have to roll with someone.

Including Team 17's City P and Team NH's City Y, these popular housing areas all have roll points.

Only in schools and dormitories, nowadays, there is no team that doesn't want to roll with the 4am team.

As for the Four Holy Warriors, they had been involved in Zhou Jue.

Moreover, the area controlled by the 4am team is very wide.

As for the weekly finals, there are no other teams that can go to the room area. At this moment, they can only come near the 4am team.

In an instant, the Widow Village of Longmen Inn was full of people, the Garden was full of people, and Room L plus Snake Bay was also full of people. The two small housing areas on the other side of Shewan Road are also full of people.

The five golden houses in the south of Y City plus Mickey Mouse's Wonderful House are also full, the Feitian Building is full, and the nursing home is full. It can be said that on the Erangel Continent, any slightly larger housing area is full. Full formation.

In this "zero sixty-seven" situation, although there is no team to compete with the 4am team for roll points, the 4am team has suffered restrictions.

Moreover, as for vehicles, the only one Li Hao drove from the road outside the school was kept inside the school.

The 4am team's living space has been compressed, and this situation has also happened before.

But now, the three teams surrounding the 4am team have decided to join the team, and they are all ready to take over.

Whenever the 4am team prepares to attack, they will not retreat and can only take over.

For the school, Li Hao and 112 searched together. For the dormitory, it was Wei Shen and Xiaolong.

After searching the school, Li Hao took 112 to the dormitory building, picked up Wei Shen and Xiaolong, and set off directly from behind Bald Mountain.

Seeing this scene, the people in the dormitories around the school were stunned.

"Isn't this the Northern Circle?"

"What is Team 4am doing in the south?"

"Could it be that they want to attack in a roundabout way?"

Suddenly, the team observing the movements of the 4am team at the Longmen Inn was extremely nervous.

They all thought that the 4am team rushed down from Bald Mountain and crashed directly into their fake garage.

In an instant, they shrank their formation.

However, the 4am team passed through Bald Mountain and went directly to the east, preparing to go around Guangmingding Holy Mountain and then enter the north.

In short, the 4am team has really started to operate.

Along the way, Li Hao drove and relied on the skill [Panorama Map] to successfully bypass the gun lines of many teams and finally arrived at Guangmingding, the holy mountain in the north.

However, the 4am team still needs to continue setting off, because the Holy Mountain Guangmingding is not in the circle.

At this time, the 4am team moved to the northern Okura and was temporarily on the edge of the circle.

"Stay here for a while and see how the next lap goes!" Li Hao drove the car into the warehouse to ensure that no one could remove the tires.

Then, climb up to the roof of the northern Okura to see if there are any transferred teams and whether there are any target draws in the housing area within the circle.

At this time, it is difficult for these teams around the 4am team to enter the circle.

Because no matter it is the Y City Bridge, the Garden Bridge or the "City Bridge", there are always teams blocking the bridge.

It's not that they blocked the bridge on purpose, but because they couldn't get the first pick and were forced to stay here.

Therefore, in order to enter the circle, a war had to break out.

At this time, as the safety zone was refreshed [Ji Li drove directly into the city.

"Next, if we can't leave, we have to fight in. We don't have a good position, so we'll clear this side completely!" Li Hao was boiling with murderous intent.

At this time, Li Hao has such huge confidence, that's because the team skill [Super Giant for All] has finally ended its cooldown time and can be used again.

In this case, let’s start pushing.

Although other teams are strong now, Li Hao firmly believes that the 4am team with the bonus of team skill [all members are super giant] will be even stronger.

In an instant, the 4am team, under the leadership of Li Hao, started pushing from the city.

The launch mode of the 4am team is very simple, three thrusts per plane!

Li Hao is the gunner, while Wei Shen, 112, and Xiaolong are all assaulters.

In an instant, Li Hao took the lead and knocked down the one on the other side of the road.


Knocked down with one headshot!

That's because the player had just fired in the direction of the shooting range, had just picked up the first aid kit, and his headgear was seriously damaged.

After being knocked down by Li Hao with a direct shot, the 4am team immediately began to attack.

At this time, when the commentator saw this scene, he immediately exclaimed.

"The 4am team has started to activate the pig bursting skills again!"

"Is it possible that in this week's finals, the 4am team will start pushing again?"

"Isn't it to say that the strength of each team in our PCL division has improved significantly now, and no team can implement bulldozer tactics like the previous 4am team's peak tactics?"

"The 4am team is so fierce. Haoshen's spear is still as stable as an old dog. He is exposed for just a moment and is knocked down directly. When he gets closer, he can charge directly with a flash. In an instant, he will directly melt the entire formation on the opposite side!"

"The 4am team seems to be back at its peak. I didn't expect that after losing two of its main players, the 4am team would still have such terrifying dominance and be able to execute bulldozer tactics that can only be used at its peak!"

In an instant, the 4am team began to fight like crazy in the northern circle.

At this time, for some unknown reason, Wei Shen, Xiaolong and 112 all felt that their bodies were full of strength and they could exert all their strength.

Team 4am kills like crazy, even if they encounter Team Six Emperors, they are no exception.

With one assault and charge, Team 17 disappeared in an instant.

Li Hao fired a thunderbolt and a Molotov cocktail, and the NH team in the pit was instantly melted.

Li Hao's triple scope gun was so accurate that he directly hit the two main members of the Tianba team who were quickly moving on the vehicle. He then switched to SLR and directly destroyed the Tianba team by himself.

When fans saw this scene, they all called Ji Wei Thanos.

The 4am team in bulldozer mode is unbeatable.

A shocking killing took place in the north of Erangel.

In the final round, there were only the fully formed OMG team and the 4am team.

It seems like four against four, everyone thinks that the result will be 0 until the plum blossom pile comes out.

But at this moment, the 4am team took the initiative.

Li Hao fired his gun from behind and charged straight upward.

After the OMG team occupied the plane and discovered the wreckage, Wei Shen, Xiaolong, and 112 fired with their fully automatic assault rifles. They immediately pulled out Xiaohai, Xiaoshi, and Xiaoqiu of the OMG team to kill them.

At this time, the three of them, who were still alive, were directly knocked down by Li Hao's three spear heads with extremely accurate shots.

After the 4am team rushed up, they directly beat and repaired them.

At this time, Xiaobei was the only one left in the OMG team.

Xiaobei has already turned sideways.

"Xiaobei, your stage is huge, don't be impatient!" Xiaohai encouraged.

"As long as you steal these three sides, you can go from high to low, facing Haotian, there is no chance of winning!" The little lion also said solemnly.

"They don't know your location yet!" Commander Xiao Qiu also said in a deep voice.

However, the OMG team cannot hear the 4am team’s voice.

Otherwise, they would know that the 4am team completely knew Xiaobei's location.

Li Hao said in a deep voice: "Be careful where I drew the line. If he is not with them, then it is very likely that he will be here and he can steal your sides!"

Just as Li Hao reminded him, Xiaobei's gunfire rang out.

The three turned sideways, Xiaobei's eyes flashed.

As Xiaohai said, the stage is amazing.

If he can penetrate four at once and destroy the 4am team by himself, it can be said that it is completely enough to fight to become a god.


The moment he fired, Wei Shen and the others, who were reminded by Li Hao, had already looked over.

In an instant, three guns fired back at the same time!

They are all tough men!

Suddenly, Xiaobei, who had not knocked down anyone but just swept away Wei Shen, was severely damaged and was immediately set on fire.

All of a sudden, the 4am team immediately took over.

OMG team, second place.

At this time, the OMG team was stunned.

"How could they possibly know your location? You've been walking silently all the time!" Xiaohai was extremely puzzled.

Xiaobei smiled bitterly and said: "I just fired, and they were looking at me, and then they counterattacked and killed me instantly!"

The little lion said solemnly: "As expected, it must have been Haotian who reminded them!"

Although there was no chicken win, the OMG team was very satisfied with being able to get second place.

However, the 4am team showed this state in this game, which made them worried.

Don't know if it's intermittent or long-term.

It doesn't matter if it's intermittent.

Even in the twelve weekly finals, the 4am team can break out.

In the end, the 4am team succeeded in winning the chicken with 35 kills!

Among them, Li Hao once again broke 20 solo kills, reaching 21!

This performance can be said to completely shock other teams.

Especially the Rejoice team watching the OB game.

When Yongyong and Xiaolu saw this scene, their faces were a little bitter.

They seem to feel that leaving the 4am team is not a very correct choice.

However, now that they have left, the next road must be walked, even if it is kneeling. .

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