Chicken Eating: Invincible Sniper God

Chapter 150: Two-Two Point Jump, Two-On-Four Kills The Entire Team, Crashes Into The Garden, Lands O

If the 4am team just has a super outbreak and regains its peak combat power, then other teams can still accept it.

But if the 4am team could continue this invincible peak state into the weekly finals, it would be very scary.

Even though the 4am team lost the two giants Yongyuan and Xiaolu before this summer split, with the newly added Gun Gang Macho Man 112, the strength of the 4am team has not actually declined much.

On the contrary, today's 4am team is even more terrifying.

Because Wei Shen wants to establish a prosperous dynasty in PUBG.

Because Xiaolong has not won the world championship yet.

Because I am new to 112, my heart is naturally eager to win the championship.

Therefore, unlike Yong Yong and Xiao Lu, who have already achieved success and fame, they no longer have much motivation to fight in their hearts.

This 4am team's desire for the championship is far greater than before.

As for Li Hao, it goes without saying that he is like a champion harvester and will never refuse any champion.

What's more, the tens of millions of bonuses for the Summer Championship champion are all milk powder money that Li Hao has treated as his child, so he will naturally not let it go.

Not only is the 4am team at its peak, but it also worries the five Six Emperors teams: nh team, smg team, ifty team, OMG team, and pero team, and makes them very afraid. This is Li Hao's state.

Because now Li Hao is in a hot state, his gun feeling is hot, and he is getting stronger and stronger.

Previously, Li Hao often had more than ten kills alone.

In almost every game, there is a possibility of entering the ten-kill club.

But now, Li Hao has surprisingly increased his ten kills in a single game to twenty kills in a single game, which is very scary.

You must know that even if the other three members of the 4am team do not have a kill, if the 4am team can win the chicken in every game, it means that the minimum limit for the 4am team is to kill the chicken in the 20s.

This made the world's top super giants in the PCL division feel a little desperate.

As the world's top super giants, together with the world's top super giants in the PEL and NPL divisions, they stand on top of the billions of players in the world.

But above them, there is a god like Li Hao, who towers over them, the world's top super giants.

And at this moment, Tinker Bell, who was watching the battle, said something shocking.

"If you want to surpass the 4am team, or compete with the 4am team, super giants are no longer enough. There must be a god-level professional player who can break through the top super giants. Only in this way

Only then can we lead the team and truly compete with the 4am team!"

Tinker Bell is now also the world's top super giant, so he is one step away from the god level.

Now, what Tinkerbell dreams of is how to become a god.

Real apotheosis, complete apotheosis.

Not Zuo Shen, as fans jokingly call him.

And you have to become a true god to be able to compete with God Hao!

Hearing this, Forever and Xiaolu trembled in their hearts.

Before, they were teammates with Li Hao, so they didn't fully understand how powerful Li Hao was.

But now, as Li Hao's opponents, they know how strong Li Hao really is.

The name Hao Shen is well-deserved.

The name Hao Shen is worthy of its name.

Just when many teams in the weekly finals were eager to know whether the peak invincibility of the 4am team could be maintained in one game or if they could maintain such expectations, the second game of the weekly finals suddenly started.

Li Hao's face was filled with a bright smile.

Because at the beginning of Game 2 of this week's finals, the team skill [All Members Super Giant] is all on. In other words, it can be used completely.

Similarly, the starting points for the 4am team are schools and dormitories.

The Longmen Inn, Garden, and Room L also had three full formations coming to skydive.

And at this moment, while still on the plane, Li Hao suddenly said in a deep voice: "I will take Awei to the Longmen Inn, Xiaolong and 112 will go to the L room, our 4am team will be divided into two, and we will directly compete with the two full formations. Roll point. After Awei and I knock down the Longmen Inn, you eliminate the two contestants in Room L, look at the garden, and then we drive separately and hit the garden!"

As soon as these words came out, Wei Shen, Xiaolong and 112 were extremely surprised.

However, after being surprised, they all followed Li Hao's command.

Suddenly, the 4am team’s skydiving was unique.

At this time, Team 4am's strange skydiving suddenly attracted the attention of the director. In an instant, the main screen switched directly to the sky above the school and dormitory building.

Suddenly, the entire PCL division was shaken wildly.

Hundreds of millions of viewers couldn't believe it when they saw this scene.

The commentators were also exclaiming crazily.

"The 4am team jumped two by two! 112 went with Xiaolong [Fang Bishen took Wei Shen to the Longmen Inn!"

"The 4am team is so arrogant and arrogant. They actually landed on the roll point and wanted to fight two against four!"

"No, the two-on-two game in Room L is very fair. However, when the team in Room L sees Xiaolong and 112 coming, they will definitely call their teammates over. In this case, it will definitely be two-on-four in Room L!"

"The tactic of the 4am team is indeed beyond our expectations. We never expected that the 4am team would choose such a tactic. Could it be that they have no confidence in their own strength?"

Do you really have such terrifying confidence?"

"If we fail to win the two-on-four match, I can guarantee that Haoshen will definitely be blamed for this."

"That's right, even Wei Shen wouldn't dare to make such a radical deployment. The 4am team is playing really unrestrainedly now, so bold and free, they are worthy of being the gods of 4am!"

For a moment, fans of the 4am team were a little worried.

And at this time, it was just as the explanation said.

Seeing the two members of the 4am team arriving at Room L, the two members who were planning to jump to Snake Bay immediately turned around and all came to Room L.

At this time, they were all very excited.

"Team 4am is too arrogant and pretentious [they don't take us seriously at all!"

"When you hit the ground and roll, it's not about who's a good shot, but who has a gun. The one with the gun is the father, and the one without the gun is the son. If the father hits his son, the son will have no power to resist!"

"Brothers, if Team 4am is pretending to be competitive, Team 4am will die!"

"It's best if the 4am team doesn't dare to covet our jumping room L from now on!"

In an instant, this full formation was extremely excited.

If they can kill two of the 4am team on the ground, then they can definitely become famous in one fell swoop.

However, if they are defeated by the 4am team, they can also become famous.

This side of Longmen Inn.

The four people at the Longmen Inn all jumped into the big warehouse.

Li Hao and Wei Shen, on the other hand, are in the two sea view buildings next to Okura, one each.

Li Hao parachuted directly to the balcony, then pushed the door to the second floor. In an instant, a macho gun and a troll appeared in front of Li Hao.

At the same time, Wei Shen also got an AKM and a spray.

Li Hao picked up the gun and immediately changed the bullets.

At this time, the Longmen Inn team did not jump well.

Not just slower than Li Hao and Wei Shen.

What's more important is that two of their team members parachuted and landed on the top of the big mountain.

Coincidentally, at this time, Li Hao had already replaced the bullets of the macho gun.

Through the window, Li Hao saw the two players jumping on top of Okura.

There was a hint of murderous intent in his eyes.

Suddenly, the macho gun suddenly opened fire.


Da da da!!!

The macho man fired his gun like a dragon, with 7.62mm bullets bursting out from the barrel.

With a single shot of bullets, Li Hao directly beat and repaired the two players.

At this moment, Wei Shen fell down from the second floor.

Li Hao changed the bullet again and jumped down from the second floor window.

"Follow me!"

Li Hao said coldly.

In an instant, Li Hao and Wei Shen rushed into the warehouse holding macho guns and AKMs.

In Okura, the remaining two players have already received guns, but they only received 556 rifles.

In this frontal battle, there was no resistance.

Li Hao got a headshot, and Wei Shen also got a headshot.

In an instant, this team was directly defeated by Li Hao and Wei Shen.

At the same time, in Room L, 112 and Xiaolong obeyed Li Hao's order and jumped outside the sea view building, leaving only a glass room for this full formation.

Xiaolong and 112 each found guns in their hands, and then rushed over.

When you land at the roll point, you'll be fine if you have a gun.

In an instant, the two of them shot out like dragons, like tigers and wolves, and soon they completely filled up the team that jumped into the L room and killed them directly.

At this moment, when the other teams saw the kill information broadcast on the public screen, which was constantly refreshing, and all of them were from the 4am team, and seeing the kill information broadcast, the other teams were dumbfounded.

"Why did the 4am team fight against two teams in an instant?"

"Could it be that all three teams jumped together?"

"But that's not right. There is still a time gap!"

At this moment, only the Garden Team and the R City Team know the truth.

Because the 4am team jumped two and two, and then went to Longmen Inn and Room L to actively roll with others.

But at this moment, the team jumping in the garden were trembling for some reason.

"Brothers, why don't you withdraw?"

"Team 4am will definitely come to mess with us next!"

"Stop smoking, go to the garage to get the car, we'll go straight away!"

The command of this team was decisive.

But at this moment, sniper shots rang out from inside Room L.

The tires of their vehicles in the garage were directly removed by Xiaolong and 112.

In this case, they won't be able to leave even if they want to.

And at this moment, Li Hao gave another order.

In an instant, a vehicle sped away from the Longmen Inn and towards the garden.

On the other side, in Room L, Xiaolong and 112 also drove a vehicle, and then the entire 4am team arrived at both sides of the garden wall from two different directions almost at the same time.

Li Hao led Wei Shen to attack the warehouse, while Xiaolong and 112 attacked the fake garage.

In an instant, the 4am team threw objects to open the way 843.

Li Hao's fragmentation grenade blew up the one on the opposite side with great accuracy.

Then, Wei Shen threw a flash bomb and rushed directly towards the second floor.

Wei Shen's flash made the opponent completely white.

Seeing this scene, Li Hao was naturally rude.

The macho man shot his head with a gun, and in an instant, he directly knocked down the opponent.

"You take them out and I'll go support them!"

Li Hao didn't covet this little damage and let Wei Shen get the 200 damage to make up for it. Li Hao simply jumped out of the window from the second floor because of his bravery.

Wei Shen used AKM to quickly make up for it and followed immediately.

At this time, outside the fake garage, Xiaolong and the others were still throwing projectiles.

When Li Hao came closer, a Molotov cocktail was thrown into the small room. The professional player who was damaged by the explosion was quickly burned down by the Molotov cocktail.

"Follow me!"

Li Hao is at the forefront again

Followed by two commandos from the 4am team.

In an instant, the professional player stuck in the corner of the second floor of the fake garage had an advantage, but Li Hao rushed in and killed him with two shots.

In an instant, the Garden Team was all wiped out.

And at this moment, the team that jumped into R City was trembling.

"Let's go. The 4am team has already gone to beat the Garden Team. Next, it will definitely be us!"

As a result, the team from R City drove away in a hurry.

But at this moment, no one noticed.

Because everyone was shocked, the 4am team directly destroyed the three teams after landing.

Team 4am fans are simply crazy with joy.

"Damn it, Haoshen is so domineering!"

"Our 4am team is so invincible, who of you are dissatisfied?"

"It landed on the ground with a two-point jump and destroyed two full formations respectively. Then it directly hit the garden and wiped out this full formation again!

"Team 4am got 12 kills right after landing, while I, Haoshen, got 6 kills alone."

"Haoshen is simply too strong. I think Tinkerbell's words are absolutely correct. If you want to compete with the 4am team, you must be a top super giant. Otherwise, if I, Hao Shen, beat the world's top super giants, it will be like a father beating his son!"

"The reason why the 4am team is so strong is because of me, Haoshen."

"As expected of being the only true god above the super giants, I, God Hao, am so awesome!

"Haoshen is invincible!"

"I'm afraid the other teams on the field are a little scared now! Even the other teams in the Six Emperors Team are also feeling a little trembling!

"The peak of such an invincible 4am team is to sweep everything."

"Let's see if the 4am team can continue to win!",

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