Chicken Eating: Invincible Sniper God

Chapter 151 Crush Nh And 17 Who Won The Weekly Championship And The Four Super Giants

After three teams were eliminated, the 4am team did not stop.

Instead, he plunged into City Y.

In City Y, the nh team is still fighting against the team that came to roll.

The 4am team was like a tiger among the sheep, taking the lead in attacking the nh team.

The nh team never expected that the 4am team, which was far away in the school dormitory, would actually appear behind them.

In the first wave of attacks, two members of the nh team were directly killed, and the other two were seriously disabled.

Seeing this scene, the teams that had rolled with the nh team rushed forward.

In an instant, the three teams were fighting together.

Generally speaking, in a melee like this, the 4am team will usually benefit.

In the end, the 4am team ruthlessly destroyed the nh team and this team that jumped to Y City and nhroll points.

In an instant, the 4am team had already scored 20 kills!

This number of kills completely shocked the PCL division.

Those professional teams that did not enter the weekly finals were completely stunned.

Looking at the current state of the 4am team, looking at the entire PCL region, no team can resist it.

In the following time, the 4am team was completely invincible.

However, even if the 4am team finally wins, the total number of kills has not exceeded 40.

Stop at 36 kills!

It's really because of the finals that it's not easy to push.

So the number of kills is only one more than the previous game.

Li Hao's personal kills were the same as the previous game, with 21 kills.

In the two games, the 4am team scored a total of 91 points.

After the second game, Li Hao saw that the team's skill had reached the cooldown time again, and he couldn't help but feel sad.

But no matter what, these two games can be said to have completely demonstrated the momentum of the 4am team in the summer split.

Even the Six Emperors team, which is the same as the 4am team, feels scared.

In the next four games, the 4am team did not have the invincible momentum that dominated the world in the first two games. However, the scores obtained in each game were not low.

In this case, after the six games on the first day of the weekly finals, the 4am team is on top of the standings, completely ahead of the second place by ten points.

It can even be said that the 4am team has already secured the weekly finals championship in advance.

Li Hao returned to the Fang family villa.

But at this time, in the PUBG circle, especially on the Hupu forum.

Tinkerbell's words are completely slaughtered.

"Nowadays, the super giants who are closest to the God Hao who can become gods are none other than Fourth Brother Long, Ming Ming and Tinker Bell!"

"However, even though everyone knows that the top super giants in the world are gods-level professional players like Haoshen, they don't know how to become gods~`!"

"Perhaps you have to perform superbly in the game, and maybe you can become a god in one game!"

"That's right, if you count Hao Shen's battle to become a god, it wouldn't be too much."

"I really hope that the world's top giants in our PCL division can become gods as soon as possible, so that they can compete with Haoshen. Otherwise, if the 4am team continues to monopolize the championship, our PCL division league will lose its competitiveness. "

"Our PCL division cannot be reduced to the kind of one company, but should have the seven heroes of the Warring States Period competing against each other. That would be beautiful. In this case, other teams must work hard!

"It's not that we are not strong, but the 4am team has Haoshen!"

"Then the question is, how to become a god?"

"I think this question should be asked to our God Hao!"

"But do you think Hao Shen will say it?"

"It seems that once Haoshen entered the PCL competition area, he was no longer comparable to the super giants [it seemed like he was directly a god!"

Suddenly, the players in the PCL division were talking a lot.

Even when Li Hao returned home, he found that his father-in-law, mother-in-law, and wife were all awake.

"Husband, everyone calls you God now?" His wife Fang Ziling said proudly.

Li Hao said with a smile: "In this game, I only have a gun in my hand, so calling me a god is definitely not an exaggeration!" Li Hao said with a smile.

He has a sniper system and many skills. In the game PUBG, he is a god.

Invincible sniper god!

"Well, hubby, you are the best!"

Fang Ziling waited for Li Hao to come back before going to rest.

Li Hao ignored the hustle and bustle on the Internet and went to bed directly after washing.


The weekly finals continue.

Although the 4am team did not activate the team skill [All Super Giants] again, with so many points ahead yesterday, in the end, there was no doubt that they won the first weekly championship.

The 4am team's weekly championship win is crushing.

Nowadays, even if the strength of each team in the PCL division has improved, they still cannot resist the 4am team that displays their team skills.

Especially Li Hao.

Professional players in the PCL division played against Li Hao, but they felt that Li Hao's strength was still improving.

Of course.

Li Hao converts damage into experience, and continues to add it to various skills and basic attributes. Experience continues to accumulate, proficiency continues to improve, and levels continue to rise. Li Hao's strength increases every day.

But now, a consensus has been formed in the PCL division.

That is, if you want to defeat the 4am team and win the championship from the 4am team! You must have a professional player who can become a god in the team.

Among them, many super giants have the best chance.

Because the super giant itself is only one step away from becoming a god.

So in this case, in order to become a god, many super giants train hard day and night.

Not only in the PCL division, but also in the PEL division and the NPL division, the world's top super giants are training hard day and night, all in order to defeat the 4am team in an honest way in the global finals at the end of the year.

Otherwise, we really just have to watch the 4am team continue to win the championship and watch the 4am team gradually build a dynasty.

Since you want to win the championship, you must increase your strength.

Anyway, there is no limit to the strength of professional players, because Li Hao is at the forefront, and Li Hao is the benchmark for all professional players to move forward.

Winning the weekly championship will naturally not lead a big celebration.

For the teams in the Erangel Division, the weekly finals have just ended, and they will continue to compete in the second mid-week competition starting on Monday.

This is the format of the league.

The teams in the Erangel Division have to play for three consecutive days.

Of course, teams that don't want or can't enter the weekly finals only need to play one day a week.

But for Team nh and Team 17, they aim to win the championship.

There is no champion of major events all year round, which makes them very uncomfortable.

As for the Golden Grand Prix championship before the Spring Split, without the participation of the 4am team, the gold content of the championship is not high at all.

They don't dare to brag about it, otherwise, they will definitely be taught how to behave by the fans of the 4am team.

Because the current championships won by the 4am team, no matter what you say, are completely crushing!

In terms of honor, only the OMG team may be able to compare with the 4am team, but they cannot be compared.

On Monday, Li Hao did not watch the game from the observatory, but played solo in four rows.

Because on the match day, the PCL event organizing committee will not organize training matches.

In this case, Li Hao will always be single-four, maintaining his peak strength and maintaining his hot gun feeling.

Li Hao waited until the mid-week match was over to watch the results.

Looking at the results, it can be said that Team NH and Team 17, two teams that are also the Six Emperors, have completely exploded.

In six mid-week matches, Team 17 had three chickens on the island map.

As for the desert map, it’s NH Team Wang Lianji.

In other words, Team 17 and Team nh both set a record of three consecutive chickens.

Their points are high.

At this time, in Li Hao's live broadcast room, many of his fans were frantically posting comments.

Haoshen, you must be careful. In the weekly finals, be especially careful with these two teams. They went absolutely crazy in the mid-week competition!"

"That's right, it's exactly like the 4am team at its peak, when the gods blocked the gods and the Buddha blocked the Buddha!"

"I think in this mid-week competition, Team nh and Team 17 can both be called the four super giant teams!"

“During the mid-week competition, all of them (Li Wang’s players) were super giants and produced super giant performances and statistics.

At this moment, Li Hao's fans are worried that the nh team and the 17th team will bring serious impact and threats to the current 4am team.

Li Hao smiled and said: "It's okay, the stronger they are, the more exciting the game will be. In this case, winning the championship will be more convincing. Otherwise, if we keep crushing them to win the championship, other divisions will say that our 4am team is the only one in the PCL division. I am never afraid of them being strong, because I will become stronger when I encounter them. Moreover, in this way, the game will be more exciting and challenging. It can also stimulate my teammates to continue to work hard!"

After hearing Li Hao's words, fans continued to post comments.

"That's true. After watching the mid-week match of the Erangel Division, Awei directly pulled 112 and Xiaolong, and the three of them were ranked equally in four rows!"

"The 4am team is indeed working harder now."

"Haha, I heard that the two people who left the team also worked very hard. If I had known today, they might regret leaving the 4am team!"

"The PCL Summer Split is getting more and more exciting, and every team is performing well. I look forward to our 4am team becoming one of the top four super teams as soon as possible!"

"No, the 4am team will never become a four-super giant team. At most, it can only become a three-super giant team. Because even Wu Shen's super giant team cannot describe its greatness!"

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