Chicken Eating: Invincible Sniper God

Chapter 152 Four Weekly Finals, 4Am Team Wins Three Times

Come Wednesday.

Miramar Division Midweek Tournament.

There is no doubt that the most eye-catching team is the 4am team.

That 100% attendance rate, the vast majority of the audience, are here for the 4am team.

Of course, there are also some viewers who are fans of other teams.

Among them, there are also many fans of the FT team.

Also before the game, Li Hao emphasized that he could not let down the fans who came from afar to watch the game.

Because some fans even came to Shanghai from all over the country just to witness a 4am team game with their own eyes.

So, in front of such many fans who support the 4am team, how can the 4am team disappoint the fans.

In every game the 4am team plays, they try their best to fight until the end.

Whenever there is an opportunity to score points, the 4am team will not miss it.

The 4am team did not shy away from battle at all and took on team battles frantically.

Try our best to give fans who come to watch the game to support the 4am team a good viewing experience.

Therefore, the 4am team finally became the first place in the mid-week competition in the Miramar Division, and the FTY team was second.

The 4am team only lost two out of six midweek games.

Not as good as the 17th team that won three consecutive chickens on the island and the nh team that won three consecutive chickens on the desert map in the Erangel Division.

However, in the end, the 4am team’s points exceeded those of the nh team and the 17th team.

All this is naturally because the total number of kills of the 4am team exceeds those two teams.

Similarly, the iFTY team won two chickens, and their points are naturally not as good as the nh657 team and the 17th team.

In this case, the top four in the current standings are 4am, nh, 17 and IFTY.

But there is still Vikendi Division mid-week competition that has not started yet.

We have to wait until Friday, when the Vihandi Division is over and those teams enter the weekly finals, to see the outcome.

At this time, everyone wants to know whether the pero team, which did not enter the weekly finals in the first week, can make a comeback in the second week and enter the weekly finals.

Otherwise, if you don't advance to the weekly finals for two consecutive weeks, it will be a bit difficult to enter the playoffs.

Because no one can guarantee that the Rejoice team will be able to enter the weekly finals in the next two weeks.

Therefore, if the Rejoice team wants to win the summer championship, they must enter the weekly finals this week and get the points from the weekly finals before they can enter the playoffs.

Recently, the Rejoice team has indeed been training harder.

Fans see it.

Everything will have to wait until the mid-week competition of the Vihandi Division starts on Friday.

At the same time, other major competition areas, including the PEL competition area, the PKL competition area, and the NPL competition area, have each started the second phase of the league this year.

Although their division is not like the PCL division, which is divided into spring, summer and autumn seasons, it just divides the league into stages.

But the start time is about the same.

In this case, the videos of the teams that performed very well in each division will be sent back to the PCL division.

At this time, many PCL players saw these videos and couldn't help but gasp.

In these divisions, the gap between strong teams and weak teams is extremely obvious.

In each division, there is at least one or several super strong teams that completely dominate the joint exhibition.

The other teams seemed to have no resistance.

In this case, the six kings competing in the PCL Summer Split seem extremely normal.

However, their super team is really strong.

All this stimulates the PCL competition area even more.

On Friday, the Weidi Apartment District started in mid-week.

The Rejoice team, which attracted much attention before the start of the mid-week competition, did not disappoint fans in this mid-week competition.

Together with Team OMG and Team Tianba, they completely dominated the mid-week competition of the Vihandi Division.

Their three teams divided the chickens in six games respectively.

Each team ate two chickens each.

The Rejoice team achieved good results. Although the standings were not as good as those of the 4am team, nh team and 17th team, they squeezed into fourth place.

All of a sudden, the fans of the Rejoice team immediately shouted that the summer championship was the slogan of the Rejoice team.

In an instant, the PCL Summer Split was a resurgence.

In this case, the second week's finals will see the Six Emperors teams gather together, which will be a lot of fun to watch.

The other teams are not far behind.

They all want to overthrow the Six Emperors, or become one of them.

Under such circumstances, in the second week of the weekly finals, the teams fought extremely fiercely.

Every time the Six Emperors team fights each other, it triggers heated discussions.

Many teams want to challenge the Six Emperors team, which also attracts attention.

Every wave of team battles is exciting.

In this case, Li Hao really shines.

His strength exploded completely, completely defeating the world's top super giants.

Whether it's a close-combat fight or a long-distance sniper match, the world's top super giant is just like an ordinary professional player, completely unbeatable in front of Li Hao.

Especially in today's close combat, Li Hao holds a macho gun and uses two gun heads when meeting each other, and often uses a three-fold mirror to press the gun from dozens or even hundreds of meters away. Gun control has reached a state that can be called an art.

As for the continuous sniping, they have always been accurate, but there are no professional players who have always been like idiots. If they dare to shoot against Li Hao, it is just out of their minds.

(abfd) As for throwing objects, Li Ji also completely crushed ten of the world's top super giants.

Some players have carefully calculated that the hit rate of Li Hao's offensive throws is over 95%.

In other words, almost all Li Hao's throws will cause damage.

Among them, the knockdown rate is over 95%, which is very scary.

This means that as long as Li Hao throws a fragmentation grenade, he will definitely blow someone up, and if he throws a Molotov cocktail, he will definitely burn someone to death.

The knockdown rate of this offensive throwing object simply frightens all the professional players in the P¢L division.

Therefore, in the end, the 4am team won the second weekly championship with a slight advantage.

Of course, the other five teams of the Six Emperors Team all have opportunities.

But in the end, the 4am team had the last laugh.

This made the five Six Emperors teams very unwilling.

They were just a little bit close to winning the weekly championship.

However, this also gave them hope of catching up or even surpassing the 4am team.

As long as they become stronger faster than the 4am team, one day they will completely surpass the 4am team.

In this way, the Six Emperors team maintained extremely high enthusiasm, and the four-week regular season came to an end.

The 4am team won the weekly championship for three weeks.

In the last week of the weekly championship competition, the 4am team did not win the championship, but the nh team won the weekly championship.

There is no way, Wei Shen, Xiaolong and 112 all have colds and are not in good health, causing them to lose their status. In this case, Li Hao and the team can lead the 4am team to third in the weekly finals. This is completely Li Hao's personal strength is fully demonstrated.

After the four-week regular season ends, the playoffs will follow.

The playoffs are a five-day schedule with thirty games.

Who is the king of the summer split will be revealed at the end of the playoffs.

The playoffs begin Wednesday.

That's when the twenty-four teams in the playoffs rest on Monday and Tuesday.

Monday morning.

Li Hao starts broadcasting.

At this time, Mingming from the nh team recruited Li Hao to join the team.

Entering the team, Li Hao took a look and saw Mingming from the nh team, Tinkerbell and Xiaolu from the Jiye team.

Li Hao smiled and said: "Xiao Ming, you are teasing me, do you want to show off in front of me that you just won the weekly championship?"

Mingming heard this and said angrily: "Haoshen, you are a bit insulting. Who doesn't know that you led the 4am team to win three weekly finals championships. If Ah Wei and the others hadn't caught a cold in the last week, It was only because of our sluggish state that we won the championship!"

Tinker Bell also smiled and said: "You two are competing here to show off. I haven't even won a weekly crown. I don't even know what it feels like to be a champion!"

At this time, Xiaolu was a little embarrassed.

He never thought that Ji Hao would be invited to join the team.

At this time, the game begins.

Enter the ladder and rank.

Tinker Bell smiled and said: "Haoshen, have you watched the second stage of the competition in other divisions?"

Li Hao smiled and said: "Of course I saw it, damn, there are a lot of tough guys. The two heroes in the pel division, Li Kui and Faze, are completely crazy. In the npl division, there are also many tough guys, and the sq team even introduced them k god."

In Li Hao's current view, the threats to the PCL competition area are nothing more than the PEL exhibition area and the NPL soil area.

As for the PL division next door, it’s not that Li Hao looks down on them.

It's really because of the current overall strength of the major teams in the PCL division, which is completely crushing the PK division.

The so-called PL division teams that dominated the PKL division came to the PCL division, which is not enough to take seriously.

The gap between the two divisions is completely widened.

Therefore, players joke that the quality of the intercontinental competition is not as good as the PCL league.

However, after all, the intercontinental competition has world championship points, and every team attaches great importance to it.

But at present, the PCL summer playoffs still need to be completed before the intercontinental competition can be held. .

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