Chicken Eating: Invincible Sniper God

Chapter 153 The Secret To Breaking Through To The God Level, Li Hao Lands And Destroys The Four Holy

And at this moment, Mingming suddenly asked: "Haoshen, you are currently the only player above the super giant in the PCL division and even in the world. Do you have any tips or tricks for this super giant to break through to your level?"

As soon as these words came out, Tinkerbell and Fawn all held their breath and concentrated.

At the same time, the players watching the live broadcast in the four live broadcast rooms of Li Hao, Mingming, Tinkerbell, and Xiaolu also held their breath and concentrated, and did not even dare to post barrage, for fear of scaring Li Hao.

Li Hao heard this and said with a smile: "I haven't made a breakthrough, how do I know what the tips and tricks are?~"

"You didn't make a breakthrough?" Hearing this, Ming Ming was stunned.

"As soon as I entered the professional arena, I seemed to be above the super giants. Of course I didn't have any breakthrough experience!" Li Hao said righteously.

"Then there really is nothing to teach?" Ming Ming was distressed.

He has recently reached a bottleneck period, feeling that no matter how hard he trains, his strength cannot improve.

Therefore, he now hopes that Li Hao can wake him up.

Of course, this is also because he is simple-minded.

"I think you are not far away from the so-called becoming a god. Maybe in this summer playoffs, you can become a god. I really don't have any insights. If I have to say that I have, then I can only say one thing. , invincible belief!" Li Hao smiled.

As soon as these words came out, I realized something immediately.

At this time, Tinkerbell seemed to have some realization.

And this sentence can only be vaguely understood by professional players like them who are currently standing at the top of the world's super giants.

As for the kind of ordinary super giant, it is simply impossible to understand.

Because invincible belief is easy to say, but it is simply too difficult to truly establish it in your heart.

Moreover, this is completely a false proposition. Because in the PCL competition area, with the true god Li Hao, who dares to say that he is invincible?

Therefore, with Li Hao's suppression, no professional player in the PCL region would have the absurd idea of ​​being invincible.

But Li Hao's instructions will definitely make the world's top super giants like Mingming and Tinkerbell thoughtful.

In the next rank, they truly implement their belief in invincibility.

Even if the remaining health, even a drop of blood, is very confident to fight with the player, and then, it is here.

The quality of the ranking rounds in the PCL division is very high.

Ordinary professional teams will overturn if they are not careful.

Because this is filled with a large number of anchor teams, spread across various platforms.

In addition, there are also high-scoring passerby teams.

Of course, there are also professional players who serve as companions.

In short, there are many reasons why high-scoring ranking games are not easy to play.

The game lasted until 6pm, when Li Hao went to eat, and the team was disbanded.

After eating, Wei Shen took Li Hao together to prepare for the ranking match.

By this time, Wei Shendu had already heard about what happened during the day.

"Haotian, you are telling Mingming and Tinkerbell the secret to becoming gods. Are you feeling lonely invincible and want to make the game more exciting?" Wei Shenqu complained and smiled bitterly.

"Awei, they will be able to become gods sooner or later. At present, it is up to you to see when you can become gods. I estimate that after the summer games, many of the world's top super giants will truly be able to become gods. By then, the global finals will , it must be the battle of the gods. There is no doubt about this. And they have all reached the bottleneck period of their own strength, and have reached the critical point of becoming gods." Li Hao doesn't care at all.

Anyway, his strength still crushes many professional players.

Doesn't it mean that Ming and Tinker Bell can become gods? Even if they become gods, Li Hao has full confidence and his strength can completely suppress them.

What's more, Li Hao also discovered that recently, if he used the sniper system, he found that the damage dealt to the super giant could be converted into several times the experience.

Moreover, the higher the level of the giant killed, the more experience will be gained.

On the contrary, if you just kill ordinary professional players, the exchange ratio of damage and experience is one to one.

But if you kill a star-level professional player or even a superstar-level professional player, the experience that the damage can convert will be increased several times.

The number of killing super giants is dozens of times higher.

Then, Li Hao was thinking, if he could kill the professional player of Fengshen, wouldn't the damage be converted into a hundred times the value of experience?

This is Li Hao’s greatest confidence.

What's more, even if he doesn't point out Ming Ming and Tinker Bell, as the world's top foreign super giants break through the door of god-level with their own talents and truly enter the field of god-level professional players, then the world's top super giants in the PCL division will also be logical. , step into the god level as a matter of course.

Because Li Hao is in the sniper god system, through the system's ratings of all professional players, he has seen that Mingming and Tinker Bell are infinitely close to the threshold of god level.

It can be said that, as Li Hao said, in this summer playoffs, they may be able to prove themselves and become gods in one game.

In this case, the summer split will be more exciting.

By then, if the 4am team wins the summer championship again, it will be even more valuable.

There is no airtight secret on the Internet, not to mention, Li Hao said it in front of the players in the four live broadcast rooms. Soon, many super giants in the PCL division heard Li Hao's advice.

So one by one they wanted to establish the belief of invincibility in their hearts, and then break through to the god level.

But at this time, they suddenly faced a problem.

With Li Hao in the PCL division, how can they establish their belief in invincibility in a real environment where Hao Shen is at the height of his power and overwhelming?

Everything is waiting for the summer playoffs to see the outcome.

With the arrival of Wednesday, the summer playoffs are about to begin.

The twenty-four teams with the best performance in the summer season have gathered together to compete for the highest honor of the summer season championship. Which team is the king of the summer season? The five-day playoffs are over.

Everything can be revealed.

The summer playoffs are held in large stadiums, and the players sit in soundproof glass rooms to ensure that they are not disturbed by outside sounds.

In large-scale stadiums, there are huge projection screens everywhere, allowing the audience to clearly see the players' operations.

In short, the atmosphere is completely full.

At this moment, the Six Emperors team is ready.

As the time came to 5 p.m., Game 1 of the summer playoffs started on time.

For the island map, the 4am team is still the starting point.

After four weeks of competition in the regular season, no team with open eyes dares to compete in Dragon Gate Inn, Garden and Room L.


However, the 4am team suddenly discovered after parachuting that there was actually another team coming to roll.

Li Hao saw this scene and said in a deep voice: "If nothing else happens, those who come to roll with us will definitely be the Four Holy Warriors!"

Hearing the anger contained in Li Hao's words, Wei Shen was also furious.

In fact, the Four Saints came back to compete with the 4am team in the summer playoffs. As expected, it must have been a signal from Douyu.

Because Douyu and Huya were completely at a disadvantage in the competition with Li Hao.

As expected, Li Hao will sign with Huya in the summer playoffs.

Huya spent a lot of money and decided to bring Li Hao under its wing, truly allowing all members of the 4am team to be broadcast live on Huya.

Therefore, Douyu didn't want the 4am team to be too proud, so the Four Saints came to disgust the 4am team again.

The Four Holy Warriors did not roll with the 4am Team at all. When they saw the 4am Team jumping into the dormitory, the Four Holy Warriors went directly to school.

Obviously, they don't dare to directly roll points with the 4am team. They just want to slow down the 4am team's rhythm and block the 4am team. They can't score, and they can't let the 4am team score.

Seeing this scene, the 4am team also had a way to crack it.

"You three jump off the dormitory building, find guns as fast as you can, come and support me!"

Li Hao skipped school alone.

At this time, the Four Holy Warriors saw an umbrella come to the school. There is no doubt that looking at the entire PCL competition area, there is no one else with such confidence except Li Hao.

Suddenly, the Four Holy Warriors were filled with rage.

Li Hao is such a bully.

Didn't take them seriously at all.

Suddenly, they also felt a fire in their hearts.

However, Li Hao landed first and got a dbs in his hand!

Seeing this scene, the Four Holy Warriors collapsed.

"Why does this Haotian jump so fast every time?"

"It's okay to be quick, why is there a gun every time I land!"

The voice of the Four Holy Warriors was a little flustered.

Li Hao held this spray gun and fired two shots, knocking down two of them directly.

Qinglong and Baihu, who were on the ground without head armor, were unable to resist the spray in Li Hao's hand.

At this time, Suzaku immediately jumped to the lecture theater through the roof.

Xuanwu was stuck by him and could not get in. In an instant, Li Hao, who had replaced his bullet, was sprayed down.

Li Hao followed up with another spray, covering up Xuanwu.

Then, he changed two more bullets and replenished Qinglong and Baihu directly.

In this case, Li Hao will beat and supplement the three members of the Four Holy Warriors.

Then, jump to the lecture theater.

At this time, Suzaku had already obtained the gun.


Suzaku opened fire at the first moment, but the gun in Li Hao's hand was more powerful.

A direct shot of a spray bullet took Suzaku away.

In an instant, the Four Holy Warriors were wiped out by Li Hao alone as soon as they landed.

Seeing this scene, extremely fierce shouts broke out at the scene. .

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