Chicken Eating: Invincible Sniper God

Chapter 166 Li Hao’S Iq Crushed The Four Holy Warriors, Knocking Down Three Of Them With One Bullet

Li Hao continued driving and hit the housing area directly.

At this time, neither of the two people in the room were in the room, but on the slope of the room.

When they saw the 4am team's car, they immediately opened fire.

But at this time, Li Hao had just gotten off the car.

With a direct backhand, the macho gun knocked down one of them with a headshot.

The other one was killed by Wei Shen and Xiaolong in an instant.

In an instant, this team was wiped out by the 4am team.

At the same time, the OMG team in G town was shooting wildly.

At this time, Li Hao freed up his hand and shot two SLR shots to the head with his backhand, knocking Xiao Hai down.

In an instant, the OMG team no longer dared to draw targets in this direction.

At this time, Xiaolongli went to move the car.

The 4am team occupies this small room area.

But now, in the Wild West, every housing area is occupied by full formations.

In this case, it would be almost impossible for the following teams to enter the circle.

Even hitting the spot is difficult!

They can't hit the center of the circle.

It can only hit the room area around the circle.

However, after finally conquering the housing area next to the circle, the circle was cleared away again.

But on the other hand, the 4am team has been guarding this room area, and then the circle has been moving towards the 4am team's face.

After a few laps, the faces of other teams turned green.

"Damn it, can Team 4am become a destiny circle?"

"Can even that small room area become the final round?"

The other teams suddenly collapsed.

At this time, the 4am team, with no one behind them, pulled out of the room and wildly targeted the professional players lying on the wheat field.

At this moment, the 4am team has four SLRs, which is like killing gophers.

Many professional players can only rely on smoke bombs to survive.

However, smoke bombs could not stop Li Hao from the 4am team from pulling the gun line.

Li Hao drove a Bengbeng and pulled the gun line unscrupulously in the wheat field.

The other teams couldn't raise their heads at all, because once they raised their heads, they would be killed by the three assaulters driving guns from the 4am team.

In this way, other teams could only be divided and annihilated by the 4am team in the end.

In the first game of the playoffs, the 4am team just failed.

When the 4am team was defeated, the barrage in the entire main live broadcast room was extremely crazy.

"Another very familiar scene!"

"In the first game of the playoffs, it seems that the 4am team always wins the chicken!"

"Everyone is saying that this is a sign of winning the autumn season!"

"Team 4am is so lucky, and of course it has to do with the fact that they never let down the destiny circle!"

"This spot chosen by the 4am team can finally become the finals. I am really convinced!"

"It's over. This autumn competition, it will be difficult for other teams to win the championship!"

"Based on the current state of Haoshen, looking at the gods in the entire PCL division, who can compete?"

But this is only the first game, and it will not make the teams in the PCL division desperate to win the championship.

Moreover, in this game, the 4am team won the chicken, which indeed had a lot of luck.

Therefore, they are full of confidence and high morale.

The next game was just as they expected.

Although Li Hao's state has always been at its peak, the states of Wei Shen, Xiaolong, and 112 have been ups and downs.

In this case, the 4am team cannot win every game.

After the first day and six games, the 4am team once again succeeded in winning the championship with its invincible high-point shooting in the Destiny Circle on the desert map.

In this case, in six games, the 4am team will only win twice.

Although they are currently at the top of the standings, the point difference is very small.

As for the Six Emperors Team, there is no doubt that they completely occupy the top six positions in the standings.

Now, in this autumn playoffs, it can be said that the Six Emperors team has completely become an echelon and has closed the gap in strength.

This made the teams under the Six Emperors Team very painful.

Because, we only need to fight against one team, the 4am team.

But now, any team that encounters the Six Emperors Team will fail in the team battle.

The Six Emperors team currently completely dominates the PCL division.

After returning home, Li Hao did not rest immediately.

Instead, he started broadcasting with great interest and played solo four-queue games until 2 o'clock in the morning, and the group finally dropped the broadcast.

Li Hao is eager to gain damage and then turn it into experience.

In the competition, Li Hao can now rack up damage like crazy, but now the teams are no longer so stubborn and often don't dare to compete with Li Hao.

Then Li Hao's source of damage can only be the target.

But if Wei Shen and Xiao Long are not in good condition, and the 4am team cannot win and survive to the finals, the damage will actually not be much, because there will not be many opportunities to draw targets.

Then, Li Hao will play single-player four-player row, and do crazy damage in this single-player four-player, in order to gain experience.

Li Hao must continue to maintain his strength above the gods in the PCL division. Otherwise, if one day he falls from the altar, the blow to him will be very fatal.

Because currently Li Hao has many die-hard fans, and the reason why they are his die-hard fans is because of his fighting ability, and he has always been the number one player in the PCL division.

But one day, if Li Hao cannot maintain his status and strength as the number one player, then many fans will leave sadly.

In this case, Li Hao's popularity will drop significantly.

Because at the point where Li Hao is now, he can't retreat at all, not even one step.

Li Hao slept until eleven o'clock the next morning before getting up.

Nine hours of adequate sleep is enough.

After lunch, Li Hao set off.

He still asked a Fang family driver to drive him to the competition venue.

Then after the game, Fang's driver took him home again.

Li Hao neither drives his own car nor takes a taxi.

When we arrived at the competition venue, the 4am team hadn’t arrived yet.

After Li Hao finished debugging the peripherals, he directly turned on the single four.

At the same time, many professional players came over to chat with Li Hao.

But when they saw Li Hao playing singles, they lost their intention to chat.

Hurry back and practice shooting.

Or go to the training ground to practice gun pressing and gun control.

Or just go to the arcade.

As for single four, let them forget it.

I am deeply afraid that my mentality will be blown up. In that case, it will affect the state of the competition.

Soon, the 4am team arrived.

But at this time, Li Hao had already successfully won the chicken in the singles.

Wei Shen looked at the kill number on Li Hao's computer screen and was stunned for a moment.

Single player in four rows, 41 kills, successful chicken!

This is Li Hao’s kill number when playing solo in four rows.

"Haotian, you are really working hard!" Wei Shen even felt ashamed.

Li Hao sneered and said: "If I don't work hard, how can I lead you guys to compete?"

As soon as these words came out, Wei Shen, Xiaolong and 112 immediately did not dare to answer.

Indeed, their condition was very bad yesterday, their hand feel was extremely bad, and their gun feel was completely cold.

Not to mention scalding hot, the feeling didn't get hot even until the end.

Wei Shen smiled bitterly and said: "We don't know what's going on. We haven't relaxed during this period of time. You can also see this. My hands just feel very cold and I have no sense of gunfire!"

Wei Shen was also puzzled.

Li Hao shook his head slightly and said in a deep voice: "Awei, you have to put down the baggage in your heart. Don't always think about our 4am team winning the Autumn Split. Put down the baggage and go into battle easily. Regardless of whether you can win the Autumn Split, just try your best to win every game. Just one game is enough. Because this game has a certain amount of luck. Sometimes, if you fail to win the championship, it is God's will. Don't be too mentally burdened. In this case, you will feel very tired in your heart, so naturally you will lose your status! "

As soon as these words came out, Wei Shen's heart suddenly became enlightened, just like clearing the clouds and seeing the sun.

"Haotian, you are right, we have too much psychological baggage!" Wei Shen said in a deep voice.

At this time, Li Hao looked at Xiaolong and 112, and warned: "For you, you don't need to think about anything else at all, don't think about it at all. Just obey the command, and just be an assaulter without any brains." . As for thinking more, that’s when you’re in close team battles, you can think more tactically and strategically. At other times, you don’t need to think too much at all!”

As soon as these words came out, both Xiaolong and 112 nodded.

Then, Li Hao continued single four.

After Wei Shen and others adjusted the peripherals and everything was ready, Li Hao once again successfully won the chicken with more than 40 kills.

Next, there is a formation of four people.

At the same time, because it is not yet five o'clock in the afternoon.

Within the competition venue, some teams gathered together to roll points with each other.

Or you can invite other teams to play arcade games and engage in 4v4 confrontations.

The 4am team is composed of four people playing in a queue.

Just like that, the time quickly came to five o'clock in the afternoon.

On the second day of the playoffs, the game officially begins.

Before getting on the plane, Li Hao said solemnly: "This time for our skydiving, we will jump separately. I will jump to the garden, Awei will go to school, Xiaolong will go to the [room], and 112 will go to the Longmen Inn. First, control the car, like the Four Holy Warriors If you dare to dance with you, then it will be up to you to solve it. If you can't solve it, then you can only ob!"

Li Hao doesn't care how the Four Holy Warriors dance.

Now the 4am team will continue its own tactics and strategies.

If the Four Saints dare to follow the 4am team, then it will be time to compete with each other in terms of personal abilities.

But if the Four Holy Warriors don't dare, or if the Four Holy Warriors focus on one place to dance, then Li Hao will teach them how to behave.

And at this moment, when the plane was about to arrive at the jump point, the 4am team suddenly jumped off the plane and started parachuting!

At the same time, the Four Holy Warriors also started parachuting!

The tactics of the Four Saints and the 4am team are completely different.

The four of them decided to live and die together.

If they are separated, it is very likely that once the 4am team seizes the opportunity, it will be divided and annihilated, just like the first one yesterday.

Therefore, they learned from the pain and decided that the four of them would live and die together. In this case, four people in the 4am team could be killed no matter what.

Even if they were eliminated by the other three members of the 4am team who arrived behind, they still felt that they were not at a loss.

The current team voice of the Four Holy Warriors.

Commander Qinglong said solemnly: "Kill one, we won't lose. If we kill two, we will make a profit. If we kill three, we will make a lot of money. If we can defeat 4am as a group, then the brothers will be popular. , drink something spicy!”

In an instant, the Four Saints saw Team 4am skydiving separately as expected.

At this moment, White Tiger, Xuanwu and Suzaku were all looking at Qinglong.

"Come on, let's jump into the garden, kill Gao Dewei first, and blow up his mentality as quickly as possible.

, just like yesterday. "In an instant, the Four Saints team suddenly followed Li Hao directly to the garden.

And at this moment, when the directors locked in this scene, hundreds of millions of players in the PCL division saw it, and they burst out laughing.

.The tragic ending of the Four Holy Warriors is about to unfold!"

"The Four Saints must have thought that Wei Shen jumped into the garden, so they wanted to kill Wei Shen first, but they never imagined that it was not Wei Shen who jumped into the garden, but Hao Shen!"

"This is just pure IQ crushing. It seems that our Haoshen wants to kill the Four Holy Warriors!"

"I really look forward to it. When the Four Holy Warriors land and find out that it is God Hao who came to the garden, I wonder what kind of wonderful expressions will appear on their faces!"

"I have a hunch that the Four Holy Warriors are already feeling something bad now!"

Yes, the Four Holy Warriors do feel something is wrong now.

It was really because the person parachuting in front was too fast.

They are still in the sky.

But at this time, Li Hao had already landed on the second-floor balcony of the fake garage.

Just land first.

At Li Hao's feet, there happened to be an AKM assault rifle.

Li Hao picked up the gun extremely quickly, and then quickly changed the bullets.

And when the bullets of the AKM assault rifle in Li Hao's hand were replaced, the Four Holy Warriors had not yet landed.

Because their skydiving was slowed by the 4am team, and they were still watching in the sky just now, plus Ji Li's skydiving was already the fastest among all professional players in the PCL exhibition and even in the world.

Suddenly, Li Hao squatted down and suddenly raised the AKM assault rifle in his hand!

In an instant, the AKM assault rifle suddenly opened fire!


Da da da!!!!

The AKM assault rifle spewed out a death frenzy of 7.62mm bullets at this moment!

In an instant, Qinglong, Suzaku, and Xuanwu of the Four Holy Warriors, who were quickly pressing umbrellas in the sky, were all knocked down by Li Hao.

Li Hao fired thirty rounds of bullets, hitting birds in the sky, knocking Qinglong, Suzaku and Xuanwu to the ground.

In an instant, only the white tiger escaped and flew to the small bungalow behind the barn.

Li Hao did not chase the white tiger immediately. Instead, after changing his bullets, he took the lead in killing Qinglong, Suzaku, and Xuanwu who fell on the ground and tried to crawl up. panic.

"Xiaolong, do you have a gun?"

Li Hao was not extremely reckless and went to find Bai Hu alone.

"I have a macho gun!" Xiaolong said solemnly. (Wang Dehao)

"Then you drive over here, and the two of us will catch him!"

Li Hao said in a deep voice.

Xiaolong immediately obeyed the order. In an instant, he drove out of Room L and suddenly arrived at the garden!

Seeing this scene, the commentators were stunned.

"God Hao is too stable!"

"Based on Hao's state, there will be no problem in catching the White Tiger alone!"

"White Tiger simply can't compete with Hao Shen, who is now in full swing and in hot form, but Hao Shen still called Xiao Long, and Wu Shen became stable. That's really stable!"

"I think Bai Hu will cry. Originally, it was possible for him to defeat Hao Shen in a one-on-one duel with Hao Shen. After all, if his marksmanship is accurate enough, just a headshot will knock down the Shen Shen!"

"But, God Hao now calls Xiao Long to clean up the tiger together!"

"Haoshen also asked Xiaolong to go in front and play the first position, and Haoshen himself would be the second position to make up for the shot!"

"White Tiger is also very smart and doesn't reveal any of his steps. He takes a spray gun and hides in a small room. It's over. I feel that Haoshen and Xiaolong are going to be hit!"

"Next, it depends on Xiaolong and Wu Shen's shooting skills!"

At this time, all eyes are focused here.

When Xiaolong pushed the door open, White Tiger still didn't move.

At this moment, Li Hao said in a deep voice: "Just shoot in advance!"

In an instant, Li Hao and Xiaolong fired directly towards the small room.

At this time, Bai Hu, who was nervous and excited, thought that Xiaolong and Li Hao had discovered him. The moment he heard the gunfire, he involuntarily pressed the left button in his hand.


Just spray it.

However, he did not spray Xiaolong and Li Hao.

Instead, his position was completely locked by Xiaolong.

Only Li Hao has already locked his exact location through the skill [Panorama Map].

Li Hao called Xiaolong just to find a cover.

Rather than the stability that the audience guessed!

In an instant, Li Hao and Xiaolong opened fire!

At this time, Li Hao was the first to shoot the head!

Xiaolong also shot very well. In this case, if he hits the head of Bai Hu, then the head will immediately belong to Xiaolong!

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