Chicken Eating: Invincible Sniper God

Chapter 167, 4Am Team Won The Autumn Championship, This Year’S Triple Crown, And Four Consecutive Le

Xiaolong killed the white tiger and felt happy.

"Haotian, it turns out that I am so happy helping you refill your gun. One bullet can kill a person!" Xiaolong smiled broadly.

"Of course!" Li Hao didn't mind his head being robbed.

So, Li Hao continued to search the garden and returned to the dormitory building.

The Four Saints were once again made the laughing stock of the PCL division after being shown off by Li Hao with their IQ.

However, the Four Holy Warriors have been reduced to Li Hao's background too many times, and they don't care.

At this time, Wei Shen also smiled and said: "Haotian, you are really relieved. The intelligence of the Four Holy Warriors has been completely crushed by you and you have rubbed them crazily. Now they may all become the laughing stock!"

Li Hao laughed and said: "So what if they become the butt of jokes? They know that what they rely on for their meals is not the fans, but the rewards from their masters. What's more, if they fight like this, they can get some anti-fans from our 4am team to become their biggest fans." . In short, this is how it is in this world. People who love you love you, but people who hate you will hate you forever!"

The 4am team gathered in the dormitory building and stopped leaving.

Because, in this seventh game, the map of Erangel Island suddenly had a central circle.

At present, the dormitory building is almost in the center of the circle, so the AM team will naturally not move.

At this time, Li Hao already knew that the final location of the plum blossom pile was on Bald Mountain.

But going to Bald Mountain is certainly not possible these days.

Because there will be countless teams to fight at that time.

Li Hao knows that the 4am team cannot be anxious at the moment.

One has to be patient.

If you can draw a target, draw a target.

At this moment, Li Hao doesn't think about the standings at all.

In this way, time passes silently and the circle is constantly refreshed.

At the end, the dormitory building was cleared, and the 4am410 team went up the mountain again.

Hiking up the mountain, abandoning the vehicle.

At this time, the fight in Bald Mountain was extremely fierce.

The 4am team cut off the edge and controlled it very tightly. It was absolutely impossible for any team to steal their side or back. In this way, the 4am team finally participated in the battle on Bald Mountain.

On Bald Mountain, the fighting was very brutal.

Many teams attacked Bald Mountain from all directions. At this time, the sound of gunfire was never heard, and it was also accompanied by the sound of various throwing objects.

In this way, the 4am team finally finished in third place.

There is no way, the 4am team is attracting too much hatred now.

When the 4am team reached the finals, the other teams would rather give up their hatred and make peace, killing the 4am team first.

In the small Bald Mountain, there was little room for strategic maneuvering, so the 4am team was eventually destroyed by a joint attack by several teams.

After being killed, Wei Shen was in a bad mood.

"I must report it, these teams are fighting!"

Wei Shen knew full well that the other teams did not engage in fighting and eventually joined forces to eliminate 4am. This was completely suspected of match-fixing.

"Forget it if you report it, they will definitely not admit it. Moreover, they will definitely be able to come up with a lot of excuses and reasons. Ah Wei, don't be angered. You can only blame us for not being as skilled as others and not being able to work as a team!" Li Hao's mood It's quite peaceful.

Because the 4am team is currently like this in the PCL division, and it is the enemy of everyone in the world.

Other teams don't want the 4am team to win the autumn championship again, so if there is a chance, they will definitely deal with the 4am team first.

This choice is also normal.

And if the 4(abbi)am team really reports it, it will create a huge stir.

And it's just one game. What's more, although the 4am team stopped at third place, it still had a lot of kills, more than twenty, plus a 5-point ranking point. In this seventh game, what did the 4am team do? The points accumulated are more than 30 points.

Therefore, if you report to the PCL tournament organizing committee under this situation, it will not be accepted at all. If it is spread, it will greatly damage the reputation of the 4am team.

Wei Shen was just furious and uttered angry words. When he calmed down a little, he said in a deep voice: "Haotian, let me continue to attack fiercely. Whenever there is an opportunity, try to collect as many points as possible. Even if it offends all the teams, we will not hesitate. Anyway, now we are all the best in the world. We are all enemies, and in the PCL division, everyone is shouting for a fight. In this case, if there is a game where we can score big points, we will never let it go!"

"That's for sure. As for the fierce attack, it depends on the situation and it must be divided into circles. Some circles are destined to be unable to be pushed. But some circles can be pushed." Li Quan said with a smile.

Although the 4am team scored more than 30 points, the point difference did not widen.

Because behind the 4am team, the nh team, the 17th team, and the pero team are also working hard to kill people.

At this time, the iFTY team and the OMG team naturally did not give up the championship.

The Six Emperors Team, continuing to dominate the top six in the standings, must continue to widen the gap with the seventh-place Tianba Team.

The game continues!

The Four Holy Warriors continue to come to the roll point.

But they were still shown off their IQ by Li Hao.

This time, they jumped to Longmen Inn.

Unexpectedly, Li Hao seemed to be able to guess their thoughts, and Li Hao also went to Longmen Inn.

As a result, after landing, he was penetrated by Li Hao and defeated the team by himself!

This time, Li Hao didn't even call for support.

Wei Shen, Xiaolong and 112 searched very hard, and even took a look at Longmen Inn, but there was nothing there.

One can imagine how much trust they have in Li Hao in their hearts.

The people of the Four Holy Warriors felt extremely aggrieved.

In two consecutive games, their thoughts were predicted in advance by Li Hao, which made them involuntarily feel fear towards Li Hao.

Li Hao seemed like a devil who could see clearly into their hearts.

Is there really any good outcome for fighting against such a person?

So far, they really look like they are giving points to the 4am team.

If they hadn't always been hostile to the 4am team, otherwise, people would really suspect that they were bribed by the 4am team!

In every game, the 4am team is given a guaranteed four points.

In this way, the 4am team plays one game after another, and each game has ranking points.

In other words, the 4am team has at least entered the finals in every game.

In this case, the 4am team's points have unknowingly widened the point difference.

And sometimes, if the 4am team takes advantage of the terrain, the other Six Emperors teams have no chance at all.

It was actually Li Hao's gun, because it was accurate.

Moreover, this is all without Li Hao getting the airdrop gun.

In the desert map, Li Hao got AWM and MK14 in two games respectively.

In these two games, the 4am team failed.

There is no way, if the God-killing Sniper AWM and the Supreme Company Sniper MK14 are in the hands of Li Hao, they are completely invincible!

Really invincible!

AWM gun shoots the head, who the hell can stop it!

Even if you have a level three head, it's useless.

Magnum bullets can destroy the third stage.

As for Li Hao holding the MK14, he is even more invincible.

Because the damage of the MK14 gun is extremely high.

In this case, after two days of competition, the 4am team has already widened the points gap with the other Six Emperors teams.

At this time, Team nh, Team 17, Team OMG, Team IFTY, and Team PeRo were all very desperate.

Because now it seems that the 4am team has won the autumn championship again.

Even though the playoffs have only been two days now.

Even if there are still three days of games in the playoffs.

But now Li Hao of the 4am team, the feeling of the gun is so hot, so hot that even this winter climate feels a little warm.

On the contrary, Wei Shen and Xiaolong's status continued to fluctuate.

But he couldn't stand Li Hao's state, and he was always at the peak of invincibility.

Always at the top, no one can surpass it.

Not to mention surpassing, even being on par with each other makes it difficult for the gods in the PCL division.

However, the strong desire for the championship in their hearts still makes them not want to give up.

Moreover, Li Hao is the only one in the 4am team who is in hot form now, so they still have a chance.

After all, there are still three days of competition.

In the next three days, the Six Emperors team frantically chased points.

However, the more we chase points, the more desperate we become.

The tactics of the 4am team are ever-changing, and when they should be prudent, they are very prudent.

And every time the 4am team attacked fiercely and charged and killed fiercely, the number of kills increased again and again.

In this case, the score difference will become wider and wider.

Although the status of Wei Shen, Xiaolong and 112 has had ups and downs, the 4am team has been able to score steadily in every game.

And a super explosive game is a high-kill chicken game. Who the hell can withstand this?

On the last day, the Six Emperors team could not avoid collapse.

If they fall into boxes one after another, they will completely lose the possibility of competing for the championship with the 4am team.

The five-day playoffs were finally completed, and the 4am team once again won the autumn championship.

Completed three league trebles this year.

The 4am team once again suffered from the golden rain.

The 4am team won the autumn championship. Just like the summer competition, this topic instantly topped the hot search list.

Suddenly, the 4am team was in the spotlight in the PCL division.

At this time, the combined popularity of the other five teams in the Six Emperors team was not as high as that of the 4am team.

The 4am team is now completely out of the circle, not just in the PUBG circle, but also popular in various industries.

So, all the members of the 4am team have become famous.

Of course, Li Hao has benefited the most from this.

All of a sudden, all kinds of endorsements were flying in the sky like snowflakes. .

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