Chicken Eating: Invincible Sniper God

Chapter 172 The 4Am Team Secretly Trains. The Three Of Them Reach The Threshold Of God Level And Go

After all, the environment of the 4am team’s training base is not bad either.

Li Hao only thought that Wei Shen's whim would pass soon.

But Li Hao never expected that an hour later, Wei Shen would call and tell Li Hao the location and ask Li Hao to go to the e-sports hotel.

And Li Hao suddenly discovered that the location of this e-sports hotel is just outside the community where he is currently located, very close.

When Li Hao answered the phone, he didn't hide anything from his wife.

Fang Ziling also heard it.

"Husband, do you really want to go to the e-sports hotel outside this community?" Fang Ziling asked with a smile.

"Let me go and take a look!" Li Hao said with a smile.

"It's so close, you can go home every day!" Fang Zijiang said with a happy smile.

"I think so too!"

Then, Li Hao left home and walked outside the community.

At this time, Wei Shen had already brought coaches Xiaoyao, Xiaolong, 112 and other people to the e-sports hotel.

This is a very luxurious e-sports hotel in Shanghai. The computer configuration of the e-sports hotel is no less than that of first-tier clubs and teams in the PCL division.

It may also be second only to top teams such as 4am team and nh team.

Of course, their computer configuration cannot be compared with the Fang family's e-sports room.

However, it is enough for playing this game.

The e-sports hotel staff naturally knew the 4am team. When Li Hao arrived, the ladies among the e-sports hotel staff were already screaming like crazy.

As a result, the 4am team received a warm reception.

Was taken directly to the most luxurious room.

After looking around, Wei Shen was very satisfied and made a decision on the spot.

So, the 4am team invested money and started secret training directly in this e-sports wine shop.

During the secret training, no one is allowed to broadcast.

Of course, this is also the result of Wei Shen communicating with Huya in advance.

After all, if the broadcast is not going to start for a long time, it will be impossible without telling Huya in advance.

Huya also understands the determination of the 4am team to defend the world championship in the global finals.

Therefore, Touya naturally agreed happily.

After all, if the 4am team can successfully defend the world championship, it will be great news for Huya.

At this time, Li Hao realized Wei Shen's deep meaning.

Wei Shen suggested that Li Hao give all-round guidance on the strength of the three of them.

After hearing this, Li Hao was a little embarrassed.

"Awei, then why do you have to go to such trouble? Just say it directly, "Can't I just go to the training base? I have to spend money to come to this e-sports hotel." Li Quan said with a smile.

Wei Shen shook his head and said with a smile: "Haotian, that's different. Staying in the training base for a long time makes me a little tired. And before the global finals, changing the environment to prepare for the game will have an impact on our mood. Moreover, this There is a feeling of working hard behind closed doors and training hard. If you are in the training base, you will never find this feeling. Now we want to go further on the super giant road and get infinitely close to the god level. In this case, In the global finals, it will make our 4am team stronger. Only then will we truly be able to compete with other god-level teams."

"Actually, we all know very well now that we alone cannot compete with those monster god-level professional players. But with you, our 4am team can stand at the top of the world. So now we want to go Only in this way can we defend the world championship in the global finals!"

"Furthermore, in this global finals, I believe you also know that our 4am team is a thorn in the side and flesh of other teams. It is in the limelight and its edge is exposed. As the saying goes, anything good in the forest will be destroyed by the wind. Other teams will definitely do whatever it takes. To target our 4am team and not let us win and defend the title.

"Then in this case, we can only rely on our strength. In this case, it will make it easier for you.

Wei Shen is very sincere and his words come from the bottom of his heart.

Li Hao nodded, expressing his approval of Wei Shen's words.

Next, Li Hao conducted 112 special training on Wei Shen and Xiaolong in all aspects.

Start by debugging their DPI and sensitivity.

Then there are the melee steel guns, the time and parabola of near-point throws, and then there are various tips for sniping at far points.

Under Li Hao's special training, Wei Shen, Xiaolong and 112 made rapid progress.

Of course, all of this is because Li Hao used the skills of the sniper system.

If one day, Xiaolong and 112 are no longer in the 4am team, then all of this will be taken back by Li Hao.

This is just like the previous twin stars of the 4am team, Epiphyllum Brother and Ludingji. Their data in the 4am team was very explosive and their performance was very impressive.

But after joining the pero team, they are no different from other professional players, just because their personal data and performance on the field are often led by Li Hao.

And when they leave the 4am team and are no longer led by Li Hao, they will be brought back to their original form.

It's not as heroic as in the 4am team.

At this time, the entire network noticed that the 4am team had not started broadcasting.

Even other teams living near Team 4am did not see any members of Team 4am in the training base of Team 4am.

In short, the 4am team is secretly training hard in this e-sports hotel to improve its strength and prepare for the global finals.

It wasn't until after many days of training that Tengxun asked the six PCL teams to compete in the global finals, that is, when the Six Emperors team was filming a promotional video, that the 4am team showed up.

At this time, the Six Kings of the PCL division gathered together.

At this moment, when I see Li Hao coming, no matter how much I hate Li Hao in my heart, I still have to work hard on the surface.

After all, we can't let Li Hao hold a grudge.

Otherwise, if the 4am team fails in the global finals and fails to win the championship, they may be targeted crazily.

You know, there is precedent for this.

And if the 4am team wants to deliberately target a team, the team that is targeted by the 4am team will end up being miserable.

The Four Holy Warriors are an obvious example.

The members of the Four Holy Warriors have changed several times, and one of them is related to the 4am team's big pursuit on the playing field.

Moreover, if the 4am team wants to target a certain team, it will be easy to find the right one.

Therefore, at this moment, words of concentration and concentration were heard on the scene.

Today, no professional player dares to call Li Hao by his real name.

The worst is Haotian.

Of course, the most powerful one is Hao Shen.

There are also some second-level professional players who are called Emperor Haotian.

And Li Hao responded to everyone with a smile on his face. He didn't have any arrogance or arrogance at all. He was just like a low-key and shy ordinary e-sports teenager.

However, Li Hao's performance in real society is completely different from that in competitions and games.

Li Hao in real society is handsome and sincere, always smiling.

In the game, Li Hao killed decisively.

He often led the 4am team to attack fiercely, charging and killing fiercely.

When filming the promotional video, there was no doubt that Li Li deserved the C position.

Even among the gods in the PCL division, Li Hao is at the core.

This is Li Hao's status today.

The number one player in the PCL division has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

It is not only recognized by the audience and players, but also by many professional players.

There is no way, in terms of results and data, they are not Li Hao's opponents at all.

He is not even qualified to compete with Li Hao.

So in this case, Li Hao is the well-deserved center.

After filming the promotional video, the Six Emperors team went back separately.

The 4am team continues to return to the e-sports hotel.

Li Hao continued to give instructions.

At 10 o'clock in the evening, after a day of special training, Li Hao went home.

Because it was so close to home, Li Hao did not sleep in the e-sports hotel, but went back to Fang's villa.

Recently, I have been staying at the Fang family villa.

Because Fang Ziling has finished her confinement, Li Hao's parents have returned to their hometown to take care of Li Hao's grandparents.

Therefore, Li Hao and Fang Ziling took their twin sons back to their grandparents' house. In this way, with the help of the Fang family, Li Hao could spare time to give guidance to Wei Shen and the others every day.

At this time, Wei Shen, Xiaolong and 112 have made great progress.

Run wildly on the super giant road.

Their goal is to reach the threshold of god level.

Then, I naturally look forward to being able to achieve enlightenment and become a god in this global finals.

It only takes one game to become a god to achieve the feat of becoming a god.

In this way, after silently preparing for a period of time, the 4am team set off and flew directly from Shanghai to London in the PEL division.

Li Hao also said goodbye to his family and embarked on his journey.

The PCL Division Six Kings team is on the same flight, so it is very lively.

But at this time, Li Hao did not participate in communication.

Li Hao sat on his seat and directly activated the skill [Deep Sleep]. In an instant, Li Hao fell into a deep sleep.

It wasn't until the plane landed at the London airport that Li Hao suddenly opened his eyes.

After sleeping for one or twenty hours, Li Hao was full of energy and energy.

But at this time, other professional players don't have Li Hao's ability, and they all look lethargic now.

Arrive in London and settle into the E-Sports Hotel.

The first thing is to adjust the time difference.

But Li Hao doesn't need to adjust, because for him, he doesn't need to deliberately adjust to the jet lag, and he can fall asleep immediately when it's time to sleep.

I have never experienced insomnia or anxiety. .

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